Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Nothings

 Even though Tommy said he could see no signs of a burn, I can feel the effects of the hot, black seat. There is a tingle where it was burning on Saturday. He often cannot see evident things. 

Sunday, we went no further than to slightly open the storm door to sniff the air. Today, I piddled. Tommy got his lunch and dinner. Lunch was something in a wrap. I do know he put salad greens in the wrap. Dinner--Italian Sausage and a salad, including grape tomatoes. I keep saying I will have spaghetti since I have half a jar of spaghetti sauce and cooked ground beef, so that and a salad will be my dinner. 

Sunday, I have piddled about the house, always with an eye out for the Miracle Whip. The only way I will ever find it is to go buy another jar. You know how it goes. 

Monday will be a hard day, so I don't intend to get tired today since it will spill over to Monday. After the cleaner was here two weeks ago, it took me four or five days to recover. I did nothing except watch her. 

My friend used the basil in some sort of tea with honey. She slept better and said she has less congestion. She said she is not sure what helped, but was glad she was less congested and coughed less. 

When I closed Beowulf and decided to go to bed, I was tired. When I opened the book last night and started reading, I was shocked when the book only had 3 1/2 pages left, so it was a short read last night. The remaining notes were so interesting that I read for another half hour. 

The day was overcast and it rained a bit. So, Tommy is happy once again he does not have to water flowers. This week, the highs will be around 90F, so a bit more moderate. I suppose people in the World Games will be a bit more comfortable. 

It appears both my pots of Wave Petunias are done. I think the heat got them. Maybe they needed more water. I always watered my WP twice a day at my house and never lost any. I wonder what else will succumb to the heat. I thought pansies were cool weather plants, but mine is hanging on even in this torrid environment. And, it is planted in a concrete bunny planter. 

Okay, at 9 pm, I will do a better search for the Miracle Whip. I cannot stand it any longer. 


  1. I hope you find the Miracle Whip!

  2. I stayed in Sunday, but my husband went out and weed whacked for a while, and watered the flowers. Many of the zinnia seeds planted did not even come up this year, so I would like to get a pot or two of blackeyed Susans to put in the bare places in the zinnia patch, but I don't know if it will ever be cool enough to go to the plant place to get some. Tomorrow it is supposed to be 96 degrees (regular not heat index), so I am in all day tomorrow. This has really been a hot summer so far this year here in the St. Louis area.. Last week we had a few days that didn't get into the 90's because of cloud cover, and that was a really nice break from the heat.
    We just had Boston Market beef, noodles, and gravy frozen dinners for supper. It makes a great beef stroganoff when I add a couple of spoonfulls of sour cream into it. I highly recommend that frozen dinner. It tastes homemade to me. I had the best honeydew melon over the weekend. After my husband cut the thing open for me (it was really hard skinned and I couldn't get the knife to do anything but get stuck). It was easy for him, he doesn't have any arthritis in his hands or wrists yet. After he opened it up, I was able to scoop pieces from the soft inside with the ice cream scooper. I ended up snacking almost half of it down while I was scooping it out, I put the rest in the fridge and couldn't stop once I started eating it for dessert the next day. It was so sweet. It tasted llike it must have just been harvested. It reminded me of how sweet watermelon used to taste when I was a kid and we would take one out on the river to eat for snacks. One time in early summer we ate watermelon while we were on the sandar and we spat our seeds away from the deep sand and more up towards where the willows grew. Then for quite a while we were going to a different sandbar, but toward the end of summer we went back to the sandbar where we had eaten the watermelon, and there were all kinds of watermelon vines that had come up but hadn't had time to grow any melons on them. I guess they liked that sandy/muddy willow dirt area to grow.
    Here at our house I am often temporarily losing stuff, and when I buy a replacement, the lost item shows up. It is weird. I lost a lighted purse size compact type mirror. It was so handy because it had a lights and a regular mirror and a 10X magnifying one. When it went missing I searched everywhere for it. I searched in the cushions of my recliner and cleaned everything out from under the chair (which was mostly kleenexes, I don't know how they get under there.) I searched all over for it. Finally, I decided that it must have gotten into the trash somehow. It had been 3 or more months and I desperately needed that lighted magnifying mirror to see what bizarre new eyebrows are
    needing to be plucked. They grow all under what used to be my original eyebrow area, and are black, blondish brown, and bright white. They look like tiny calico cats if I let them go. Finally I ordered another mirror from amazon and I'll be darned if a couple of weeks later, I looked down at the floor and there was my original mirror laying under the edge of the recliner, where I had definitely checked many times before. One of the mirrors was shattered inside, but the plastic case didn't have a mark on it. Either leprechauns had it and brought it back, or the recliner some how digested it in it's mechanisms, and spat it back out. It was weird.

    Have an enjoyable day.

  3. Have you looked in the back of the fridge for the Miracle Whip?

    1. Bobbie,
      It had never been opened and I had another yet to finish.

  4. Lost Miracle Whip sounds ominous that once found I would not trust it.

  5. Wave petunias, need a lot of water and heat and they outgrow their root room quickly. If the roots get jammed they die!

    1. Kim,
      Why didn't you tell me that earlier? Maybe I can hurry and revive them.


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