Friday, September 16, 2022

New Song Instead of "Same Song, Second Verse"

You all must think my sleep story is "same song, second verse" every day. But, I actually managed to get 7.5+ hours sleep last night. I did get up every two hours to go to the bathroom but fell asleep immediately every time I got back into bed. I am not sure if it was because I was ill or not. 

This morning, I fully expected the critter would have dragged the fire ant poison on the porch from the bag again. When I woke the last time to go to the bathroom, I thought I heard something metal scraping on the porch. Since Tommy put the poison in a metal pot, I rushed to the front door, yanked it open, and opened the storm door to look at the pot. I thought that I had caught the critter in action. No. Surprisingly, I did not wake Tommy who is right near the front door. Equally surprising, I fell back asleep right away. 

(Okay, he did not put it in a metal pot. He put in a huge pot and covered the bag with another pot. I misunderstood because he said he put it in a metal pot. It is not.)

I finished all 950 pages of The Kennedys and the Fitzgeralds last night. I highly recommend it. The last 200 or so pages is reference material and an index. While reading never puts me to sleep or makes me the least bit sleepy, it does leave me with a feeling of well-being. So, maybe finishing the book helped me sleep. It could be because I am still ill. 

Maybe I did the wrong thing. I found dog toys on sale and bought two for Lynda's dog since her dog gave me flowers for my birthday. Then, Tommy told me the toys were for puppies. It says so right on the tag. Now, I don't know if it would be bad to give these to a dog that is larger than a puppy. These were going to be Christmas presents. 

When I woke up, Tommy had put the kitchen things in the washer and before noon he got it into the dryer. He usually does not get the laundry done so early. With winter coming on, we have to reset our habits. Soon, we will not be going to the grocery store later than 5:30, maybe 4:30 if it is dreary out and darker.  

Janet, I need your telephone number again because I lost it even though I thought it was in my phone. I thought I had the right email but got no response. So, hope you are okay.

Cindy in the South, finding help from my abused friend was a nightmare. I will post that within this next week. I have questions I don't want to post on here because I will call, alphabet agency names. Can you email me?

Kris, call or email and let me know how you are. Please.

Rachel, I will send you what I was going to send you when I asked for your address. 

Tonight, I realized I could use the Knorr Sides Spanish Rice mix with the last of the two pounds of ground beef Tommy browned. I did that and cooked it on the stovetop. It was delicious, but too much hot spice means it is for him only. I was so shocked because there was supposed to be pasta and there was no pasta. Finally, I figured out the spaghetti pasta was only one-half inch or less instead of rice. There is also rice. So, it was a free meal. I offered cheese on top and some black beans and chopped lettuce, but he was having none of that. Oh well. I will get this again if it is free, but probably would not buy it, only because of the spices being too overpowering for me. If he wants it again, I will get it. 

There are still thighs to cook and the bscb/soup/rice broccoli casserole to make. I must do that on Saturday. Maybe I will put sage on the thighs.

My allergy doctor called me for a tele-visit. He said it was the last my insurance would pay. He wants blood. Everyone wants my blood! So, this is the third doctor needing my blood. One time, I had 13 vials drawn because I had orders from 3 doctors. Once someone gets a needle in the vein, I want plenty drawn to give people what they need! 😙Ha, I just noticed the emojis! Ooops! Is that a kissy face? I did not mean that. 

I have done well without a nap today, but even at 8 pm, I am exhausted. I have to choose another book to read in bed tonight. 

Football season is upon us because I have to plan around Auburn games. Well, he wants to watch some others, too.

Tommy reads to go to sleep. I don't understand. Do you read to help you get sleepy? Or, does it make you sleepy?


  1. Linda, you mention me to call or email you. I do not have your email address. I have one but it does not seem to work.

    1. Texas,
      I found the email you sent. Do you live in CA or are you another Kris?

  2. I usually watch an old rerun of the Western, Cheyenne and usually fall asleep before the end, I also sometimes watch an episode of High Chaparral and either fall asleep before it ends or immediately after.

    I am old enough to remember watching High Chapparral with my Mom and Dad when I was a young teenager. My Mom not so secretly had a crush on Manolito and I had a crush on Blue and Manolito also. My Dad just liked Westerns. I still have a crush on Manolito when he was on that show. One day I will look up how old he is now and if he is even alive.I guess I have outgrown Blue.

    I don't read books before bed because I have this thing where once I start a book, I feel the need to read it from cover to cover as soon as possible.`

    Have a nice day.

    1. susie,
      I don't remember ever having watched High Chaparral. Tommy knows about it, the whole story. If I ever watch something I want to see, I am prone to go to sleep. Well, not anymore.

      Now, I will have to look these up, too.

      Oh, once I start, I don't want to quit reading. I have read all night and finished a not-so-short book in one sitting.

  3. No I don't read to make me sleepy...but sometimes I do fall asleep. That makes me so mad! I'm jealous of your 7.5 hours of sleep!

    1. Vickie,
      Maybe you will catch the sleep bug, too. I would get mad if I fell asleep reading.

  4. Glad you got a good nights sleep. If I read in bed, it is a sure way to go to sleep. It always makes me sleepy.

    1. Cheryl,
      I am glad, too. I just don't understand reading making anyone sleepy. Not me.

  5. Reading during the day doesn't make me sleepy. But reading at night in bed puts me to sleep in a snap!

    Spanish rice mix with beef, lettuce, black beans and cheese sounds absolutely delish! Add some chopped fresh tomato and black olives and I will be first in line with a paper plate and plastic fork! ;^)

    1. Sue, If reading in bed put me to sleep, I would have been in trouble when I was a Of course, Mama wanted me to sleep.
      He was having none of that and just ate the Spanish rice. But, he did use a real plate and fork.

  6. I nearly always read before I fall asleep. I often have to reread what I read last night to remember what happened.

    1. Urspo,
      I try to stop at the end of a paragraph and only need to reread the last paragraph I read to catch up myself.

    2. I try to always stop at the end of a chapter and then only read the last paragraph I read to catch up on what was happening.

  7. Hi Linda, I was a full month behind in reading your blog. By the end of the afternoon I should be up to date. After John died I got rid of the house phone and more than half of the TV channels we had. I am trying to save money everywhere I can.

    My cell phone is 619-201-6969

    1. Janet,
      Good for you in getting rid of expenses before they become a burden. I have tried to call and will try again.

  8. Reading before bed keeps my brain active. I prefer to watch a little mindless TV (shows we've seen dozens of time so I'm not paying too much attention) or listen to soothing sleep sounds to nod off to. I still have lots of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.



Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...