Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Till Birnam Wood come to Dunsinane

 When Tommy and I were driving along, we both saw a tree moving along and commented almost at the same time. As it turned out, a man was cutting some limbs and carrying them in a manner where he was obscured. The limbs must have been from a dogwood tree as they looked like they grew and spread in a flat manner instead of being from a tree where the limbs had limbs in a different configuration. I immediately thought of Macbeth and the prophecy. I have to admit this moving tree unnerved me for half a second. Same with Tommy. 

Tommy said to tell you he was reminded of a WWII movie with Robert Taylor where Japanese cut limbs to obscure their advance. 

Okay, enough of Shakespeare and our fright. I was seriously doubting my sanity! Three seconds later, I understood.

Tommy has started to tell me what he says, so I do.

"We don't care if our children die in a ditch as long as they don't die in the road and make it bumpy." I watched Resident Alien and it was hilarious. I heard lots of new terms--elimination portal where aliens probed. Sooo funny! 

Today, I had a visit to a new doctor only about 5 minutes away who is from a hospital downtown. I had to see the nurse practitioner which was fine with me. AND, they could not get blood. So, what is new with my veins? I am well-bruised. I cannot handle the pain from the back of my arm or back of my hand without lidocaine and they have none. So, I am going back another day. 

Today, the visit was about 3 hours, counting seeing the np, traversing long halls, and the several attempts at a blood draw! So, I am drained. I can talk about that later or maybe not.

So, we saw walking trees. What have you seen or thought you saw, in nature or not, that was not what it seemed? Do prefer nurse practitioners? Do you watch Resident Alien?


  1. i saw something I have never been able to figure out for sure what it was several years ago. I was sitting quietly on the front porch one pretty summer day and as I looked to the sky I saw something that looked like a hummingbird at first glance, but a bit bigger , and was pretty high in the sky, so I could not see details of it very well.
    It moved similarly to the way a hummingbird does, and had the same way of being vertical as it hovered, instead of flying like a bird or even a hummingbird when it is in a hurry. It hovered silently over our block for several minutes in that vertical hovering position, it never dropped down to eat like hummingbirds do every couple of minutes, after a few minutes it kept that same vertical position and moved further away, across the busy road near our subdivision and out of sight. It wasn't in hummingbird flying position, but remained in that vertical position. It didn't move as quickly as a hummingbird either I don't think it was anything from nature, I think it may have been some sort of robotic creation. Maybe a surveillance camera of some kind. It was headed in the direction of an industrial area that has a lot of unmarked buildings. Maybe it was some type of bird, but it sure did not move or act like one if you watched it for any length of time. I have never seen it again.
    I have had good results the times I had office visits with Nurse Practitioners.
    Resident Alien would be a movie my husband would like, from the description you wrote.
    Have a happy day and take care.

    1. susie.
      So, a UFO, simply an unidentified flying object, plain and simple. I do wonder what it was. Maybe a drone shaped like a bird, a bit of whimsy? That is interesting. Thanks for that.
      Wednesday night, 9 pm CDT. It will seem weird if he does not know what happened before, but it still will have great moments for a person new to it.
      Thanks. It seems you are feeling better. How is your leg?

  2. Earlier this summer on a camp trip up in the beautiful High Uintah mountains, I was standing outside our tent with my granddaughter when we noticed a pine tree a little bit away from our campsite suddenly bend in half and start shaking violently. Instantly I thought it was a bear climbing up it, so I yelled "BEAR!" & was about to jump in our truck to safety when I finally noticed our friend's head pop up through the branches just as he yelled "TIMBER!" apparently having just cut the tree down for firewood (more than half of it was diseased & dead) I was quite relieved that it wasn't a bear after all! And of course I'll never live that one down, we still !!giggle about our "bear" sighting that trip!!

    I am actually in the process of transferring my care to a Nurse Practitioner, as my doctor (who was new to e, my old doc left the practice for another position at a hospital) had the absolute worst bedside manner I've ever encountered, he was so rude & cold & actually refused to treat me for one ailment! Instead he passed me off to this new NP & I'm glad he did because she was so kind, helpful and caring that I instantly requested to be transferred to her instead. I think NPs can often be a better provider because they aren't under as much pressure as the doctors and also they have to confer with another doctor on many things so there's actually more attention by more providers put towards your care. Good luck!

    1. Bri,
      Well, it would be better to be wrong and cautious. I can imagine how you felt when you thought it was a bear and when you found out it wasn't. That is funny.

      I really like this woman. She listened and seemed truly interested. My other doctor that I left would come in with not even a pen and have to scratch notes on a folded sheet of paper. Then, whatever he heard or said was not recorded and he did not even remember our conversation.

      One doctor told me he did not operate on people who could not walk. So, I just never went back. It turned out I had cancer and he was so cold and callous, like I could walk if he rejected me and forced me to crawl to him. He recorded my age as 89 instead of 69 and said it was Obama's fault he made the mistake.
      The np took a long time to listen and record.

  3. So Birnam Wood came to Dunsinane, eh? ;^) ;^) ;^)

    Yes, I've seen many a strange thing along the road that turned out to be nothing. The most intrigueing was balls of light that danced along the phone wires as I drove by. I was convinced I was seeing ball lightning. Turns out it was just the headlights of my car tracking along some unusually low-hanging wires. DUH!!!!! :^)

    I have enjoyed the good care of many nurse practitioners. I feel they can be more practical and ready to think "out of the box" than regular MDs, sometimes. Although I have had excellent care from both NPs and MDs. I think much rests on the medical personnel's people skills.

    1. Sue,
      Thankfully, we were dissuaded of our initial
      I have never even heard of that happening. Tommy said he had. I have never seen ball lightning, but my mother did when she was a child. Interesting. Now, I won't be shocked if I ever see it.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...