Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Yesterday vs Today and One Hilarious Comment

 Tuesday was one of my most miserable days in a long time. I was not ill at all. Well, I did have a bit of congestion that was the least part of my problem. 

My problem was I was failing naptime. Plain and Simple. I was begging for sleep. 

We went somewhere we planned and that was cancelled. Okay, love that I got up too early for disappointment. But, we were both rather philosophical about the problem. But, I would get a nap, so I was happy. Only, I did not go to sleep. That was a bummer. 

Then, I got up just miserable all over, forced myself to eat lunch. I decided not to go with Tommy to the doctor and go somewhere else or nap. He said to miss the other thing. So, I did. When we got to the doctor's office, he wanted me to go in. No, sitting in the car and listening to bird songs on tape was good. He does not want me to go into the exam room, so I did not disappoint him on that. And, he was not ill, so no need to be supportive by being with him. 

I kept trying to take a nap once back home. I carried a list and realized we did nothing on the list. Finally, I told him to eat burger, sweet potato, and salad. He did. 

Sleeping in my chair was not working nor in my bed. My chest was pounding and I could barely navigate around the house.

Hilarious thing. Before I went to bed for the before cooking dinner nap that did not happen, I asked Tommy to peel potatoes for the oven and chicken. When I did not get up to cook, I told him to put them on the counter and cover with water. He must have missed all the instructions, because he asked me if covering the potatoes with a paper plate would work. ??? I had to laugh.

Finally, at midnight or just beyond, I went to bed and read about five pages. I slept until 9 am this morning. I feel very good! today!


  1. Well at least he didn't cover them with a blanket - you have to give him some credit!

    1. Treaders,
      True. I am still laughing about this, to myself, of course.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Lana,
      Go away. I thought you did not like my stand on something and said you were not coming back. Keep your promise.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Boy, I am glad you got some good rest and feel better! Not being able to sleep when you desperately need to is pretty scary.

    I am doing a whole bunch of "adulting" today. I ordered air filters for our furnace (forced hot air) and water filters for our on-furnace humidifying system. I also made an appt to have our AC and furnace checked. Plus lots of other piddly, annoying stuff that yours truly, Slobby the House Elf, gets to track and take care of.

    Somebody--throw me a sock, please! LOL ;^)

    1. Sue,
      There are those things we must do. I never think of you as Slobby the House Elf! There are days when we do that kind of stuff, too. Yet, looking around, it seems we have not accomplished anything at all.

  4. I don't understand why commenter Lana thinks you do not move. It seems to me that you and Tommy are always out and about. And what sum total of garbage she says you are dumping into your body? I am sure you eat many more vegetables that a lot of people do. Does she know you that well to know exactly what you eat or don't eat? She must know that there are other physical problems like thyroid issues that affect the health, and all kinds of other issues, not necessarily caused by the lymphatic system. Of course there are many issues caused by the lymphatic system, but if she is not your personal doctor, she doesn't know your physical issues and should not
    come down on you so hard, in my opinion.
    I have noticed that when I get overly tired from doing too much, or worrying about something, I have a hard time falling asleep, too. One of my friends would love to sleep from when she goes to bed until it is time to wake up, but she often ends up waking up super early and having breakfast, and trying to get a nap in later in the day. She stays busier than anyone I know, much of her effort and time spent helping relatives with severe health problems. Many people have idiosyncracies with their health, and it is just the way it is for them. It is no reason for someone to be mean to them.
    I have never let potatoes soak in water before cooking them, and neither did my mom. I have only just in the past few years heard about doing that from fellow bloggers. So before hearing about it from bloggers, I might have covered them with a paper plate, like Tommy did, unless someone told me it was water I was covering them with.
    I hope you get a good restful sleep this evening and feel great when you wake up tomorrow.

    1. susie,
      Thanks. I, too, was puzzled at her extensive medical expertise and familiarity with my body. I have to limit fiber, but I do better than most without issues.
      Sleep has always been an issue with me. Working too hard for me or missing sleep makes it hard for me to get to sleep.
      I put the potatoes in water so they won't turn brown. Otherwise, I see no benefit. I did tell him to cover with water which he says he did not Then came the questions, "will a paper plate do?" I am still chuckling.
      I did get a short nap and hope I sleep well, too. Thanks. Did you see that I asked you to email me at ?

    2. No, I didn''t see that you had asked me to email you at, but I can do that. It will be much later today as I am winding down for sleeping now. All I have to do is put the pup in her cage to sleep and wash my face, brush my teeth, and put myself to bed in the recliner and I am out until Fritzi wakes me up in the early afternoon.

      You have a good day.

  5. Y'all must have forgotten--Lana knows best and feels she should be the judge of how everyone how manages their bodies.

    PS My momma taught me to hold peeled potatoes in water so they didn't brown before you got a chance to use them. I was forever peeling potatoes for her after school so they were at the ready when she started cooking supper.

    I am now officially the fastest potato and carrot peeler east of the Mississippi because of my early training. Thanks, Mom! LOL!!

    1. Sue,
      Well, I did not forget.

      Putting potatoes not being used immediately was how I was taught. Covering with a paper plate would not make my mother happy, nor yours.

      It took Tommy and hour and a half to peel two pounds of carrots for me. I have no idea what he was doing even though I was sitting in the same room. But, I never noticed or complained. He still does not get the job done and swears he peels the whole carrot. He just peels the potatoes and I finish cleaning them up--getting eyes and dark spots about to turn rotten. He can see none of this, so I quit arguing and just do it myself when he is through.

      He uses carrot peeler on potatoes because his mother would not let him use a knife! Save me from all this falderal. But, he does do what I ask him to do and more.

      Thanks to my mother, too.

  6. Well this is a first! I am on Tommy's side! I, too, peel potatoes with a POTATO peeler! I don't whittle off nearly as much "good part" with the peeler as I do with a knife. And bonus: use the tip of the peeler to dig out the eyes and dark spots! Not folderol--it's just good technique.
    Signed, The Potato & Carrot Peeling Queen of New England.

    1. Sue,
      These potatoes don't seem to have much "good parts." He absolutely cannot use the tip to get out eyes. He just pokes around and I have to finish the job. I agree that it is a good technique, but not when most of the eye has just been picked at.

  7. PS: When I was in college I visited a boyfriend's family home. I was helping in the kitchen, cutting veggies for salad, and his mom was aghast at how I worked my knife. I hold what I'm cutting in my left hand and cut/slice with my right.

    She kept saying, "You're going to cut yourself! My knives are very sharp!" I told her, "I've been handling knives since I was 5 and haven't severed a finger yet." Privately, I was thinking, "I don't see your 3 lazy, spoiled daughters offering to help in this kitchen. So BACK OFF!!"
    Yeah, the boyfriend and I broke up. Don't want nobody whose Momma is a control freak...

    1. I have been handling knives almost that long. And, I hold the knife in my right hand, hold what I am cutting in my left, AND pull the knife toward me, sometimes letting sharp knives touch my thumb on my right hand. Tommy is aghast when I suggest that. Yes, some things are placed on a cutting board, sometimes. Now that arthritis is taking hold of my hands, it makes my hand hurt later.

      I know you were being polite to the mother, but it would have been telling to ask one of the daughters to show you how it was done. The mother did not raise daughters to be helpful, so I suppose she had a second chance with you.

    2. I hold/use my paring knives exactly as you do--using my right hand thumb pad as the knife stop! LOL--sounds downright dangerous when you put it that way, but I've done alright all these years. I do use a cutting board for chopping, but peeling/paring is a different matter...

    3. Sue,
      Exactly! Last night, I used a knife to cut an apple and used the knife to put the apple in my mouth. Yes, I suppose that is uncivilized.


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