Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Change of Plans, Yukon Gold

 Today's well-laid plans were thwarted, sort of. We had planned to go to Cullman for a few things. But, about 11 am, Tommy was looking at his day planner and commented that I had a doctor's appointment at 2 pm. Sooo, I got ready to go to the doctor.

This was a doctor who expected to see me in 2020. Now, he got to see me. I had to have a blood draw and have found my new phlebotomist. One stab and she got a vein. It hurt like fire for a moment, but nothing intolerable. 

By 3:30, we were on our way home and the traffic was very heavy. It was good to be home in one piece. Neither of us wanted to stop for bathroom or food or another chore. It was a 50-mile round trip! Too far for a doctor visit. Okay, I am getting old...lol. 

We did nothing at all today other than Tommy drove me. This was a specialist I had seen before the pandemic. Like He said when I explained I was avoiding people and hospital procedures when the pandemic started, "It looks like covid is here to stay." So, we got on with the visit. I have only met him once and like him then. I think he grew a beard and mustache because I did not recognize him at all. 

We talked things over and he made plans, but that all came to a halt. He told me he would not put me to sleep until I had the stent problem taken solved. That is what I was trying to tell him. So, some things are on hold with a few tests for the next few weeks. 

He gave me samples in order for me to see if they work for me. I thought it was a prescription med, but it is otc. They gave me three boxes. I thought there were a lot of pills. Each box had a white bottle with child-proof cap and FOUR tablets. It seems to me this is an excessive amount of packaging. Remember when samples were in a little foil pouch of even a bubble pack on cardboard? 

Dinner tonight: leftover baked chicken, leftover baked carrots, green bean casserole. He is so good about eating everything that I try sometimes to make something new and tasty, green bean casserole won tonight. The half cup of leftover casserole is here for him tomorrow night. 

Every time I have made green bean casserole, I have used cut green beans. Tommy opened two cans of French-Style. I was miffed but did not say so. Actually, the French-style are better in the casserole. 

What kind of green beans do you use in the casserole? Do you prefer one over the other?

The other day, I put about five pounds of chicken breast in the refrigerator to thaw. So, I will bake those tomorrow. 

We have not had potatoes for almost two weeks, I think. I cannot find Yukon Gold potatoes? Do they still exist? I always had them at a Christmas meal in Birmingham and sometimes bought them. But, now they seem absent from the shelves. 


  1. My goodness that is far to go for a doctor. I would never manage to be on time. I always have a hard time getting to appointments now days..I seem to underestimate the time it takes to get into the car with the limbo tricks I have to do to get my swollen leg into the car.
    I had the full wrap on one leg put on at the lymphedema therapist's office today. The Physical Therapist was so sweet and came down to the car to show my husband the best way to get my wrapped leg into the car. It was difficult because the leg doesn't bend and in the passenger seat it is the one that must go in first. I had to put the seat laid all of the way back and scoot in as far as possible and then she showed my husband how to lift my leg into the car. When I can bend my knee I can manage to get it in the car, but with that thick wrap that doesn't permit my leg to bend, I had to have help. I found it to be very humiliating, I could feel my eyes getting hot, wanting to cry from embarrassment, but I guess I have to do what I have to do until I get that swelling down. I was so exhausted from walking with it like that to get back out to the car, and then back into the house when I got home, I was not even hungry for dinner for quite sometime. I had to rest before I could even eat, that is unusual. I was able to keep the wrap on for about 7 hours.

    I prefer the french cut green beans in my green bean casserole, but if I am just having green beans for a snack, I love those expensive canned Leseur whole green beans. Sometimes I eat them without even heating them up, but they are better heated. I know a lot of people boil their potatoes with green beans with them and a little onion. That sounds good to me, but my husband would never eat a potato that had mingled while cooking with green beans. Just in the last 5 years I got him to start eating cabbage, actually I think it was Nigella Lawson who convinced him, because he came in when she still had a cooking show and she was baking cabbage with with little sausages in it. I told him I thought that looked so good, I thought I would make that dish, he thought it looked good, and now he eats cabbage. He has always hated green beans, though, for the more than 50 years I have known him, I don't think that even Nigella Lawson could convince him to eat one.

    1. It is a long way to anything here--huge town and metropolitan area. We leave an hour ahead of time to get there. I can barely bend my left knee to get in the car. It would be embarrassing to me, too. They came out with a wheel chair to get me and took me out. I could not walk that far because of my back. All the doctor's offices are in huge buildings, it seems!
      Sometimes, I am so tired or in so much pain I cannot eat for an hour or more.
      I will use the French cut green beans from now on in the casserole. Tommy would throw a fit if I cooked his potatoes in green beans. It will happen, though. It will be interesting to see what he does. Probably nothing. He wants me to peel new potatoes. I used to do it. No more. Charlie cooked red cabbage and pork chops once. Loved it. Tommy will eat cabbage, so I might cook that. He would like the sausages. I would not...lol. I can eat and have eaten green beans right from the can. Oh, I cooked the last four new potatoes in with the hen. He said nothing and peeled the three I gave him himself on his plate.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...