Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday Chores and How They Went or Did Not

 I made a list. Did I do everything on it? No. Did I get most of it done? NO way! I did not even come close. 

The list:

Figure out my yahoo email password

Get DexcomG6

Call Lynda

Call someone to get help cleaning

Put tag on my car

Wash black clothes

Plant tulips

cook and freeze cranberries

Wash and dry clothes.

Pay three bills by phone.

Mail cards

Ignore the strikethrough from here on out. It won't go away. Okkkaay! It only took about 20 tries, and I am not exaggerating. 

I only got one card mailed, but I am counting it as it was for a friend who beat cancer after major surgery. Tommy washed and dried the kitchen linens, so I guess that one is for him. 

I did deadhead one ugly mum when it was almost totally dark. I am hoping that will cause it to flower again. Tomorrow, I hope to do the other one. 

More chores would have been done if not for me. I went to the bedroom for something and had two boxes of cards in my hands. I saw the bed and decided to lie down for a minute for my back. Then, I decided to cover up. So, maybe I will lie on my left side. Oooh, the covers feel good around my neck. And, I woke two and a half hours later. Well, I only got 4 hours sleep on Thursday night. 

After we dropped off my letter and two for Tommy, we went to Publix. I looked at the wrong ad and went for Miracle Whip. I did buy 4 jars of Planter's lightly salted Peanuts bogo, Russell Stover sugar free stevia peanut butter cups, Northern Tp Purple wrapper bogo, Rumford reduced sodium baking powder. Then, I went wild and bought sourdough bread to cook a home. Of course, I needed bananas. I did pay an exorbitant price for French's Fried Mushrooms for the green bean casserole.

Tommy likes peanuts and it keeps him from eating things bad for him. Now, I have the French's fried onions and won't worry about anyone running out, even though I paid a lot and know they will be lower. I have green beans for $0.69/can, and soup for $1 can. Tommy just wants the green bean casserole, so he spends to get it. 

Then, I went crazy and bought an expensive loaf of sourdough bread to cook at home. It is the best sourdough I have ever eaten.

When DST ends this weekend, the days will be so short. That makes me depressed thinking about it! 

Saturday, it will be very rainy and windy. We will stay in. I might do a few things on the list tomorrow. Or, I can make a new list of strictly indoor chores. 

One Saturday project I forgot. I will fix Lynda a bag of food since she is not working again. We will deliver it to her on Saturday if it quits raining or on Sunday. Maybe I will bake the sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving and freeze them. I will mash bananas to freeze for banana bread. 

What does your weekend hold for you? Are you ready for DST? Do you wish we would just keep it?


  1. I wish we did not change time. I would be happy staying with either DST or CST, but they (whoever "they" are) never asked me what I thought.

    1. Anne,
      This may be the last time we fall back if lawmakers have their say. "They" may give you a chance to vote.

  2. I really wish they would leave the time set one way or another. My sleep schedule is mixed up enough. And then there is the schedule of our little dog Fritzi Pom. There is a time for her new kibbles to be put in the bowl, a time for her fresh water to be put into the bowl that attaches to the inside of her cage. It tastes better from that bowl, maybe. She only likes her water out of the cage bowl, not from a fresh clean bowl of water on the floor next to her kibbles. Later on she fusses to go look out the door at the kids getting on the bus, and if it is the weekend, we have to go look anyway or she low growls and squeaks, that translates into we need to do this or she will be very disappointed). and then she serves as an extra alert just in case I didn't hear the Microwave ding she outright gets huffy and "roof-roofs" for me to hurry up and finish rolling my hair and get the cream of wheat out of the microwave so she can have two finger tips full and go into her cage to sleep until we get up. Her entire schedule and mine will be thrown off. World's tiniest violin plays sad songs for us. We are very spoiled, but I think everyone is unhappy in some way when our schedule changes for no good reason. It took me forever to get used to the time change before I was retired. No one needs the extra stress of time change, that is done for no good reason, not even pups.

    1. susie,
      I never thought of dog schedules. They don't have a clock to tell them, they just know. I suppose all creatures internal clocks are affected.
      My main complaint is that I don't have the sun. We are home before the sun sets and do not go out in the car. So, it seems I am stuck here forever. Of course, I always think of someplace I need to go even if I don't or just failed to get out and go.
      When we lived in this town with things like a supermarket or two, a fabric store, and department stores back in the early 70s, I would inevitably let store close because I was busy with babies and the DST loss would fool me. It is the only place where stores closed at 5pm. Maybe I only needed a spool of thread. But, I needed to sew, so it was hard to get out. Of course, if my husband had our only car, I was stuck regardless of how ready I was to run to the store.
      It was just annoying. And, I have SAD. The sun going away too early is a problem.

  3. I wish people understood...but most don't. We are NOT returning to DST, we are returning to standard time, which, here, is PDT (I think the 'S' confuses people...they think 'savings' but it stands for 'standard.') I dislike Daylight Savings Time. Part of why it was implemented (so I learned) was so mill workers/factory workers would think they had more time in the summer since it would be light later. My state (WA) would like to keep Daylight Savings year round. But, while states are free to stick with Standard time and NOT move the clocks ahead in spring, (disregarding Daylight Savings Time) they need federal approval to do the opposite. In summary, states are free to remain on Standard Time all year (which we return to this weekend)but NOT to remain on Daylight Savings (which we adopt in spring) without federal approval.

    1. Actually, the move is to keep Daylight Savings Time year round.

    2. I remember that in the 1970's. I hated it then...waking up and walking to school in the dark.

    3. My son absolutely hated not having much playtime after school. It was too dark!

  4. We in AZ don't do no stinkin DST. I miss planting tulips in the autumn.

    1. Urspo,
      I have heard that. Well, I like DST year round. You cannot grow tulips in AZ? Too bad.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...