Saturday, November 5, 2022

New Rat Poison

 Nothing happened today. Nothing! I slept okay, had a sandwich for brunch (banana, Miracle Whip, peanut butter) along with a glass of milk. I took a nap and then sat here. The day became more interesting after talking to Lynda. Dinner is leftover meatloaf, sweet potatoes, and fresh green beans, no can. 

Today, I was able to cross three things off my list. I called Lynda, Tommy put the tag on my car, and washed black clothes. 

A few months ago, Lynda had rats all over her house. She got rat poison that did not deter them. She stored any food they could eat into by putting it into the refrigerator, the oven that does not work, and the microwave. She finally got rid of them and still took all precautions for months. 

Today, she dropped her remote and it skittered underneath the sofa. She had to move the sofa and saw other things. One was her bottle of "pain pills" That she looked for so long. It had a big hole gnawed in it and all the capsules were gone. She had kept it on a table beside her chair. One day, rats had gotten things from the table. So, now she found her Extra-strength Tylenol! It killed the rats, I figure. 

If you want to deter rats or exterminate them, try using Tylenol! She said it was much cheaper than rat poison! They obviously ate the Tylenol before she put out rat poison.

Nothing worthy of typing was occurring today, so until she told me about the Tylenol, I was going to post tomorrow. I think it is hilarious, but you may not.

The forecast for Saturday was heavy rains and winds; nothing but drizzles has happened here. Lynda said it was cold and drizzly. Tommy said it was nice out with 72F temp.  

Sweet potatoes are baking. On the same baking sheet, meatloaf is reheating on a sheet of foil, and green beans are soaking to remove most of the sodium. I decided not to cook the fresh green beans today. Gunsmoke is coming on. Life is good.

Has your Saturday been exciting or eventful? The most exciting thing that has happened today is I found out the Budweiser Clydesdales will be several places here and in Cullman this week. We are planning to see them. My mother loved them which is funny since she did not drink and highly disapproved of drinking. 


  1. The Budweiser Clydesdales are SO worth seeing! Such magnificent animals! I'm not surprised your mother loved them. And hey--it's not their fault they're pulling a beer wagon, LOL. One of my uncles actually farmed with draft horses until the 1950's.

    Rats in the HOUSE? Oh my word. I cannot imagine how horrible that would be. Mice are bad enough, but RATS?!? I would burn the house down. "Hilarious" is not the word I woud use here.

    We are having gorgeous, unseasonable weather in southern NE. Sunny and mid-70's. Unheard of for this time of year. It's like summer all over again. I am loving it.

    We had sheet-pan chicken stir fry over rice with broccoli and carrots from the farmer's market. So easy and good! Tomorrow is going to be Jack Daniels marinated ribs (I got a great deal on them) baked in the oven. Gonna make a cast iron skillet of cornbread to go with it, and maybe some mac 'n' cheese on the side. Broccoli or green beans for a veggie, I suppose. I would love some baked beans but that seems excessive. And carby.

    I did get stuff done today, but it never seems like enough. Mostly laundry, dishes, and cooking. And decluttering. My gosh, how clutter accumulates around here.

    BTW, that sandwich of yours sounds really interesting. Banana and PB is fine, but that Miracle Whip is really a wrong turn. I don't even want to speculate how it tastes.

    I grew up on MW, but when I discovered real mayonnaise, I never looked back. Kewpie Mayo is now my holy grail of mayonnaise. It's tangier and richer than Hellman's. More calories, too. But it make a darn fine tuna or chicken salad.

    1. We have four chances to see them. I am not sure if there is a charge or if we can get close, but whatever it takes, we will do it.
      I had rats in my house one time. I did everything but burn it. Thankfully, I got rid of them before I had to light a match. At first, I was not aware. That will never happen again.
      Monday, it will be 83 here. Shocking and wonderful.
      Your meals sound really good! Now, I want chicken and rice. Tommy loves it.
      The other day, I had made a sandwich and got extra pb and MW on the same knife and licked it off. Tommy was disgusted. lol...I don't care.

  2. One time, years ago, while my husband still worked nights. our Fuzzy Pom was at the back door growling and barking. It was different than he ever sounded before. I looked out the window in the door and there was a big rat trying to gnaw and scratch its way in. It wasn't a possum. It was a big rat. I pounded on the bottom of the door and tried to scare it away, and stayed up all night keeping a watch on the back door. We got big rat traps and set them with every delicacy we could think of and set them around outside. We heard the snap/scream when the rat got caught in the bacon trap. After that,
    We kept unbaited, set traps all along the threshhold of the back door in case a different rat tried to get in. None did. Close up, and holding still the rat in the trap was not unattractive. He was healthy and his fur was shiny, his feet were pink. He looked very clean and not nasty, but I sure as heck would not like having one in the house.
    When I was a child the rats used to sometimes come to drink at our gold fish ponds.

    We had the most gentle giant sable and white Collie, who would walk around on three legs all day if he had to, so he wouldn't step on a chick or a baby kitten. All of the other pets cuddled up on him. I am guessing the rats bit him as soon as he sniffed them, because they were the only animals out of rabbits, cats, kittens, pet possums, and a squirrel that he ever harmed. He would kill any rat in just one snap that broke it's back. We had 4 cats in and out of the house all of the time and rats were too big for them. The only other creature he killed was a muskrat that must have travelled through the yard and smelled the ponds decided to go for a drink. I don't know if it bit Lancelot first or if he just thought it was a giant rat and killed it by breaking its back.
    Every rat/muskrat was killed in the same way with a snapped back, no blood, no mauling, just dead and left alone.

    Can your friend afford to call a professional exterminator? It scares me to think that rats might crawl over her while she sleeps, or even bite her. Imagine rats right there in her living room partying on her pain pills and tylenols under the couch. There are some medicines that she won't be able to get soon enough if the rats eat some of her meds. Then she won't have enough of the medicine to last until her refill can be done. Maybe she could call her city if there is no other choice, they would probably have a rat infestation abatement program where they might help her. Except then she may be opening herself up to inspections of all kinds of things in her home from her city.

    I am restless tonight. I wish I could sleep instead of this restless
    feeling. I am too restless to take a nap and too tired to do any work around here. I made a good beef stew today from a chuck roast that was as tough as can be. It looked like it had enough fat not to be tough. I cooked it in a cooking bag, but it was real thick. I couldn't chew it. I cooked it a day ahead. Today I cut it into small pieces and added my potatoes and carrots and forgot the greenbeans, and turned it into beef stew. It took me forever to get that meat chopped up into small pieces so maybe it would tenderize while it stewed. I tried two different knives and the kitchen shears trying to find the best way to cut up that shoe leather chuck. They used to have good tender chuck roasts at that store. They must have changed their supplier.

    We had terrible winds here all night and afternoon. It uprooted a neighbors rather old dilapidated tree. Thankfully no damage was done to our house, but it sure was a loud gusty heavy duty wind storm.

    Have a fun Sunday.

    1. Those were huge rats if the cats left them alone! I would have to keep watch, too, if the rats were trying to break in!
      Your collie was a vicious but gentle killer. Most dogs maul things, I think. That was a good dog to have.
      She says she cannot afford an exterminator. She finally got rid of them after they ate the Extra Strength Tylenol. Oh, the city would have been all over her place! That is one reason she kept it quiet and did it herself. She also closed the place they came in. She put away all her meds and anything else the rats might like to chew. She was grossed out that one might run over her or bite her, but she has a dog that always wanted to catch one. So, at least they would be frightened away from her.
      I got a roast like that, so I cut it up and cooked it again. Finally, it was tender. That tough roast made me angry. I think stores will sell just anything now.
      We were supposed to have winds and hard rain, but I think it all dissipated before it got here--no winds, no thunder cracks or lightning. West of us things were rougher.

  3. Good tip on the Tylenol. The warnings on the label are frightening enough. I’m not surprised it would kill a rat.

    1. Belinda,
      I certainly did laugh out loud at your comment. Tommy wanted to know what was so funny.

  4. Have you heard the song "Home ground" by Kate Bush? Bit of fun about poisoning rats and their ilk.

    1. Urspo,
      No, but it sounds like my kind of song. I will go right now and look up the lyrics.

  5. Can someone get your friend help? I can't believe you thought her situation hilarious. I'm scared for her. If they found a way in, they will again.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...