Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Rest of Wednesday and Thursday

 Monday or Tuesday, forgot which, I roasted the turkey breast. Wednesday night, very late, I felt in the big freezer for what might be a mass of poultry since I could not see in the bottom of the freezer. I pulled out a young chicken. So, it is in the refrigerator, thawing. I will probably pull it out on Saturday and put it in the big pot, cover it with water and let it sit in the sink to thaw, refreshing the water often. 

I still believe there is at least one turkey in the big freezer! At any rate, there will possibly be a sale on turkey breasts. And, I need to cook these meats since they have been in the freezer for a bit. 

Wednesday night, I pretreated two red blouses for Tommy to wash on Thursday morning. 

Wednesday night, well after dark, he finally took steps to save my plants. He said he moved them all to the porch against the brick wall and covered them with a sheet. Then, he covered the concrete bunny with a plastic bag. I think the pansies will survive the cold, but he loves them. So, I did not object. I begged him last week when it was in the 80s to help me put them somewhere for the winter. At least it is done, but I hate he had to work in the dark and cold! 

Wednesday, I bought raspberries, 3/$10. I thought I checked them well. However, when I got home, one was rotten and the other had mold. So, that goes back Thursday morning. I am writing this late Wednesday night. Tommy has rewritten the list without all the stuff we bought. He put my list today on two tiny sheets of paper about 4" x 4". Who does that? I had trouble holding onto them in the store. 

Thursday night's dinner will be the rest of the beef and baby carrots, broccoli, and tomato. Of course, it is still Wednesday, so I could change all that. There is diced chicken and ground beef that needs to be eaten first, so he said he would eat those, maybe for lunch and maybe for dinner, one or the other. Neither of us wants to waste anything. He is cooperative like that. 

While I was retrieving the chicken, I found some brown bread, the small loaves from Outback. I am to the point we will need bread in about two days, so I will pull that out and eat it instead of storing it and buying more. Obviously, I am decluttering the freezer. I originally put it in the freezer because I cannot eat it fast enough to prevent some of it from molding. And, Tommy does not like it. 

Wednesday night, Tommy told me that while he was in Publix, a woman came by with only six items in her cart--four turkeys and two hams. He thought it was strange/funny that someone would buy so many turkeys and hams. I assured him that lots of people stock up on cheap protein. Turkeys are $0.48/lb at Public with no other purchase required and no coupons or limits. He was surprised at the low estimate I thought she bought. 

Wednesday night, we stayed up until after 4 am to watch the 1948 version of The Three Musketeers. Chances are, I could not have slept, anyway. And, I was up until after sunrise. ugh!

Today, I drug out a wad of Tommy's dark socks. I had him go through them and tell me which could be donated and which could not. He said they all had holes. So, he took them for me and put them in cleaning supplies. I can use the Swiffer tool to clean cobwebs off the ceiling by putting the end through the hole. A spritz of Endust will make a good dusting tool even better. The socks can be tossed after use. Plus, box is empty. 

Thursday Now

I took back the raspberries and got two more boxes. Nope. Still nasty and slimy. I will take them back on Friday!

While at Publix returning two boxes of raspberries, I bought other things, forgot what now. 

I sent to a second store and had a great visit. I asked for someone to get heavy boxes of drinks. A young guy was sent with me. We both went back to the register. While I was in line, I looked over the head of a woman who was maybe 4' 8" and said, "Could you please help me get one of the cartons onto the counter?" The cashier only needs one to scan.

The tiny woman in front of me turned and said, "Oh, sure," as she bent to get the heavy drinks. I was flustered and objected, "Oh no, not you, I was not asking you. I was asking the tall young man behind you." She kept on leaning and picking up the drinks while I was saying this. I thanked her and said I would never have asked her. I did not tell her it was because she was old and short. I told her I was glad that she was so able. She commented that she thought she was lucky to be in such good health. 

I noticed the cashier was ringing up my items and was annoyed she did not seem to finish this woman's items first. The cashier beamed at me and told me that here was my receipt. I was a little stunned she was giving me the other woman's receipt. The short woman said, "Why don't you just give me my receipt, smiled at the cashier who was then flustered. 

Laughing, I said well did you pay for mine? The short woman said, yes, I did. Then, I was confused and looked at the cashier and asked her if the woman did. She assured me the woman did. I objected, saying I was just kidding and told the short woman I certainly did not mean for her to pay for my groceries. The short woman said two people had done things very nice for her, and she was just paying it forward. Well, that was an excellent surprise. My groceries were about $25. I had just given away about $10 worth of food to someone outside the store. 

The next store was a nightmare, very cold. At this store I have to walk inside to get a cart, something that is too far to be any form of easy. When I came to the register, the woman unloaded the few groceries I had and checked them. I told her I would need someone to take them out. You also cannot take the cart outside the store! She said I could transfer them into a buggy and push them myself. No, I told her, I cannot. So, she called for someone just as four women employees had an angry pow wow over my cart of groceries and my cart. 

Finally, I said for the third time, quietly and not demanding at all, "I need someone to take my groceries to my car. One woman exploded at me and said, "Well, she is trying to get to the phone to call someone." How did I know this? No made a move to get around me, and no one asked me to move! So, I moved quickly to roll out of the way. Finally, I said I was going to the car. One woman said angrily to the other three, I hope, that she was going home as she could not take it anymore. Geesh! 

AND, we got home before it got dark. I found the new raspberries need to be taken back, and plopped in the chair to watch the news. Finally, the time to start dinner arrived. It was a black moment. For the last few days, I have had no cheese. And, one day, I saw a can of tomato soup. I asked Tommy if he would like tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. He did! Whoopee!

I hate the whole idea, ate my grilled cheese with relish and then ate soup in a cup, less than four ounces. So, we will have vegetables and fruits later. Ssdo, soup and sandwich are not my thing. I remember pb and honey sandwich and tomato soup. I don't know where that combination is from. 

Tommy covered lots of plants under one sheet and covered the pansies with plastic. When I saw the forecast, I told him to leave the sheet on until the forecast was not for freezing temps.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from Tomato soup. Yuck.

We have started watching ELF, a movie I have never seen. The intro was hilarious. Bob Newhart was great as usual. 

I think my tomato soup would have been better with crackers like I ate it when I was a child and never as a meal! 

The only thing I need for Thanksgiving is some of the cheap brown and serve rolls, the kind with a crease in the top. Nothing else, no other kind will do. I would rather go without and don't need them for a good meal. Next week's shopping will to be for loss leaders, things that will be for Christmas or next year--stocking up.

We will rework our list tonight.

Have you seen ELF?

Do you like the cheap brown n serve rolls or do you go for something a little more fancy? 


  1. Goodness you both go out and shop a lot. I hate leaving the house. I may go out once or twice in a week - sure couldn't do it everyday.
    That was just lovely that the woman paid for your groceries. Such a kind thing to do.
    I tried to watch that movie once - I just don't like the guy playing the main character.
    I had tomato soup and grilled cheese for dinner one day this week. One of my favorite comfort meals.


    1. Cheryl,
      We don't go out so often as it seems. Even if we go out several days in a row, I cannot go out early and now it is too dark early. I get tired easily, so must come home and not say out even if it is midsummer. Right now, we have been trying to hit sales to cherry pick.
      It was a surprise to have her pay for my groceries, sort of made my day. I like Will Ferrell.
      My soup was wasted. I won't be having that again soon, not for years! I hated that meal!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope to get my fresh turkey breast tomorrow, if they have any left. They had a picture of it in the weekly ad, so now my husband knows exactly what I want. With the stuffing and, mashed potatoes, we don't even care about eating any other bread like rolls or anything. I make lots of stuffing and add some soaked dried cranberries to the stuffing and mushrooms, and my own white bread and some extra poultry seasoning to the stuffing I make. The seasonings in the stove top stuffing make my plain bread stuffing good. No celery in the stuffing because my husband doesn't like celery. I like stuffing on the turkey sandwiches I fix after Thanksgiving, and I dot them with dabs of cranberry sauce. I will either make mashed potatoes or baked potatoes to go with the turkey breast. I love turkey skin but I don't imagine much will be on a Turkey breast. I want a pumpkin pie and my husband wants a pecan pie. and that will be it for us. For people who would say crisp turkey skin is bad for me, I say it is only once a year.

    Now if I can just shake these winter blues that have already started with me. They usually wait till around the week before Christmas. I miss my Mom especially this time of year because she was buried on December 21, which was really extra sad because that was my deceased sister's birthday. I am going to try and remember to take my prescription Vitamin D, but they don't much agree with my stomach so I end up skipping a day here and there until I skip them completely. I am feeling kind of festive about Thanksgiving this year. Part of that is due to your enthusiasm for your Thanksgiving meal, thanks for giving me a boost of enthusiasm. I sure need a boost of something. It going to be winter-like here for another three days or so and then next week is to be in the 50 degree range, Yay and hooray.

    1. susie,
      I laughed because I show Tommy pictures, too. Or, I right the exact words for him to look for on a list. Of course, I sit ready to answer the phone! He bought the wrong thing the other day, and I sent him back in before he could get into the car.
      I have cranberries for drying, but have not done it yet. I love cranberries in other food but refuse to buy Craisins because of oil and sugar. Your dinner sounds really delicious. It is making my mouth water just reading about it.
      That is sad your mother dying right before Christmas. When I think about my mother, I become very nostalgic and happy thinking about how she made Christmas for us even as adults. Somehow, it pushes away my sadness. Now, tears are coming.
      Did you ever try another form of Vit D? I had to buy the chewable tablets once. They are just like eating grape sweet tarts. Tommy said they taste and smell like Grapico. Maybe take them with food?
      It feels festive around here! Glad it helped. Oh, this weather is annoying, so cold! But, my new nightgown has solved the cold and breeziness in his house. It is not so cold as it is breezy. Next week, it warms up, same as your weather. Yay and hooray is correct!

  3. I have seen's a great movie. As for rolls, it's either the brown and serve or the Hawaiian Rolls. just depends. For me, tomato soup is a staple when it's cold, but I prefer to make it homemade with is really easy.

    1. Rhitter,
      I must have seen commercials for it, because a few bits were parts I do remember. Otherwise, it was new to me and great. I looked at Hawaaian and thought NO. I have never had homemade tomato soup. You can share that if you like. On your blog maybe or here.

  4. I have never seen Elf in its entirety, as I couldn't bear to sit through it for more than 25 minutes. I am not much of a Will Ferrell fan, anyway. My kids weren't fans of it either. I think we lean towards more subtle and darker humor. For instance, we find parts of "A Christmas Carol" with Alistair Cooke hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, prior to marrying, DH visited me for Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving morning, he went out and bought those Brown and Serve rolls, which I had never used. He put them in the oven, and I promptly forgot about them until I smelled them burning. Let's just say that has happened more than once over the years. He buys them (not sure why, nobody likes the.) and more often than not the never make it into the oven, or, if they do, they are left there to be discovered the next morning when I bake "morning after muffins." (Cranberry walnut muffins made with leftover cranberry sauce.) E wull have a turkey breast which I bought on deep clearance about a year ago. I told the family to remind me to take it out of the freezer on Sunday.

    1. Meg,
      I have not seen WF in much, but I think ELF was hilarious. Oh, I do laugh at parts of ACC, too. I love those little rolls but have not bothered for a dozen years to buy them. Man, those get no respect at your house, do they? I can understand the "remind me" scenario with many things.

  5. I always used those brown 'n serve rolls at Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners thinking they weren't very important in the scheme of things. Years later after my grandchildren were married, they wanted to know where to get those rolls that Grandma used to have--they were so good.

    1. Carole,
      But, they are sooo good. I can do without, but it would be like my childhood and early married years.

  6. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO RUDE. I AM ASTONISHED. This is not a good time of the year to buy berries.

    1. Kim,
      I was minding my own business, so did nothing. But, she was exploding all over me because of something someone else did. Every time I go there, I say "never again."

  7. I will admit that it wears me out just reading both you and Cheryl's blogs seems like you are always on the go and Cheryl works so hard keeping up with house, garden and pets!!

    I am a homebody and have to force myself to go just to the grocery to get the loss leaders for the pantry and freezer.

    I am not crazy about Thansgiving food. You can just give me a pack of those rolls, a stick of butter and a pumpkin pie!! I will be a happy camper. LOL

  8. Texas,
    I am surprised to be in the same category as Cheryl. I really do little, I feel. I am getting sick of going to the grocery store!
    Oh, yeah, those rolls, and butter, and pumpkin pie would be heaven.

  9. The rolls with the crease are technically Parker House Rolls. I prefere to make my Great Aunt Lula's roll recipe which is a yeast roll as well. It's a family tradition.

    1. slugmama,
      The store rolls we had were definitely not Parker House rolls, nor were they labeled as such. If so, they are a poor version. And, they did not taste like a yeast roll. If they were, I am very disappointed. But, I love them. Mama made PH rolls and I loved them. Maybe you could post your yeast roll recipe on your post or mine. I might make yeast rolls for the first time using your Great Aunt Lula's yeast roll.

  10. Ugh, I cannot stand rude people. That was very kind of the other lady to pay for your groceries. I'm not doing any grocery shopping next week. I hate going to crowded stores. I went to 3 grocery stores today. I bought some fresh cranberries so I can make muffins. None of us care for cranberry sauce, but the muffins are always appreciated. I have everything for our non-traditional Thanksgiving meal. I have never seen Elf, but have always wanted to. I'm going to check if we have it on Sling.

    1. Ms Goose,
      I was very tired and could not believe it was all happening. But, it is the same way, always something, in that store. I hope I am through shopping. Elf is on two stations for 24 hours--TNT or WTBS, not sure for 24 hours, two Turner Stations.

  11. I am sorry you do not enjoy tomato soup. I could eat it every day--but not Campbell's canned. I am too snobby for that. I prefer organic tomato soup in a box. I also love spicy, low-sodium V-8 juice. That stuff is amazeballs.

    Tonight's dinner was a veggie-packed sauce with meatballs and sausage crumbles, served over little cheese raviolis with lots of parmesan and black pepper. I also sauteed some chopped bok choy in a drizzle of olive oil with lemon juice and garlic, which went very well with the pasta and sauce. Bok choy is so yummy either raw in a salad or cooked tender-crisp.

    I did not have the ravioli, but had roasted spaghetti squash instead. Beyond delicious! I did sneak one rav and decided my squash was much better. Pasta is absolutely horrible for my blood sugar; that and breakfast cereal send it sky high. Low-carb bread and wraps are my saviors; I would go bonkers if I couldn't have a sandwich.

    I did a little more shopping for Turkey Day--fresh cranberries to make into sauce, a loaf of low-carb bread for stuffing, and a box of frozen seasoned mashed cauliflower. Whoops, forgot to pick up green beans!

    I plan to make a couple loaves of gingerbread this weekend. About 8 or so years ago Denny's Restaurant used to have gingerbread French toast on their menu. It was divine and I am going to try to recreate it for Thanksgiving brunch.

    Yes, I've seen ELF, and I happen to love it! I am a fan of Will Ferrell, and love his wacky, unself-conscious physical humor. This is one of my favorite Will Ferrell clips--I ROTFLMAO every time I see it.

    Brown 'n' Serve rolls with The Crease (uhh, they are NOT Parker House rolls--not by any stretch of the imagination) were an integral part of my family's holiday meals! We thought them fancy, sophisticated, and delicious.

    For my own family, DH makes "cheesy rolls", using frozen bread dough with lots of garlic, butter, and cheese. The kids adore them. I like them too, but can only have a taste. Or two. ;^)

    Linda, Ocean Spray now sells 50% reduced sugar Craisins. I actually like them much better than the regular ones (although dried fruit is yet another no-no! Arghhhhh...) I checked the package and to my surprise they do include sunflower oil, yet they have 0 grams of fat. Now how do you suppose they manage that? LOL!

    1. It is me, not the soup. I think it is the antibiotic I am taking.
      Second paragraph--I have never eaten anything like that. But, it does sound good.
      V8 makes me sick. I finally found out I was allergic to something in it, forgot what.
      What I thought about the cheap rolls with a crease. Yes, that was fancy for us after mama quit making Parker House rolls.
      If a food has less than one gram of fat, even if it is almost a gram, food processors can list it as 0% grams of fat. I don't want less sugar. I want no sugar. I dehydrate my own cranberries and use those in dressing after the holiday. The holiday dressing has no cranberries because we have sauce in the bowl.
      I will watch the clip.

    2. I am intrigued! How do you dehydrate your cranberries?

    3. Sue,
      I get a plate and short, sharp knife, sit and press the knife into the cranberries, not cutting them in half. Then, I put in my Excalibur dehydrator. I store them in a jar when very dry. Then, I make Stovetop Stuffing with the dried cranberries stirred in, plus chicken, egg, and some celery and gravy and then I bake it. It is sort of a meal with leftovers. Sometimes it is with chicken during the year. Once, I just stirred the cranberries into the SS with extra water to help rehydrate the cranberries.

  12. i've grown fussy about my rolls. When I eat them (which is rare) I like well-made ones no rubbish types.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...