Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Help on the Way, Maybe? Maybe Murder Me?

 Our neighbors were the ones to give us the name of someone to mow. He has been great. So, while getting out of the car, the mother got out of her car. I had Tommy call to her since neither of us cou.d get to her yard fast enough. I told her i needed someone first to dust the living room and do other things a bit heavier. She said she knew someone who could help and would contact her.

Today, the phone rang. A woman heard I needed help from someone on FB and was calling to volunteer to help for free. My neighbor had posted this. Well, it was not this neighbor, but the woman I bought the sewing machine from the other day. I highly resent her giving out my phone number! She is a nutcase. She should have asked me. 

Well, the nutcase showed up at my door to give me the number of the facebook volunteer. And, she had another Hispanic woman who charges about $300. People expect to come in and work hard and clean the whole house and collect a bundle. NO, does not work that way. I could barely stand, door open, hurting and cold. So, she is going to text me. I never catch the text coming in. And, then I have to search for where texts are because I never text, don't want to, I don't care who you are. 

I am not sure if this woman volunteering and refusing money is on the up and up. She still has a Utah phone number and her husband is LDS, like that matters if it is all a lie or scam. Since I have no idea what the nutcase posted, this could be someone who has determined we are good victims since she know neither of us can walk well. 

Maybe I can call the police and check her out. Now, I am so stressed and reflux is making me ill. Have you ever had someone with the audacity to put your information of fb so strangers could come to your home??? I never want the nutcase here again. UGH! 

Even if she did not put my name and number on fb, she gave a stranger to her and to me my phone number. I can put my own phone number on Fb if I am interested! The nutcase is very closed about disclosing anything about herself. Ironic, huh?


  1. Hopefully it was just someone who would help with cleaning and not a murderer.

    1. Anne,
      Thanks. I hope so. This is stressing me and stress exhausts me.

  2. I'm pretty easygoing but I DEFINITELY would not like that! Nutcase was totally in the wrong! A few years ago I did have a soon-to-be retiring colleague who had a question for the French tax authorities and didn't like their response so she sent all MY information to them as an example. Man was I pissed! I had nothing to hide but that is hardly the point is it, so I get where you're coming from! And giving out your number and address is so much worse!

    1. Treaders,
      Wow! I never reveal where I got info that helps me. That was so rude.

  3. The level of disrespect is beyond me!! Wow!

  4. Just don't answer the door or calls to this woman or to any stranger. I answer no number I don't recognize - they can leave a message. Hopefully your neighbor you asked will come through with someone she knows. How did the other lady even know you needed help to post it on FB?

    1. I bought something at her yard sale and she delivered it...the Singer treadle machine. I mentioned I needed someone to dust and do a few things. She has three teen daughters. She said they did not know how to dust as she had never shown them. She said she would ask her husband as he as a construction worker had cleaners.


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