Friday, January 6, 2023

Damned Dogs and Tragedy

 Last night, because of exhaustion I went to bed at 7 pm and for one solid hour, this yappy dog barked and yapped. At 8 pm I was over sleeping and shaking. Finally I went to bed and slept for three hours. I had to get up because I was not going to sleep.

At 6:30 am, I figured I could sleep. NO! This same dog started yapping while someone revved their motor in the driveway. At 7:15, the dog stopped and the car left. I am not sure how long it took me to get to sleep, maybe an hour? 

I told Tommy last night to wake me at 11 am, before I knew how sleep-deprived I was going to be. He was calling me every half hour! UGH!  Finally, I got it across to him that I wanted to get up at 1 pm. I was/am shaky but may live.

While I was still in rough shape, I called a business and was puzzled as the why I could not get the owner. Well, I got the father and found out the young business owner had died a very tragic and preventable death. I cannot say more because this will probably be a big lawsuit, and I don't want to reveal anything to thwart the outcomes of this present tragedy. 

I felt gutted as the father told me what happened. He is a broken and bitter man. And, I can understand why. He said he cannot let it go as he kept warning the proper people and was ignored.

So, I am facing the weekend with a car tire being scrubbed by a part shoved into it. This loved and very nice man is gone. And, I need sleep desperately. Tonight is a low point. And, I cannot share the inequitable treatment or get comfort from others. No one told me not to talk about this senseless death, but I don't believe salving my pain at the expense of justice is the answer. 

How is your weekend shaping up? Any grocery deals? Our weather is beautiful, warm and dry. How is your weather?


  1. Can you try earplugs and/or a fan or white noise machine? I lived on the 2nd floor in a street facing NYC walkup for years and it's how I survived!

    1. obscure,
      I cannot sleep safely in such a dusty room with a fan blowing. And, earplugs would make my ears more congested, plus I cannot stand anything in ears or on me. You were brave. Thanks.

  2. Oh no, I hope things get better for you soon! Sounds like a tough weekend but hopefully you will at least be able to sleep!

    1. COL,
      I got two hours sleep since I posted. At least, I don't feel so frazzle, but still exhausted. Maybe!

  3. I'm sorry you had such an impossible time trying to get some sleep. Hopefully, they will quiet that darn dog, and you will have a more pleasant day, you will be able to get enough sleep to at least get by on. Take care.

    1. susie,
      Of course, the dog sits right outside my window, at the most, closer to the house. And, it is so loud and yappy. Thanks. I hope so, too.

  4. It's terrible to be kept awake or woken up by dogs, that I know, too. I've tried ear plugs while sleeping but they are just too uncomfortable to me. That is sad news about the man's death.

    1. One,
      Yes, I know you have multiple dogs, too, that wake you. And, earplugs when I am awake make me feel like I am choking. I am still enraged by the circumstances. Thanks.

  5. I didn't sleep well last night, but a lot of it was due to not finding a comfortable position due to the surgical incisions. I was over tired, and a bit dizzy yesterday.

    1. Rhitter,
      I can understand not finding a comfortable position due to incisions. That must be rough. Maybe you are doing too much, too soon. Are you running a fever?

  6. I'm sorry for life ended too soon. There are no dogs that bark immediately by us, but the sound carries across the park. We are extra careful to not have our dogs bark outside, but some days they're in moods.

    1. SAM,
      The guy was the same age as my children and one of my children was his friend. Dogs will bark off and on, but for an hour? Plus, she knows it disrupts my life.


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