Monday, January 23, 2023

Milk Decision and Toe Towel

As you know, I drink a2milk to avoid the a1 protein in milk an allergen that causes me gastric distress. When it is on sale, I buy at least 3 or 4 half gallons to save money. The last time it was on sale, I bought 6 half-gallons. The refrigerator cannot handle this and food. Tommy's gallon jug was in there along with two other bottles of something and a half gallon of chocolate milk. 

I always leave the milk in the plastic bag from the grocery. I think this helps insulate the milk to keep it colder as we open the door. Consequently, it was dark inside the refrigerator. So, I made a decision that we will never buy more than three half-gallons at a time. Usually, there will be at least one more of my milk and a gallon of his. 

Tommy mentioned he needed to find a way to get his feet clean, really clean since he cannot reach them at all. So, I got the bucket with a handle. He hates it. I like it. Then, he said he needs a way to clean between his toes. So, I order a thing called a toe towel from Amazon. It is thing plastic handle with a terry cloth towel that fits the end--a toe towel. It works! 

We were both given a backscratcher that is too floppy to work. It will be perfect for making a toe towel cleaner. I will let you know how it works. 

Four more toe towels to fit on the wand cost $14. I believe I can use a needle and thread and hand sew toe towels from a washcloth cheaper than that. 

When I mentioned the state of his feet several years ago, he declared angrily that it was his business and to leave it alone. Then, when I made both of us an appointment with a podiatrist, he accepts ever suggestion. Even when I use his card to buy things for his feet, he acts pleased. 

Late last night when I could barely stand or hold up my head as I sat, I decided what is wrong with me. I have a UTI. I could get no response from the new doctor because the np hates me, and the feeling is mutual. So, I may have to go all the way to St. Vincent instead of two miles down the road. 

Today, I made 9 phone calls to United Health Care. !!! Last week, I was given my new number--16 digits under the upc. Well, I used it to order online. Now that I need the number again, I am denied that for a variety of reasons. I wrote it down and misplaced it. I really need to go to the doctor. I told one guy that if I had to pay out of pocket, uhc would reimburse me. He agreed they would. But, I bet I have to fight for it. 

All last week, I felt blah. Now, I know why, and I am running a 100F temp. I may go to Cullman to a doctor. 

Right now, I need to cook dinner. The red cabbage is cooked. The plan is to bread chicken slices with Panko I have never used and cook that. Maybe I will bake the yellow squash and zucchini. Of course, I will have an apple later. Tommy might eat the cherries. I eat three fruits and at least three fruits every day. I bought the Panko on sale on sale and put it in the freezer. 


  1. I think I forgot to tell you, your card arrived almost a month after you posted it. Thank you :)

    1. I suppose I should post it at Halloween. I don't need to know every time if you got my card. I just wondered how long it would take. Now I know. Thanks for that timeline.

  2. Considering Tommy is diabetic, his foot care is very important. I would ask the podiatrist what is the best way to care for his feet. What are good options for cleaning in betweens his toes. What would be helpful to do on a daily basis to keep them clean and dry. Not allowing for bacteria or fungus to grow. Is there some kind of foot scrub or soak they could recommend. No chances should be taken that would allow for infection. Diabetic foot wounds or sores can be difficult to treat and heal because of reduced blood flow. They maybe able to offer you some products at no charge that will help.

    I am sorry to hear you may have an UTI. Strange thing, as we get older we may not have the normal burning, frequency symptoms we did when we were younger. Yes, you need to be tested, if you feel bad, that could very well be the problem. Have you been able to shower or bath regularly yet? Yes, we can keep clean with a sink bath but a shower or tub bath is better. Is there a YMCA or shelter near by that you could go to a few times a week for a proper shower. I would do that if you can.

    Wish you a good week and feel better soon.

    1. Texas,
      I have emphasized how important foot care is to him. But, until lately, he has turned a deaf ear and yelled. The podiatrist gives no advice. She seems in a hurry. We are in the minority at her office. She trims our toenails and uses a little electric file and sends us on our way. I ask things and she is evasive. I have never had a doctor less forthcoming with medical advice when asked.
      How could a shower in a public place be less scary as to noise that makes me loose my sense of where I am in space, no up or down?
      That seems icky, too. I guarantee that a lack of showering is not the reason I got the uti.
      I will be fine when I get meds. Thanks.

  3. They have over the counter UTI testing kits now made by Azo. You can test yourself at home. Tommy’s foot care is very important since he is a diabetic, but I’m sure you already know that. You’re an Angel for helping him take care of them.

    1. Belinda,
      I certainly did not know that! I will check it out. I have emphasized that he does not want an amputation. He has resisted until lately. He got shoes without holes in the soles and has fallen in line with everything I have suggested. Well, angel, maybe, concerned for his life--YES. Thanks!

  4. I admit, I have not done it recently but it was often the case when I was in high school. I was on the swim team, had to shower after practice, do my hair and makeup in the girls locker rooms. It was not open, had individual showers and was very clean.
    I know I just feel better after a good bath or shower, no doubt you can get the job done but a sink bath is not the same as a bath or shower. Trust me, there are days I can't stand long enough so I got a shower chair and that helps a lot.

    You had said in the past how much you enjoyed a good long hot shower when you had stayed at the hotel for your reunion, I just did not know if Tommy had fixed his, if it still does not drain and is able to be cleaned properly. I did not know it made a lot of noise. Is it so small that it is claustrophobic, my Mom had one of those? As women we need certain things that men don't care about. A clean and proper bath being one of those.

    I would still ask the doctor or nurse about how to help keep Tommy's feet bacteria free. I think some of that like atheletes foot can be spread on surfaces. I could be wrong but I don't want you to catch any problem.

    1. Texas,
      I will not be bathing in a gym. The noise is from the shower head, the water noise. It does drain and can be cleaned. I cannot get up from a shower chair, so don't need one of those. No, it is not a small or claustrophobic shower. He is treating his feet. The doctor won't answer questions for someone who is not a patient.

  5. I use a compact, ultra-soft toothbrush in the shower to clean between my toes. I load the bristles up with liquid soap and brush GENTLY across the front and backs of the toes, and in between each one. Being gentle is key--you're not scrubbing the kitchen floor, LOL!

    I am flexible enough that I can hang onto a grab bar & alternate putting each foot on the shower stool. But if I weren't, that Toe Towel looks like it'd be a godsend. What a good find! It's kind of a PITA to have to remove/wash/mainain those little towels, but it is what it is. Foot care is even more crucial as we age.

    When I am out of the shower I use a blow dryer to dry between the toes thoroughly.

    I also spritz a little aerosol Arrid anti-perspirant (yes, the stuff for underarms) behind my toes--the area between the toe pads and the ball of the foot--to prevent that part from getting sweaty and to prevent stinky shoes. WORKS LIKE A CHARM. But only on clean feet!

    A podiatrist who will not give advice for good foot care is useless. I know it's not easy, but I would find another provider. I mean, you can get your nails nipped and your feet cared for at a nail salon for much cheaper!

    Belinda is right about the home UTI tests. With your frequency, Linda, you should be self-testing once a week, to keep on top of it. This business of getting sick slowly and then ending up with a raging UTI really has to stop--it's so bad for your overall health.

    Have you tried UTI prevention supplements? Here's an article for you:

    1. If I could stand and reach my toes and had a grab bar, I would not have a problem. Getting less flexible from my back problem is the problem!
      The one bit of advice the doctor gave was to use high powered underarm deodorant for feet when I asked. Tommy has his hair dryer right next to his chair and plugged in, so I will suggest using it for toes.
      You are preaching to the choir about dangers of continuous uti. I will read the article.

  6. PS: In the interests of logic and thermodynamics, those plastic bags around the milk aren't keeping the milk even 1 degree colder in your fridge. The plastic is just too thin provide any sort of insulation. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help the milk.

    1. Air is an insulator, so not depending entirely on the thickness of the plastic. It makes me feel better when I keep milk for a month past the use-by date.

    2. Yeah, no, the air inside that plastic bag isn't doing anything, either. Air works as an insulator only in a sealed environment, such as a thermos. You'd be better off freezing the milk if you're going to keep it that far past the expiry date. Although I know you are short on freezer space, too.

    3. Sue,
      The bag is closed. I have never had a2milk go bad.

  7. Is there an urgent care walk in clinic nearby you could go to for the UTI test?

  8. Today I learned something new by reading your blog! I had no idea there was such a thing as a "toe towel."

    1. Lisa,
      I had never heard of it before, either. Who knew?


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