Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year's Day

                            Another year over and a new one just begun.

Last night, we stayed up for the ball drop and then until midnight our time, kissed, hugged, and stayed up until 1 or 2, forgot which. We ate too many sausage balls and no chips. Dolly and Miley were great. Anderson Cooper and the guy with him were my favorites. 

My goals for this year must be my health, to which end my new cardiologist has many tests scheduled for me. Then, I can attend to three surgeries I must have. Of course, weight loss figures into health concerns. About a month ago, I was so shocked by my weight, that I decided to cut back. At the cardiologist's visit, it appears I lost five pounds. Maybe not. 

Getting the house in shape is the second goal. The cleaner called on NYE, asking me if I was okay for her to come on Sunday. OF COURSE, IT IS OKAY. The living room is not entirely decluttered, so she can finish that and then start on my bedroom. 

Mostly, everything I need to do falls under health and cleaning. Right now, my toe is my concern. It still really hurts, but the redness seems to be from the initial injury and not infection, thankfully. Cleaning will facilitate entertaining. I enjoy having people over. Tommy never has, not once. He is really good about following instructions about what needs to be done and when. 

The tree is down. Before midnight, we put all decorations in the bedroom where we keep them. Now, I need to put it all in the new red bin. The only decorations still out are the wounded reindeer. I need to find my E6000 to affix his broken leg. 

It is the middle of the night, actually almost 7 am. I will go back to bed! There was no use attempting to sleep early last night since loud fireworks started all over the neighborhood around 10pm and persisted until after 1 am. The red Kiss remains out. 

Black eyed peas will go in the crockpot when I awake. A huge 5 lb. pork loin is thawing. I suppose we will bake sweet potatoes and have turnip greens. 

Do you have resolutions or goals for the New Year? What is on the agenda? How is the year going so far? 

                                  Another year over and a new one just begun


  1. Happy New Year!
    I had no intentions on staying up to midnight - I mean why? It sure wasn't going to change anything. I was awakened by fireworks and loud music from a party across the street. No problem.
    Got up at regular time today and staying home. Black eyed peas, cabbage and corned beef here - every year of my life that I can remember.
    All decor down except the little tree. Ready for a new start and hopefully a good year.

    1. Cheryl,
      The purpose it to celebrate in our own tiny way, and why not? I stayed up late enough the fireworks were over by the time I went to bed.
      Your dinner sounds delicious. Now, I want cabbage and corned
      Everything is down and out of the living room. I wish I could say it was put away.
      Happy New Year!

  2. So far so good that I slept in (!) and had a good night's sleep. Nothing exciting but it feels a good way to start a year.

    1. Urspo,
      Sleep is a good start to any day. It feels the same today as yesterday to me.

  3. I laugh at 7:00 being middle of the night in your life- we all have different circadian rhythm. You'll get the clutter mastered- you're determined and that's the best strategy. Tommy has to see the quality of life is better. DH is getting the lights and trees down now, and I'm just waiting for him to call for help. I have a pasta dish for later, and we'll nibble on fruit, cheese, meat, crackers while I both keep on with a bit of post holiday clean up and watching football. Happy New Year. I hope your toe heals and your health improves.

    1. SAM,
      Yes, 10 am is a better wake up time for me when I go to bed at 2 am. He really does see a difference and appreciates it. He joins right in when I ask for help with decisions on what to keep that belongs to him--no complaining. I certainly wish I had a casserole waiting for me. I am tired. Nibbling will be the way to go. I think my toe will be okay. Happy New Year!

  4. My only agenda is get our home back in order after having 5 guests for 10 months. When that’s done, I’ll make other goals

    Hope you get relief with your medical care and your cleaning help

    1. Rhonda,
      I can imagine the relief and chores ahead is enormous. Other plans will wait.
      Things are working out well so far with medical problems and cleaning.

  5. Pot of pintos with ham cooking, coleslaw, little red potatoes and cornbread will be the dinner tonight. I did stay up past midnight but I always do, just like you. Still hate it, but when your body won't cooperate what can I do?

    The only decoration was a lighted wreath above the fireplace, so no decorations to deal with. Need to do the floors and change linens, that is the only thing today.

    I also like you start the year with doctors and all the normal tests. Oh joy NOT!! LOL Have a great day. Best wished for a great year!

    1. Texas,
      No blackeyed peas? It all sounds good! I know. There is no way to fight it.
      We had little decorations. The battery candles stay out as does the Kiss.
      These doctor visits and tests are way beyond normal for me. But, it has to be done.
      Happy New Year.

    2. I have the blackeyed peas but really had a craving for pintos with ham, I guess I am just missing my Mom. The things I am having today were her favorites, kind of like spending the day with her. I just need to find Judge Judy on TV. LOL

    3. Texas,
      I understand. Cooking using Mama's recipes is always comforting to me. Maybe you can find Judge Judy when you

  6. My New Years Day was very quiet and I don't have a traditional menu so we finished all the left overs from the fridge :)
    Cleaning and health are the things I need to focus on, too. I'm back at work tomorrow and have a funeral to attend Wednesday so the year is starting with plenty of activity

    1. kylie,
      I guess we all have common problems. You are hitting the ground running this year.

  7. My goals for 2023 are the same as yours: decluttering and improving my health. Both are carryovers from 2022, but that's fine because there's always something to do in those areas!

    Health: I need to get serious about intermittant fasting again. Nothing but 1 cup of coffee and herbal tea/water before noon. No noshing after 8pm. I need to drop 15 lbs like NOW ALREADY.

    I just ordered a new pair of walking shoes so I can get out in the fresh air again. My old pair were causing me serious foot and calf pain. The weather is supposed to be mild this week so I want to take advantage.

    We don't get rid of Christmas until the 12 Days are over on January 6. We didn't put much up so there's not much to take down. Yay!

    Decluttering: I must get rid of some old endtables that are too bulky and heavy. I think I'll have DS load them in the van and cart them off to the thrift store.

    I need to create a list of projects that I want to accomplish this year, and post them where I can see them daily. I also want to journal as Ur-spo does, with a daily gratitude journal and a journal that serves as both a planner and documentation of all that I achieve each day. I want to see evidence of how far I've come and plan all that must be done.

    Projects: First on the list is getting our painter in to strip wallpaper and paint. Gotta call that man tomorrow. Better put it in my planner, right? Also need to get the house painted this year. Oy, the list is already growing...

    We don't have a traditional New Year's menu. I made a batch of keto sliders from the remainders of a charcuterie tray. It was delicious and a great way to get ride of the leftover specialty meats and cheeses. Tomorrow I will be searing/braising some crosscut beef shanks for a future stew. Also making a big pot of baby bok choy soup (chicken broth based). I love making soup and freezing it for easy low-calorie meals. Some nights I just don't want anything other than a bowl of homemade soup

    How are you enjoying your keto breads, Linda? If you did indeed lose 5 lbs, do you think it's from the reduced carbs?

    I wish a very Happy New Year to you and Tommy, Linda! May it be filled with health, happiness, and personal success. And the same to all your faithful readers!

    1. Sue,
      It seems people getting older adds to health problems and clutter.
      I should journal. But, I have another writing project from 50 years ago. I enjoyed the one loaf I have used. The bread was delicious. The sliders make me hungry. I love soup, too. And, mine is low calorie. I ate the same soup seven days a week and lost 30 pounds in three months.
      Thanks for the wish for me. And, I hope the same for you.

    2. Sue,
      I forgot to answer. I don't know if keto bread helped since I just traded regular bread for chocolates!

  8. Last night, New Year's Eve the gunfire around here was crazy. It wasn't just occasional shots being fired one at a time hopefully into the air
    and not at something. Last night it sounded like the streets of Ukraine
    all different tones of some kind of automatic guns that sounded like rrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrrrr, and then someone else would fire off a gun (maybe different calibre or brand name or type and it would have a different tone of rrrrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrr. Like you hear on TV shows. One possibly bigger with louder lower tones of rrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrr. And then some one was shooting what sounded like a nail gun for quite a long time. Nobody was firing off fireworks, I guess everybody was staying in safe from the gun shots. I questioned aloud, I wondered why the police weren't stopping any of that. My husband said the obvious, why would they want to walk into all of that, and cause trouble? I haven;t heard any news of anyone being injured by gunfire last night around our community, so that is a good thing.
    My husband had shrimp and crackers and dip and chips. I had fake crab meat ( surimi) and some thin sliced ham, and some braunschweiger, no cooked cold shrimp, crackers, chips, or bread, because all of those items either hurt my tooth holes or get stuck there. Before sleeping I was so hungry I also had an almost frozen Boost drink.
    Happy New Year to All.

    1. susie,
      I heard the same type noises of guns. Tommy told me they were fireworks. I really don't think so. It was scary. I wonder. I forgot you could only have liquid stuff. I have had food get in the holes, and it caused and infection, besides really hurting. I am glad no one was hurt.

  9. New Year eve finds me in the goat pen calming the goats and or 2 Great Pyrenees. Our neighbor love having big parties. The fireworks and gun shots start early and go late. We go through this every holiday. Seems now that I am old I don't need much sleep. Normal nights have me in bed by midnight and every morning my inner clock tells me to wake up and start my day at 5:10am. I get up, do my bible reading and enjoy the peace and quiet before husband gets up. I fixed blackeyed peas, collard greens, BBQ pork ribs, mac n cheese, and cornbread for our New Years meal. Christmas is all packed away and I am looking forward to 23 being a better year for all of us.

    1. HHH,
      Too bad the neighbors disturb the animals! My body does not allow me to get the sleep I do still need. Dinner sounds scrumptious. 23 should be better.

  10. Sounds like your NYE was lovely! Like you, one of my goals is my health. Another, is getting my own place! :) Have a great day!

    1. Ritter,
      Those are two worthy goals. Your health tops housing! It was a nice NYE with nothing special.

  11. Happy New Year! I was asleep when the new year came. I hope all of your goals including your health goals come to fruition this year. 😊


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