Monday, January 9, 2023

Supertunias & I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut

 We saw the most beautiful flowers at a nursery. When I asked if the were petunias and was commenting about how late in the year they were blooming, and how mine died in the summer, the guy explained. He said the ones were looking at were Supertunias.  The flowers were $35 for a hanging basket, too rich for my blood.

So, now I will look for the seeds or a cheaper pot. So far, everytime I google "supertunia, I get wave petunias, but the guy said supertunias were better than wave. So, you can judge for yourself.

While we shopped in Cullman and I bought two more turkey breasts for $1.49/lb., I made an honest mistake. Then, I questioned and should not have. We bought $45 worth of groceries. Some of this was Christmas markdown. Well, only three small items were mark down. 

When I got to the car, I looked for the receipt to tell Tommy the prices. No receipt. Finally, I called the store and told them I needed my receipt. I had relinquished the electric cart, so the guy came to the car. After he looked over the register where I checked out, he came back out. Then, he said he would have to look in the system in the office. He needed to know what I bought. At some point, he needed the card I used. 

Finally, he came back out and showed us the purchases on copy paper. He said there was no receipt because I did not pay for it. Well, I was indignant, saying I did put the card in the machine. Boy, was I insulted because I would not steal the items and knew I had paid. Or, so I thought. So, at this point, he took our card and went back in to pay for the merchandise and brought back a receipt. 

If I had not wanted a receipt, I would never have known I had not paid! I asked him to please look at the camera and see I did put in the card. And, I heard the beep that tells me to take out the card. He said no matter, it was the person who rang me up that should have known I did not pay. 

My conscience would be clear because I honestly thought I had paid. He said that sometimes the machine makes mistakes. This manager said he remembered me being in the cart. I think the guy who checked me out got into trouble. I hate that because he was new. 

Today, we were going out of town, but due to my inability to sleep, we did not. I was in here in the middle of the night, a little before 7 am. I could hear Tommy was not asleep, so I called his name softly. He answered. I told him we were not going to Cullman. He let me sleep. 

I awoke around 1pm, felt a little nappish later, but resisted. Nothing has happened except a trip to the grocery store. I got Special K--bogo, keto bread, cream of wheat, bananas. 

Decluttering happened. Will this ever end? 

I do have plans for Tommy to put shelf paper in one kitchen drawer.

Have you ever heard of supertunias?

Have you ever walked out with merchandise that someone rang up and put in your cart, but somehow you did not pay for it even though you used a card? 


  1. I would keep a watch on your statement. I don't think there is any way the cashier can close out the 'sale' without it being paid for. Just keep your eyes open.
    Never heard of that type of petunia.

    1. Cheryl,
      Watching the statement is my idea, too. It is Tommy's account and he is not for watching. But, I have the receipt and will keep reminding him. He trusts them. Well, I never do. How did they let me out of the store?
      I am still trying to figure out if the seeds are just wave petunias.

  2. One time at Dollar Store I was so busy having a conversation with the checker who had worked there for as long as the store had been open, I loaded my bags into the cart talking back and forth with her the whole time and was just merrily walking out of the store. The automatic door had already opened when she said "Ma'm, you forgot to pay." Oh, my gosh, I was so embarrassed. I can't run my mouth and
    check out at the same time. I apologized, and she laughed. She had known me long enough, and we had spoken enough times, that she knew I wasn't trying to shop lift or anything.
    I'm not familiar with Supertunias, but I will look into them when the flowers are in the store around here again. It gets so crazy hot here and our yard has no shade in the afternoon, so I only have luck with petunias (even wave petunias) until about July. I am hoping my two crepe myrtles and the only rose I have left will survive this winter. We already had a day that got down to 4 or 5 below. The crepe myrtles can survive and come back from all of the way back to the ground, but I don't know about my pretty rose. I forgot to have my husband mulch them with mown leaves this fall. I sure wish I could get out there and do my own gardening still. Last year there was a young boy who was wanting to do yardwork, maybe I can catch him to help me with some of the small garden projects.
    I think this season is causing a lot of my sleep problems, plus we started letting the pup sleep out of the cage, because she just stays asleep pretty good, but if it is a bright sunny day it wakes her up and then she comes and nips my toes and pulls off the cover I use on my legs. She doesn't nip hard just a playful little nip, but it startles me out of my sleep and makes my heart race. That starts the day off bad.
    She has so much fur on her little 5 lb body, and she has a real thick coat around her chest and upper body, and then such a little small Pomeranian face. It makes it hard to stay mad at her for long.

    I hope you can get a good rest and have an enjoyably busy day. Take care.

    1. When my three children were small, I would regularly forget to finish a check or just walk out with groceries. I think I ruined my brain. Now, it is still
      The guy said the supertunias could take heat and some dryness. I sure hope so. His house is brick and it must be ten degrees warmer out there in the afternoon. There are no shrubs or trees to moderate the heat. Hopefully, you can find the kid to help you. I need one of those.
      A dog nipping at me would definitely have my heart racing. I have so many reasons not to sleep!

  3. Yes. Years ago, at Rite Aid, I managed to walk out of the store with a nice bottle of wine in my cart which I didn't pay for. I was with a friend who was driving, and didn't notice until the drive home, when I started thinking the total seemed low. I pulled the receipt from my pocket to check it, and sure enough, no wine had been rung up. Since we were already so close to home, I went back the following week, well after the wine had been consumed, brought another bottle of the same wine to the register, and told the manager what had happened. He rang it up on an empty register, then placed it back on the shelf, and I proceeded to do the rest of my shopping. He still chuckles about that when I go in there!

    1. Meg,
      I have done similar things. Once, I was leaving WM about ten years ago, hot and tired. I snagged a bottle of Dasani and just went right out the door. Once in the car and having given up my electric cart, I decided to confess next time I went in. I actually did want water the next time, so I told the cashier to ring up the water twice even though I only was buying one bottle. She said I should have not confessed since I had gotten away with it. But, I could not do that, only a bottle of water.

  4. I have heard of wave petunia's but not supertunia's. Not a huge fan of petunia's as they are to dead head constantly, and that's a lot of work!!

  5. Hell's bells, Linda--that kerfuffle is all on the checker, not you! The checker is completely in charge of that transaction.

    But like Cheryl said, keep a close eye on your statement because it sounds so fishy. I'd be concerned about being double-charged.

    Decluttering happened here, too. And NO, it will NEVER END. I swear to the heavens that the more I declutter, the messier the house gets. I think it's all breeding secretly when I sleep, like rabbits...

    1. Sue,
      Well, that was my take--not my fault. But, I sort of thought it might reflect on me. The manager who came out to get the cc, sounded grim, saying he would take care of the other guy.

      Yes, I will remind Tommy so that he does keep up with the charge.

      I think you might have something there--reproducing clutter. It is very discouraging. Tommy forbade me to bring my file cabinet here, but he relents, as you know, just as if he never said anything. So, I will either order another or try to get mine down here so I can put things away. Ten boxes would come off the floor if I could declutter as I file. There would probably eight of those boxes to throw away.


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