Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

 Tommy had a card waiting for me when I got up at 11:30 am. He gave me my bag of candy and I gave him his heart of candy. That's it folks. I immediately took the antibiotic which made me feel worse than I did before going to the doctor. 

So, this was a lovely day out, sunny, sixties, and windy. Today has been very pleasant outside of my misery taking this antibiotic. I liken it in my mind to cancer patients needing chemotherapy to get well. So, I should not complain so bitterly. 

I took a pink envelope with matching card, drew hearts on it and the card, put card and a square of Ghirardelli dark chocolate filled with raspberry in the envelope. I left it in Lynda's driveway and we drove off. I called her and told her there was something in her driveway. She was happy. 

He has taken out the frozen broccoli, found the can of soup. Later, he will bring me the chicken to chop, cheese to grate, and rice to measure. So, we are getting it all ready for the casserole. Yes, I will stumble off to wash my hands. 

I am still managing to declutter just a bit. Between the two of us, the place stays at least as good as it did when O last came. Last night, when I could not sleep, I straightened a bit in my bedroom. With lights in the ceiling fixture, I can actually see to do things. Otherwise, I can barely see the colors of things. 

Dinner of casserole was delicious. I had an apple afterward and Tommy had two slices of raisin bread. 

About midnight, I started feeling better. By then it was time for my night pill. It is the antibiotic making me feel so rotten! Does antibiotic sometimes make you feel rotten?

What happened for you on Valentine's day? What did you do for someone else?


  1. Happy Valentines, Antibiotics do not bother me. Some other medications tend to be a problem but once I adjust, I am usually good to go. The metformin, a bad couple of days but nothing since. Of course, I started on another med that had the opposite effect so I guess they are balancing out against each other. The only thing I know is I am sleeping better and having less pain.

    Have a good day tomorrow, not sure, think it is Wednesday!! LOL

    1. Texas,
      I am one of those people who suffer from antibiotics...lucky me. I am glad you adjusted to the metformin. Pain pills will do that to you. Sleeping is a gift.

      Tomorrow is Wednesday. I figured that our a few minutes ago.

  2. All antibiotics make me sick. It used to be just some of them. They cause GI issues. But we must take them to get rid of the infection. So, after a while, when they are all taken, one does feel better.

    1. Carole,
      It seems you have problems like I do. I know. I take them like poison pills, knowing I will be ill all day. But, I must. I have no GI issues. I just cannot move. When I walk, it is like I forgot how to walk. Everything hurts and I cannot think straight.

  3. I am on an antibiotic that makes me feel sick to my stomache.

  4. I get sick from antibiotics too! One way that I prevent nausea from antibiotics is to do a round of probiotics at the same time to help balance out your gut bacteria. Also consuming high in fiber foods is said to help combat nausea as well. You probably already know this but thought I'd mention in case it's helpful to you.

    My honey spoiled me for Valentines with an over the top floral arrangement that is filled with the most beautiful flowers - star gazing lilies, roses & these tropical looking flowers and greenery that remind me of Hawaii - it's truly breathtaking!! While I know flowers are considered as a waste of money by some, they truly bring me so much joy every time I look at them & I work from home so I literally stare at them most of the day! He knows this so he always buys them for me anyways to make me happy. He also got me a huge fancy red heart filled with handmade chocolates from a local candy shop, they are delicious! He is a keeper in my book - for many many reasons, I am a lucky girl!

    1. Bri,
      No, I did not know about the fiber or probiotics. Thanks.
      He is a keeper. I usually want flowers in a bouquet, but this time, lilies in a pot struck my fancy. Handmade candy sounds special. You do have a keeper. The flowers do sound marvelous.

    2. Here's an article I just found about it Linda that has more info:


      I've taken both a probiotic in pill form (you can get OTC) or by eating that Activia yogurt that has probiotics already added in it. Hope you find a solution either way. Take care :)

    3. I don't recall the brand name, was just something I picked up at Walgreens but I'm sure you could find online at Amazon or anywhere really. They even have some that have Cranberry in them too (I know we've talked about cranberry pills for UTIs in the past!) I've also tried the gummies too & liked them, those ones were the Olly brand I believe.

  5. I have to take a low dose of gabapentin and that makes me feel wobbly and nauseated if i take the first pill in the morning (like i am supposed to) but the last pill around supper time is ok. I often skip the AM dose.

    1. Ann,
      I wonder why the supper dose is okay? More food in your stomach? Interesting.

  6. Good for Tommy! I am glad he did good!
    I gave someone a 'token' gift that I found some fake flowers from a long ago 'pink' party and put them in a vase, along with a 'love gift' of red/pink bag of circus peanuts - his favorite. It was a hit.

    1. Urspo,
      Token gifts are always appreciated. What is a pink party?

    2. all the decorations were pink and all those who came wore pink.

    3. Urspo,
      That sounds nice since I love pink.


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