Monday, February 20, 2023

Stress Test

Monday started off with sleep from 2 am until 4 am. Not good. At 7:30 I got up to prepare to leave at 8:30 for a 9:30 am stress test. With no sleep and no food, I was not in a good space. I become hangry, anxious, fog brained, and not happy at all. I am a bit whiny and sad. Somehow, I have become accustomed to sleep and food. Going without either changes my personality.

Of course, Tommy drove me and managed not to frighten me too many times. The person who brought a wheelchair to me and pushed me in was a joy. She was not impatient with me. She locked the wheels without attitude and assisted me with the footrests. 

The placing of the little sticky things for some sort of lines to measure put on me. Why do things have to be so cold? 

Of course, the real problem for this trip was going to be getting a needle into a vein to inject the solution.  The crook of my arm is the only place that does not leave me in pain. He stuck me three times before getting a vein. And, that time was in the back of my hand, a place that hurts so I cannot bear it. 

Finally, he got the line into my hand. He got it into the vein. A miracle. Then, I needed a recovery room! Finally, it was time for the stress test. Of course, it was in a machine and very stressful. It was nice there was a "pillow" for my head. They finished attaching all the leads. Finally, I could not keep my hands on my stomach. They wanted my arms by my side. I could not do that for ten minutes and then seven more. So, I asked them to strap me down. 

The tech had been standing there, seemingly thinking. When I asked to be strapped down, she looked relieved and quickly strapped me with a wide strap already in place. They knew how nervous I was, so I imagine she did not know how to broach the subject of 

My mask slipped so it was in my eye and she was very ugly about getting the mask adjusted! She threatened to take me out of the machine. Threats don't work with me! My eye still hurts from the corner of the mask in my eye.

It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. It was horrible. I felt as if I had walked a block very quickly. The guy told me they would give a Coke with sugar to help me recover. Really? Medical people want me to drink sugar and caffeine. Well, this joint is improving. 

When I was planning on what to take with me, I decided some chicken might be better for me than the crackers and drink I thought I would get. So, I stuck a chicken breast in a plastic bag and took it with me. When I got to the coke, I popped it and drank some and one cracker while Tommy was getting out my chicken. I ripped a piece off and encouraged him to eat, too. He just gnawed/bit his off. We still brought part of it home.

When the guy came back in, he mentioned crackers, I said chicken. He was puzzled, so I showed him a piece of broiled chicken breast in a napkin. He was surprised.

The guy told me there was nothing dangerous, so I would hear from the doctor in 3-5 days. So, now I wait. I have heard of people who went straight to the hospital for stints or bypass surgery. So, I am hoping for the best since there is no immediate danger. 

We stopped for a small McD cheeseburger, plain. I could have made it home, but this was for Tommy so he would not be dangerous on the road. 

At home, I went straight to the bathroom and then to bed. I said nothing more to Tommy. He understood as I have gone from car to bed before. After a short, short nap, I did not feel rested. 

Well, that might not be very interesting! It is over. No doctor will touch me until I get the heart in shape. For that care, I am grateful. 

There is more, but you are probably grateful that i am stopping. I am tired and stressed.

Have you ever had a chemical stress test? How did it go? 


  1. I have not had a stress test yet. I did have a cardiac workup in the emergency room one time. They had to take arterial blood and my arm hurt for months after. No, not a heart problem, had a bad anxiety panic attack which can bring many symptoms of a heart attack.

    I do know how you feel about IV's and blood draws. The worst time is when you have a procedure that you are not allowed to have any fluids before hand. They are much harder to get the vein if you are dehydrated. I guess I am just cranky these days. I tell them when I go in I want the IV in the elbow. The hand or wrist is just to painful to me. I also tell them, get the best person to do it, you are going to only get one shot at it. I am lucky that I have one arm that you can clearly see the vein.

    Isn't funny how just one person can ruin what should be a simple procedure. There should not be a question asked, if you are uncomfortable they should help you. Heck, I have had them scratch my nose if needed. How do they think we can stay still if we are not comfortable.

    You are stronger than me, I can't get out of bed if I have not had a few hours of sleep. I only do it when I have someone that is doing the driving. Sorry it was such a hard day. Good to know your heart was not in immediate danger. Sleep well tonight and hopefully tomorrow you will feel better.

    1. Texas.
      I didn't know there was such a thing as an arterial blood draw. Months is way too long for a pain. Yikes. I never had a panic attack. Or, maybe I did.
      I feel the same way about blood draws! Yes, dehydrate me and then try to find a vein. He tried twice in the bend of the elbow and just hurt me. So, I sort of had to let him try the back of my hand. It hurt like blazes and I made a lot of noise!
      I will report her! She said, "I did what you asked, exactly what you asked me to do. Nope. I will report her for threatening to take me out of the machine.
      Usually, I can cancel whatever it is when I need sleep. But, today, I knew it would take two or three weeks to get an appointment, and my heart health is probably NOT improving. And, the tooth will not hold off forever or the thyroid or spine.
      That was the one good highlight. It does not appear I will die in my sleep from a heart attack.

  2. That sounds very unpleasant. Medical testing is so invasive, i'm glad I haven't had too much yet but I suppose my time will come.
    Rest up

    1. kylie,
      Maybe you are very healthy. I had a test in 2000 where they go in groin to heart and I had clear heart and clear arteries, no blockages of any sort. So, it took me 20 years to get here. I am trying to rest and do nothing. I didn't even eat dinner because I have an intermittent headache since the test.

  3. I had the chemical stress test back in September. 3 hours. First the IV. Wait. Than into a cat scan machine. Wait. Than, into a room with two nurses who hooked me up to the leads and an EKG machine. They put the chemical in my IV, I felt a little flushed, no problem. I has to swing my legs and arms for 2 get my heart pumping. Leads out, off to the waiting area. Crackers and water and wait. Back to the cat scan machine for a few minutes. IV out. Than home. All was good. I had a stent in 2014 (age 60) and since than, have had both knees and a hip replaced. My cardiologist does not advocate treadmill stress tests with replaced joints. I don't have a problem with an IV or blood draws (I try to drink lots of water the day before), knock wood. I do know that the back of the hand hurts like hell. The wonderful nurse in the O.R. for my first joint replacement told me it was better for the patient to have an IV placed not on the top of the hand, but on the side of the baby finger where there is a vein. Lazy ass nurses put it in the top of the hand. It sounds as if you had a very bad no good day. Hope you feel better.

  4. I have never had a chemical stress test, and boy howdy, from the horror stories here I hope like heck I never have to! I am so glad yours is over and done with, Linda. And I am glad to hear that you are not in immediate danger. Fingers crossed the final results are good!

    I also get sick from lack of sleep. I get positively nauseous. For someone who used to pull all-nighters on the reg, it sure is weird and feels debilitating. Sucks getting old, it does...

    1. Sue,
      I had a friend who was a professional baseball player when younger who was put on the treadmill. He said it took forever and he thought he was going to die. He said it took so long because his heart was stronger from being an athlete. So, I wonder which is worse. Of course, I could not have used the treadmill.

      Me too! I don't take to lack of sleep like I did not too many years ago. Old is not good, but I am trying to get through

  5. that all sounds very exhausting and stressful. Hoping you find out good results.

    1. One,
      It was horrendous. If I had just had food in me, I don't think it would have been suck a horror. I am anxious and hoping for a good report.

  6. It does sound exhausting. I had a chemical stress test in December. I’d had one before so I knew what to expect. I hope you get good results from yours.

    1. Belinda,
      It was exhausting. Remember, going to the bathroom is exhausting to So, I was beyond exhausted. I still did not sleep again last night. I also hope your results were good.

  7. I have not had a chemical stress test. Earlier this year I wore a heart monitor for 2 weeks then had an ultrasound. A couple of weeks later I did a treadmill stress test. They wired me up & If I remember correctly, the treadmill portion was for 7 minutes. Because I have a bad knee they had me walk rather briskly. Once the time was up I had to quickly jump onto the table where the ultrasound tech did another ultra sound. I ended up getting a good report. I do have a small amount of thickening on one artery. I was told that that was very normal at my age. (72) Now I have a baseline to compare to if I have any issues down the road.

    Last Autumn I went in to the cancer center for iron infusions. One of the nurses had a hard time inserting the needle and it was quite painful. I asked to have it reinserted and all was well. I think that was the only time I have ever had a problem having any sort of line inserted.

    Linda, totally off subject. I often read that you eat an apple or 1/2 an apple. My question is what type of apple do you prefer? I am trying to eat more fruit. I am not cooking very often and know that I need to focus on more fruits & vegetables. Lately I just am not hungry. One good thing about that is that I have lost more weight!

  8. Janet,
    I was not eager for the chemical stress test, but knew I could not limp fast enough for the treadmill. I had a 7 minute section for baseline, then 7 minutes for the test. So, times are the same. I am glad you got a good report and hope I do, too.

    I have actually told them to stop!

    I eat only Red Delicious. It depends on how large the apple is, whether I feel like I can eat a whole apple. I wish I would get not hungry and lose weight.


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