Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Disgust and Excitement

 It is such a beautiful day with blue skies and white, fluffy clouds. At 6 pm is 73F. Perfect! The day did not start well. I could not sleep until 8 am and only slept until 11 am because I told Tommy to wake me if I slept until 11 am. UGH!

We were in the car, sitting for a bit. I was reading the newspaper. All of a sudden, I became dizzy. Then, the car started flying around when I closed my eyes. I sort of shrieked, grabbed the door and Tommy, begging him to hold me and not let me fly away. It was terrifying. So, that settled down and to my surprise, the car was still in the same place. 

Then, I started salivating uncontrollably. I regurgitated on the newspaper I was reading. Yuck. TMI. I continued this new activity for a while. Then, I laid my head back as we drove. When I finally got into the house, I continued for five minutes. 

Well, I don't accept this new state. I ate a small slice of a chocolate chip cookie cake. So far, so good. 

Two men were on their balcony, minding their own business when shots rang out and put the two men in the hospital. One is out and okay. The other is still in a wheelchair and home. But, he needs support since he cannot work. We provided food. We will provide cash I have that is only to help people who need it. I can use it for myself but won't. Tommy does not know this yet, lol. But, it is my windfall, so my decision. He will not object. 

Of course, my knee seems healed, but this happens all the time. I suppose since I am so hungry and woozy it would not do the be lame, too. 

Saturday, I started gasping in glee. My mouth was full, so I could not speak. Tommy did not see, but I did. He looked to see where I was looking. Hummingbird! It flew off and two minutes later, there were three hummingbirds. I was amused by the object of their inspection. I had a pink, hanging flowerpot. After months in the sun, only the hook is pink. Well, all three hummingbirds hovered and seemed to be wanting to taste the pink hook. Yes, they really do like pinks/reds. I made nectar early Sunday. On Sunday afternoon I put out one feeder. Tuesday, I put out a second. One hummingbird came back today. Well, I only saw one, but the door was not open, and I was gone part of the day. Happy Day, we have hummingbirds again. 

I am testing my stomach, tempting fate, having potato salad for dinner. 

I feel weak, so I will tell you about my Saturday tumble tomorrow. Promise. 

Do you become inordinately excited over hummingbirds or the first of a flower or vegetable? What excites you in the spring?


  1. Sounds like you may have had an extreme case of vertigo!
    I love seeing the hummingbirds when they come back. It will be a while yet here - but they are such a joy.

  2. Cheryl,
    I have never had this happen to me in the car. I credit Tommy for keeping me from flying out of the car...lol.
    It was just a matter of time, I knew, that I would see them come back. Now, to get the other feeders filled. Keeping them filled, clean, and sugar water made is a major chore!

  3. A friend just posted a map on Facebook of the hummingbird migration. It will still be a while for us to see them, but love that you saw them! I know you enjoy them!

    1. Rachel,
      I need to find that map. I already have the hummers, but it would be interesting. Thanks.

  4. I agree with Cheryl, this sounds like vertigo. My husband had such a severe case of it a couple of years ago, I called the ambulance! We didn't know what was happening. He couldn't walk, the world was spinning, and he was violently ill. He's only had it a couple of times since then. We have Dramamine on hand in all cars and the house for future occurrences.

    Hummingbirds give us great joy as well. Hubby put out two or three feeders this week. We're in south central KY, so a bit behind you on their arrival. I also love beautiful hanging baskets and spring flowers. We usually have three ferns hanging on the front porch, but have not purchased them yet. We're undecided whether we should go ahead and get them or not at the moment. We'll be gone approximately two weeks in May for an Alaskan cruise / land tour. So someone will have to take care of them daily while we're gone.

    1. I have had vertigo before, but never sitting still. The other times, I had tried to move. I get carsick reading while driving. Maybe sitting in a car that is running while I read is causing the same thing to happen. The throwing up bit I cannot understand.

      Maybe waiting about the ferns would be a good idea unless you have a really trustworthy person to water them. A cruise sounds wonderful.

    2. The two times I have been with my husband when he had vertigo attacks were both while sitting still. I'm not sure what it is that causes the nausea, but both times he was extremely nauseous.

    3. Alice, Interesting. Heretofore, I have tried to stand up, sit up in bed, or just turn over. Never have I been sitting still like yesterday. I wonder why all this happens as it does. Thanks.

  5. Linda, an extreme sudden case of vertigo like you explained you had is concerning. It is also a potential symptom of a TIA (transient ischemic attack). They usually only last a few minutes. Most signs and symptoms disappear within an hour. This is NOT to be ignored. And, you are hinting at a fall -- this could also be a TIA in a different part of the brain, if part of you "went numb" or did not react as it should have.
    Since TIAs most often occur hours or days before a stroke, seeking medical attention immediately following a possible TIA is essential. I would not hesitate to go to an urgent care facility for this.

    1. meetsy,
      Considering I am suffering an ear problem, I think the dizziness is related to that and the sinus problem. Well, I hope so. That is why I am not really concerned about a tia, which I had momentarily wondered. Plus, I have had vertigo in years past. But, I do appreciate the warning. I did not "fall" but worse.

  6. I am sorry about your dizzy spell. I have only suffered dizziness to the point of nausea once, and it was extremely unpleasant!

    I am so happy that you have hummingbirds!!! They are just breathtaking. I never get over the wonder of seeing them.

    I have my feeder out, hoping that I'll see them. I would like a hanging basket to help attract them, but all that's available right now are silly pots of pansies, which have to be dead-headed to keep the blooms coming. I ain't about all that work!

  7. Sue,
    I have decided that the vertigo and throwing up are from the same cause. I have a severe case of sinus problems, including congested ears and lots of congestion that is getting into my stomach.

    I need a different flower for my concrete bunny because it is too far away to deadhead so I only have two blossoms at a time.


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