Saturday, April 29, 2023

Eggsciting Price

 This week The Pig has eggs very cheap--$1.76/doz. When I got there I found a better price--$3.06/18 eggs or 1.5 dozen. PLUS, the carton of one dozen on sale was medium eggs, while the carton with 1.5 dozen was EXTRA LARGE. Since I always, well almost always, buy extra-large, I decided to get two cartons of 18 that were extra-large. 

At home we figured the price per egg that we paid. Well, I did pay more for each egg. Cost per egg for medium eggs was 0.15 cents and cost per egg for extra-large was 0.17 cents. So, each egg was $0.02 more.  Okay, a bit more? I doubt it. Medium eggs weigh 55-60 grams. Extra-large eggs weigh 65-70 grams. Since there is a range within each designation, I would have to weigh each egg which I will not do. However, I do believe that the extra-large were actually a smidgen cheaper based on weight which I have not determined. The actual cost per egg, regardless of the size of egg is 15 cents for the sale-priced egg and 17 cents for the ones I bought which are larger. 

I told Tommy I was going to buy 4 dozen, and he did not react well. He said there was no room. Well, I looked and it is crowded in the refrigerator. We need to eat the produce stacked on the one large shelf at the bottom above the crispers which will not easily move in and out, so not used at all. I may go in there and see what is wrong. And, I might go buy more eggs as they will be this price through Tuesday. 

Oh, we still have a carton of 18 still left from a few weeks ago. When I can stand to stand, I will scramble nine, at least, and eat for three mornings. Right now, we have three cartons of eighteen. 

I sprayed the bluebird and hung it up. Maybe the cool and damp will not be good for it. I can sand and respray. We moved all the plants on the porch to the table or corner of the ramp. Tommy won't have to do it. I believe rain is better for plants than tap water. 

Tommy washed clothes and I hung them. Now, the bathroom rugs are in the washing machine and it's getting dark. He put them in when I turned on the dishwasher, so he stopped it. I suppose he will go out after dark restart the machine and then go back to bring in the rugs. 

Last night, I decided I would put in the pork roast early, but I forgot, so that is for Sunday. Plus, we still need to cook the three packages of thighs that are thawed.     

Dinner: Again Tommy had thigh meat and I had chicken breast. He had zucchini noodles, like a salad. Plus, baked carrots and potatoes. I had carrots and mustard greens. We will both have strawberries and blueberries. 

Edit: free item at the Pig was 20 count pack of quart freezer bags, Ziploc, I think.


  1. It seems logical that egg prices are coming down because hens start laying more in the spring. Production is up because there's increasing daylight hours. You can freeze raw eggs, you know. Crack the eggs into a bowl, whisk them, and pour into an ice cube tray or muffin tin. When frozen, pop the cubes into a freezer ziploc bag. You do have to break up the yolks before freezing.

    We had Chinese for dinner. I threw caution to the wind and over-indulged in some carbs. Had 3/4 cup of rice, 3 scallion pancake wedges dipped in soy sauce, a pork dumpling, and 1/2 a glazed cherry turnover w/ a spoonful of ice cream for dessert. I drank 5 cups of plain decaf tea between dinner and bedtime, so I had plenty of liquid.

    I don't usually eat that many carbs anymore. And here's why:

    This morning? My weight is up 2.3 lbs. If that isn't proof carbs aren't my friend I don't know what is! :^( :^(

    1. Sue,
      I froze eggs for years. But, I used the tiny Ball freezer jars that I already had on hand. For my poundcake recipe, I used the half pint jelly jars. Remember, I bought no jars and did not have to handle so many times.
      This is my problem with carbs in the past. My solution--just don't indulge for a few days and it all melts away. If I keep on eating carbs, well, you know what happens.

  2. Cool beans on the free ziplock bags. Good deal on the eggs too. I would have gotten the XL ones too as I think they are the better buy.

    1. Belinda,
      I had to buy $10 first, but that is not hard to do.

  3. Linda, to find new ways to use the new-found great priced eggs -- you can download a free .pdf of my egg book Only took me a decade to write it, finally done!

    1. Meetsy, thanks. I will look the egg book up. Of course, I think I don't need a new way to use eggs, but I am sure I will find something interesting.

  4. I used to regularly purchase eggs but haven't in a long time. I will have to go have a look-see if the prices have dropped any.

    1. Urspo,
      Eggs are a bargain at any price and necessary for scrambled eggs and lots of baking.


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...