Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Junk Food

 On Tuesday I felt I was recovering. Today, I felt even worse! This is one of those instances in which I have no idea what malady has me in its grip. My ears don't hurt or feel stopped up. Throat is not sore. Sinuses feel fine. I just feel weak and feverish. My eating habits seem to be the only things affected.

I had Special K, milk and banana for breakfast about 11 am, then was so hungry I had another bowl thirty minutes later.

Then, I decided I should lie down for an hour before we went out. Well, I slept a total of three hours and told Tommy to at least go to Publix and get our milk. I had mentioned earlier in the day what we needed and things on bogo. He brought those home even though I did not expect it. 

He gave me the receipt which looked weeks old with a thousand wrinkles. ??? He brought home--his milk, two of my a2milk, ice cream bogo, 4 Kraft Medium chunks--bogo, cherries $4.99/lb on sale, 3 bananas, keto bread, 2 huge bags of potato chips, 5 lb. red potatoes, 1 Corn Chex bogo. Then, he said, "I brought you a surprise." It was a bag of Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies. OMG

I did ask for the ice cream and will only eat less than a half cup each day. The potato chips are his thing. I decided I would make pimiento and cheese. Well, there was no pimiento and the cheese was grated. Tommy volunteered to go back and get it for me. They don't carry Dromedary, so he bought Lindsay instead. I now have an opened jar, 7 ounces. Grating the cheese exhausted me. 

The keto bread was $6.99. But, worth it I thought. However the keto bread, Nature's Own has 10 grams of carbs while the Nature's Own Honey Wheat has 13 grams of carbs. I wonder if it even worth buying this keto bread. Besides, the keto bread is so chewy! 

Tommy went to the kitchen and found food for himself--slaw I made yesterday, leftover chicken, corn he decided to open. I did not want anything! There are two packages of chicken that need to be cooked--thighs and split breasts. Somehow, I with Tommy's help will get those cooked. I have had an incredible amount of junk food today, especially tonight. But, I will have chicken, slaw, and green beans tonight. 

We are watching "The Game Show Show." It is great because we get to see old favorites like The Gong Show, Truth or Consequences and more. This is the third session. I am not sure how many more installments there will be. Have you seen this show on ABC? 

Hopefully, all this junk food will cure me. What do you think? jk I know this is not right.


  1. You did seem to get a lot done on Tuesday despite not feeling well. It sounds like you are doing some decent napping, which can only help.

    As far as the keto bread goes, you need to check the fiber and calculate net carbs, which is the most important number. Fiber cancels out carbs, apparently. So:

    Carb grams - fiber grams = net carbs.

    Have you tried any of the low-carb ice creams out there? Let me save you the trouble and the money--they all taste lousy. I do like sugar-free Fudgesicles, though. They are pretty decent.

    I have not seen "The Game Show Show" but I read the description and it looks like it's a good 4-part series. I'm going to see if I can catch it somewhere.

    I just loved Hollywood Squares when it was on. The contestants seemed so witty! Now of course I realize that they had comedy writers and the whole thing was scripted, not off-the-cuff. Oh well. My enjoyment was real, at least. LOL

    1. So, 10 carbs minus 9 fiber equals 1 carb. ??? That is better. However, that bread is worse than tough meat to chew.
      You will love the Game Show Show. I can even remember some of the incidents they show. Amazing!
      Some of the people were very witty without writers, like Paul Lind.

  2. PS: I FINALLY saw a hummingbird at my feeder! Just this morning. He was sitting quietly, drinking.

    The best feeders have perch rings so the little cuties can rest while they eat. And the feeder ports should never have metal parts that the hummingbirds can accidentally cut their tongues on!

    1. I am glad you finally have a hummingbird. Agreed, no metal for their feet. Metal would be horrible for their feet.

  3. You might have an UTI. Sometimes there are no symptoms except you feel lousy.

    1. Carole, that is the conclusion of arrived at last night. I am going to see today.

  4. LOL! I wish junk food could cure us. I really like pi,e to cheese and it’s been too long since I had any. We are doing egg salad today since I boiled a dozen eggs yesterday.

    1. Belinda,
      Egg salad sounds good, too. I found five eggs in a bowl and hoped they were boiled. No.

  5. Well now I'm hungry for chocolate chip cookies. That's cute that he bought that for you as a surprise

    1. One,
      Homemade or Chips Ahoy are the best. He knows I love them and cannot stop eating them. And, he knew there was ice cream and chips at home. I was dismayed but thanked him. I thought it was cute, too.

  6. it makes being sick less sorrowful anyway

    1. Urspo,
      That is for sure. They might have helped in my recovery. jk


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