Thursday, June 8, 2023

Huge Decision and Grossness

 I made a huge decision. I wanted to call Geek Squad for help with my printer, my phone pictures, and how to get these pictures cropped and such. Actually, if I could grab the pictures, I know how blogspot works for posting pictures. 

Once upon a time, I used a program on the internet for all pictures. When I decided not to use it in favor of the Kodak program, the internet program not only kept all my photos as their property, they removed all pictures from my blog that put through their program. 

Then, I bought a little camera that had a disc that I loaded onto my computer. I could take a photo and have it cropped and onto my blog in less than three minutes. When Kodak no longer supported that program, I was lost. 

Geed Squad quoted me a price of $179 to come and do all this and show me while I wrote down instructions for putting photos on my blog or wherever. Nope, won't do that. I may have to put this printer on my lap. I cannot do anything bending over it!

Okay rant over. I will find a way.

Now for the grossness. I have never heard of this. How Gross is This? I never knew or heard of this before. Have you???

I slept 8 hours today, so I feel wonderful. However, I did not get up until almost 2:30. I hate this. However, I get on the computer and entertain myself. I can fold clothes, too. No, the computer viewing does not keep me awake. 

Are you familiar with this grossness?


  1. I told myself "No, don't click on that link! DON'T DO IT!!!"
    But I did anyway. And I'm really, really sorry I did.

    Those men are disgusting. Like it's so damn hard to wash daily with soap and water and wipe themselves properly. Sweet Baby Jesus!

    I am going to go bleach my eyeballs. Thanks, Linda. NOT!!!!


    1. Sue,
      I know. Horrid. I asked Tommy and he said it must be attended to each day. Gross! Thankfully, he is attentive. Of course, now even more people will click on it since we both warned people away. Sort of like a WET PAINT sign.

  2. As always, I should have listened to you in the first place!

    BTW, I'm delighted to hear you got a solid 8 hours in. You must have felt like a whole new woman!

    1. LOL
      I did feel wonderful. Of course, last night, I was back to four hours. Bummer.

  3. PS: I forgot to mention that we have blue skies, white clouds, and sunshine here in central CT!! Nice change of pace from that awful haze...

    1. Sue,
      I am surprised about the blue skies as I would have suspected you would have the haze the news showed last night.

  4. free photo editing software: irfanview is excellent. You can save photos directly to a file on your computer -- just mark a folder as "photos" on your desktop and make that the destination.

    1. meetsy,
      I almost deleted this comment when I saw what it said. I thought it was spam. Luckily, I saw your name. Thanks.

  5. So good to get eight hours sleep :)

    All the best Jan

    1. JAN,
      It is especially great when it happens so few times a month.

  6. I clicked on the link but didn't see any photos. It sounds like a made up issue to me, I haven't seen a whole lot of gooches but they were clean.
    A good sleep makes everything so much easier and you deserve that.
    I have no idea about photos, when I want to post a photo on my blog, I edit on my phone, send the photo to myself via email then upload from there. There are faster ways but it would take me some work to set up and this works for small numbers of pictures.

    1. kylie,
      Well, who would post a picture of that anywhere? It would probably get the writer in
      Same here? In college there was a guy who stunk. The other guys who lived in the boy's dorm said he showered. Obviously he missed something when he washed. Or, maybe he just let water run over him. He was gross smelling.
      Part of my problems are caused by a lack of adequate sleep--pain in back and knee, swelling in leg.
      I will have to get it all figured out somehow!

  7. I have always been of the impression thatthe "gooch" stays mostly clean with basic hygeine. Is this some kind of problem made up for clicks?
    A good sleep always sets us up for a good day. I'm happy for you.

    1. kylie,
      I don't think it is made up for clicks. Using feminine hygiene pads?

    2. well, it is an area that can get nasty cysts. a person would need a pad if a cyst was draining

    3. kylie,
      Anything that nasty would surely have cysts or bad skin infections. I thought they were trying to protect the underwear from stains. That is what I thought I read. Yes, a draining cyst would require a pad.

  8. There is enough grossness I don't go looking for it. ho ho ho

    1. Urspo,
      No pictures, just descriptions. Give it a look and you might be an excellent source of info on the subject.


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