Monday, July 24, 2023

Erythritol and Heart Disease and Rhubarb: Update

Carlee Russel in Hoover admitted it was all a hoax--no child in a diaper on the interstate, no abduction, no help from anyone, all a lie. I do feel sorry for her, but the search for her was an expensive waste of resources. Her "abduction" made the national news  last week and so did her confession this week. 

 I will let the two links below speak for themselves. Since it was put in candy and gum, I have avoided it because of the gastrointestinal problems it caused. So, I suppose I should avoid it for my heart. Hopefully, I can find 100% stevia to use. Maybe there are no side effects with stevia.

Erythritol Risks

Erythritol side effects

Mayo Clinic on Eryrithol Mayo Clinic disagrees with the harm. But, I want to err on the side of caution.

Last night, I needed corn starch to put in the rhubarb. Tommy could not find it at all. So, I suggested he look in the dead zone between sink and microwave. He could not find it there, but managed to declutter it a bit. It looks like a smaller dead zone and neater, too. Now, it is up to me to find the corn starch elsewhere AND to further declutter the dead zone.

I cut almost 8 lbs. of rhubarb. Some, I cut against my thumb while trimming the ends. That got old fast. Today, I found a huge slit in my thumb with a flap of skin, no blood or sore. I knew it hurt when I was doing it. Since this had to be ordered and it is hot all over, I wonder from where it came. Is there a cold spot in Canada where it can thrive. It appeared to have been cut the day before. 

A woman saw it in my cart and asked if it was rhubarb. She was amazed and wanted to know where I got it and where the store ordered it. We both lamented that it won't grow here--too warm. 

I cut enough to fill a gallon bag and a quart, plus another two cups that I cooked. Tonight, I will blanch and freeze it in two cup bags. The cooked bit will go into a rhubarb crisp. No, not putting strawberries in it. While looking on the internet, I read that people often put apples in the rhubarb crisp instead of strawberries. 

Tonight, I will cook some more of the cheap bscb. Tommy tried to help and got out a baking sheet. No, not that, but never mind, just water the plants. So, he went back in and got out the crock pot. No, water the plants. I  will use a large two handled pot and boil it with lots of herbs and spices. 

EDIT: Nope, put it in cooking bag--two chicken breasts, potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts and onions, spices, and water. That was dinner. There is chicken leftvoer for another dinner.

Now, boiled chicken may gross out some people. But, it is tasty with many herbs and spices. Plus, we use it in dishes. As it is, it is perfect in a keto bread sandwich dressed with cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce. Of course, I do use MW. Some will go on the grill since the daily storms and rains have let up for the week.

The weather is still mid-90s here, but the humidity is down to 60%. The lower humidity is a relief. And, no chance of rain until Saturday. It is much easier to breathe!

Do you cook strawberries or apple in rhubarb?

What is your experience with pure stevia? 


  1. My experience with stevia is not good. I truly detest it. Won't touch it. It tastes godawful in diet drinks, and you get to pay more for the bonus of a "naturally sweetened" but shitty-tasting beverage. Yay! I'll drink unsweetened iced herbal tea, thank you. And the occasional diet grape soda--that stuff is the nectar of the gods...

    I am using mostly allulose in my coffee these days, but don't mind a bit of erythritol. I don't buy all the fuss; there aren't enough studies. Plus, the participants in that recent study were already at increased risk for cardiovascular events. So why is anyone actually surprised they ended up having more cardiac events than the general population? I mean, sheesh.

    That David Wolf article is especially mindless. So what if erythritol kills flies when they consume it? Who cares? Beer kills slugs when they drink it. So does that mean we all should all stop drinking beer? OMG, so stupid.

    I don't like rhubarb any more. It takes too much sugar to make it edible. My mom always cooked it with strawberries, never apples. Although I imagine apples would taste just fine with rhubarb.

    I have no problem with "boiled" chicken. If you call it "poached" instead of "boiled" people will compliment you on your cooking acumen instead of recoiling in horror. It's all in the wording...LOL!

    1. I had stevia once. The guy was so uptight about me using too much in lemonade. He was the nervous nelly type, just so finicky. So, I don't remember much about the taste 30 years ago.
      Well, I am the person who should worry about erythritol since I have heart disease. Maybe we should not drink beer. lol

      To me the tartness of rhubarb is delicious. I used two cups of rhubarb with 1/3 cup of sugar. It is very tart, and I think i will eat it that way.

      Okay, I poached the chicken.

  2. I despise stevia. I had it accidentally once, and it tasted like radio static. Also, I don't like ingesting things that don't support glycogen (stored glucose) genesis, in other words, unless it's water, I don't like ingesting non-calorie substances. The reason we eat and drink is to fuel our body. Years ago, when I was still receiving journals, I read an article on wasn't favorable, but I can't remember the specifics, beyond the synthetization process--which I shan't bore you with. People will say, "Oh, but it's natural." Yeah, well, so is Digitalis, (Foxglove).

    1. Meg,
      It makes me crazy when people use the natural argument. So is arsenic. Thanks. I suppose I can just die of aspartame.

  3. Stevia is the absolute worst. I've tried switching from sugar to stevia, and I can't sustain it. So, I will continue with sugar, but decrease it. I only use a small amount in my coffee, and for my tea, I use a small bit of honey. It's all about moderation

    1. Rhitter,
      Thanks. I imagine some of these things are an acquired taste, some of which I don't want to acquire. Sugar is the best Moderation is the key.

  4. I use stevia once in a while - I have no problems with it.
    Rhubarb grows nicely here and we have pretty hot summers. I just brought in a bunch Sunday. I have family in Arkansas that grow it as well.

    1. Cheryl,
      Somehow, it is not the hot summers. It is also growing it in a cool place in the yard, I hear. But, from all I have heard, it won't grow here anymore. A woman in Publix saw I had rhubarb and we discussed growing it. It may be about colder nights, too. We have none.

  5. I live in Vermont. Farmers here have a way they force the rhubarb to keep producing into summer. Not sure how it works. My daughter is a baker and one farmer told her that he could do that to keep getting for her to use at her work.

    1. Barbara,
      How wonderful. I am going to look that up. In the meantime, can you ask what they do? I cannot get into my blog email. If you find out anything, can you let me know at ?

    2. Barbara, I found it first try. Never

  6. I put a bit of Stevia in my coffee. I think the amount I use is not a worry to me.

    1. I need to find pure stevia. What brand do you use?


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