Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sunday This and That

 After the guy at Lowe's told me how early he was coming, I could feel insomnia coming I asked him about when. Early. Before or after 9 am? Before. Ugh. So, I asked him if the could come after 9. He would call when he was five minutes from me. I asked him to give me an hour notice. He agreed and called me on Saturday morning when he was ten minutes from me. 

Oh NO. I was thinking more like the crack of noon.

So, Tommy called me at 9 am and I got up, ate, and dressed. He called about 9:30. Then, it seemed like two minutes later he was here.

He moved huge empty pots on the porch and put the table on the left side of the door. The grill is placed well. He put the tank on, connected it, and started it for me. He said to just start it. But, I wanted to make sure it really did work correctly before I tried it. So, we talked about two minutes more. I gave him $15, all the cash we had, for helping us and delivering the grill. Nice guy. He said he was not expecting pay, that he did it to help me. 

I decided I would take a nap. Well, that did not work. At 3 pm, Tommy decided to water the flowers. As he approached the door afterwards, it started raining.  It only rained a bit and thundered a lot. 

Tommy had cleared out the car but did not clean the inside of the car. There are things in there that I will sell. So, we have started a box to sell. I wish I could have a yard sale. Tommy is against it. He would be able to sit and collect money. We would have to have another person, so maybe it is not feasible. 

At the yard sale several years ago where the people gave me the wheelchair for free even though I was going to buy it, they gave me a set of sheets, too. I am getting rid of those. Plus, I have new mattress covers/pads, never opened that I need to sell. At any rate, having them all in one box as I declutter is better than stuffing things back where I find them and deciding to get rid of them "someday." Maybe someday will come sooner. 

I am too tired and it is too hot to grill right now--96F and "feels like" 102F. Maybe around noon on Sunday, I will grill before the sun hits the front of the house. 

Yesterday, while reading about one problem of mine on Mayo Clinic site, I think I diagnosed the cause of another problem. lol. No, I will see a doctor. 

When I went to the dermatologist on Thursday, he gave me a "recipe" for hand soak and a strong antibiotic. When I was young, I never had so much as a freckle, and the occasional zit once a month. Now, it seems things just grow on my skin and in the strangest places. He took a growth off my scalp earlier, and since I have heard nothing, I suppose it was not cancer. Tommy got to see me zapped with the nitrogen and yelp. A nurse said she did the same thing when zapped. Only it was in a more tender place this time. I am not visiting a dermatologist for wrinkles and superficial problems. 

Since my father and his mother both died of cancer of the head of the pancreas, I'm next. And, many of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on daddy's side died early of cancer. I try to keep on top of these things. One doctor told me that with my history, I will get pancreatic cancer, but I would get it twenty years later since I lead a cleaner lifestyle. 

On Wednesday, I had an endoscopy and an insulting, accusative nurse. Thankfully, the others were great. The doctor gifted me six weird pictures of the esophagus. And, everything looked okay, I guess.  My esophagus was stretched, but I still choke on things. So, I will have to ask him about that.

Getting these two medical items out of the way was such a relief. It takes so little to make me

The tulip tree across the street is blooming again. It is right in my line of sight out the door. Beautiful!


  1. Very nice of the guy to deliver and set up the grill. Stay cool

  2. Cheryl,
    We thought so, too. If I stay cool, I cannot grill. lol

  3. This isn't relevant but I was at Albertsons the other day and the bagger man adored my Piggly Wiggly bag; he grew up in Alabama and immediately recognized it.

    1. Urspo,
      See, you have a real conversation starter. Tommy and I got a big laugh out of that story.


Halloween Decorations

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