Thursday, August 17, 2023

Melba Toast and Other Things


I had forgotten about Melba Toast even though I ate it as a child. 

Then, I ate this crisp from Aldi. It is so delicious, barely sweet. 

The raisin crisp is more savory to me and not quite as delicious. 

Next, I tried a new candy, a blend of white chocolate, sprinkles, and pop rocks--Hershey's Popping Candy with sprinkles. No, I did not have a 10 pack! I just had a couple of bites. Of course, Tommy loudly refused to try the candy and then ate the rest. 

This popped in my mouth, just tiny tingles, then after I swallowed, I felt little tingles on my eardrums. When I put a bite in my mouth and missed my mouth, the candy touched my lip next to skin, and I felt another tiny tingle. Crazy candy. 

We might have done things, but this post wore me out. 

The weather has been lovely, still hot but little humidity. It looks like this might be two weeks without rain. I can live with that. Tommy said he watered but did not come in sweaty. I went to the car and got in. Usually, I have to turn on the ac to breathe. However, it was not even hot in the car. It is not the heat, but the humidity that is so horrible.

One more thing. We saw The Miracle Worker on TBS at 9 pm on Monday. Well, there is a repeat immediately following. I wanted to watch the second showing, but Tommy refused. Oh well.

This episode was about the woman being pregnant. It was hilarious and I will not spoil it for you. There was a baby shower. 

Did you or have you had Melba toast? Zwieback? 

Has the humidity relented at your place? 

Have you seen Miracle Workers? 


  1. We don't get humidity here! But, it rains a lot...yeah...that's rains ALL THE TIME, people, so no need to move here. And we have earthquakes.

    1. I think we get 60 inches per year. And, there is a possibility of small tremors all the time. THE BIG ONE hit in 1811-1812 and formed Reelfoot Lake. The Mississippi River flowed backwards for three days and the quake was felt in Boston and Montreal. All commercial buildings are built on earthquake rockers.

  2. Meant to say, I used to eat melba toast all the time--for some reason it was cheaper than bread, so I'd pack it in my lunches for work. It held up better than crackers or bread for leftovers as well. Melba toast with butter and jam was always a good mid-afternoon snack as well. Funny, but I hadn't thought about it for years either. I have to go shopping this week, so I'll check for it. I'm going to predict it's in the "boutique food" as I call it, area/price range now.

    1. Until I saw the Aldi toast, I had not thought of it in years. But, we never ate it for a meal, just snacky stuff and alone. I will check in Publix and you are probably correct about the location and price.

  3. I used to buy Zwieback to make cheesecake crust with. Graham cracker crust is NOT a favorite of mine. I haven't seen them in years. Now they are probably considered a baby choking hazard and may have been outlawed. My baby boy did bite off a hunk and began to choke. Fortunately I was right there and rushed to his aid.

    It is rarely humid here. Our humidity is nothing like the oppressive humidity in the south, I think here in San Diego we average fewer than 12" of rain a year. At the moment we are anticipating a Tropical storm from Hurricane Hillary. Today we moved everything that could blow away. They predict a lot of rain and strong winds.

    1. Janet,
      I never heard of zwiebeck for a crust. It does sound interesting. I might try that. I never heard of those for teething. But, that means
      It is all over the news, and I wondered about you. I am glad you have your son there for you. I suspect you will get more than a year's worth of rain soon. Hope all is well with you two.


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