Thursday, August 31, 2023

Sugar Today

 Yesterday, when I said the word 'sugar,' Tommy became louder and emphatic, "No, we don't need sugar because we have several bags." Well, this was news to me. Since he is the one always rummaging around in the food, I took him at his word. I told him to put it all by the sink.

There were five partial bags of sugar, not to mention the sugar cannister and quart jar of sugar I had in the cabinet. He put the five bags on the counter for me. 

One bag had about a cup. Two had maybe 2 cups or more. The other bag, although open, still looked like nothing had been removed. In my defense, all these were in a store bag and twisted closed. And, they were over near the table on a chair. 

I emptied them into two Tupperware cannisters until I can get three glass jars ready with the metal lids. I was tired from the trip to Cullman.

When I stepped over to reach for something further along the counter, I stepped in sugar, lots of sugar. The counter had sugar all over it! I managed to clean off the counter, leaving the sink full of sugar, too. When I lifted the last bag that held the full bag of sugar, there was a huge hole in it and it was full of sugar. What a mess! Tommy feels nothing on his feet, never checks for holes in bags, totally oblivious. Someday, he will learn. 

So, the point of all this is that we have plenty of sugar considering I rarely use it and never bake anymore. Plus, I am not on top of things. Tommy does sort things, putting like things together. We have enough sugar to last years. He never uses it for coffee or in any cereal.

We went back to Publix to get the cartons of Pepsi that are b2g2 for Tommy and I shopped some more.

Tonight, we are having chicken cordonbleu and a casserole of zucchini, tomato, onion. It is the casserole that my children loved so much that we had three casseroles of it one night and they ate all three. They were such happy children that night. 

The three pieces of bread had melted unsalted butter on them. I don't use much butter, but on the last bread chunks, I used salted butter and it was much too salty for my taste. 

The blueberries have been in the crockpot all night, way too long. So, I will put them in half-pint jars and freeze some of them.

We went to the usual three stores today to get ads. I was so upset at one store, I just left. A witch works at the CS desk. At the other I bought a grab bag for $2. I will put that up tomorrow.

Dinner: chicken, bacon, ham, spinach; casserole with zucchini, tomato, onion, bread. This was hearty and filling and delicious. I gave Tommy my bacon and ham.

Tommy was filling his plate within five or six minutes of my removing the chicken dish and the casserole from the oven. Yet, he microwaved it. The casserole was burning my mouth, and I dipped mine first. He is obsessed with the fact he thinks all food must be boiling hot before he eats it. He ruins the food I cook. I am insulted.

The air is so dry that my hair is blowawy frizzy. It was still in the upper 80s and pleasant. However, the ac runs continually. 

Do you use much sugar, bake much?

Do you ever find you are overrun with one pantry staple like sugar? 

Do you know anyone who must have food microwaved until it is excessively hot?


  1. My husband is like that. If his food is supposed to be hot, he wants it hot as lava. If it's a drink and supposed to be cold, he wants it like ice.

    The only reason we keep sugar around nowadays is to make the hummingbird nectar. We're both sugar free for over five years.

    1. Alice,
      Hot and cold is one thing, but like lava is just unnecessary!

      That is great you are sugar-free and for so long!

  2. I use most sugar for hummingbird nectar and making jelly. Some baking at holidays but not a lot.
    I want my food hot when I eat it - not burn my tongue hot - but hot.

    1. Cheryl,
      Hummingbird nectar is mainly what my sugar makes. Oh, his is scald your tongue hot.

  3. We don't use too much sugar anymore for health reasons but I keep some around. I keep it in a sealed container because I spill things LOL. Have a good weekend.

    1. Vickie,
      I know the spilling problem. Mine would get hard as a rock if I left it open for long.

  4. I LOVE chicken cordon bleu. I do not bake with sugar. I use Stevia for sweetener in most things.


    1. sassybear,
      LOL, I did not eat the bacon or ham, so I suppose I only like part of it.

  5. I recently bought 20 lbs of sugar and will buy more. I am the grasshopper who stores goods to give to the ants who don't think beyond the end of their noses (I helped out many a neighbor during the Great Toilet Paper Shortage). So it's really not excessive. And it keeps forever if stored properly.
    Like the rest of you, I've got hummingbirds that need feeding. I will do anything to help those sweet, buzzy little angels.

    1. Sue,
      Good for you, Grasshopper! I did share lots of food when I lived in Cullman, but none during the shortages.
      I was not faithful filling up the hummer feeders, but I did have lots of flowers they fed from. My sugar will stay moisture-free in the Ball glass jars. So, I never worry about having too much.

  6. I can relate. I often find a few half-empty containers of the same thing and combine them into one. Happens a lot.

    1. Urspo,
      I would not do this with something like flour, but sugar is okay.


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