Saturday, September 2, 2023

Good News for Carb Lovers + Lemon Tree + Pumpkin

 I have mentioned before that potatoes are better for a person after being cooled. Now, it seems rice and pasta are included in the good news. They can even be reheated and still retain their resistant starch. But, you can read it yourself. What do you think of this? I have never eschewed these foods completely, but severely limited their place in my diet. I don't intend to go crazy with carbs, but maybe I can eat a few more without damage. Tommy is not giving up potatoes ever. But, that's okay. 

About potatoes in the form of French fries--we no longer buy them. He ordered those for both of us once a week. Now, it has been months since we have had a combo. I started refusing a burger combo. Then, I stealthily left my fries and tossed them because he always insisted that I should let him eat them. 

Good news for carb lovers

Will this article change the way you prepare and eat potatoes, rice, and pasta? 

If you see or hear information refuting this article, I would be amenable to considering new advice. 

I was shocked to hear Jimmy Buffet died! 

We went to Lowe's to figure out why my lemon tree has not had a blossom. It has been watered, been in full sun, fertilized and still no blossoms. There has never been a blossom on any of the trees in Lowe's. So, I brought it back home.  

While I was there, I bought a pot for it instead of the black nursery pot and a 15 inch fake pumpkin. It is so light that I will need to anchor it on the porch. I do hope it is an outdoor pumpkin. Nothing will be bought for Halloween this year. When I had chickens, I collected other people's pumpkins used for porch decorations and fed those to my hens or cooked them. Here, the garbage can is the only option.

Today, the temperature had not even reached 80F by noon. Worst of all, there is no sun! Now, at almost 8 pm, it is 78. It's been a dreary day but not inside. The weather is pleasant, but it makes me sad for the weather to be cold and the time change so it is darker.

Tomorrow, I will plant the carrot seeds! There is enough sun and heat here on the front porch to have at least one harvest of carrots. 


  1. I grow lemon trees in North Florida.
    There are different varieties of lemon trees.
    Some must mature as long as 3 years before they bloom.
    I am growing Meyer lemons.
    Lemons can bloom more than once a year.
    I have blooms and lemons on the trees together. They also need a citrus fertilizer.
    I hope that helps a little.

    1. savannah,
      It helps. I have no idea how old this tree is. I have Meyer. And, I never heard of citrus fertilizer. I even read about them and did not see that! This info helps a lot. I thought about getting a lime tree, too. I cannot wait to see a bloom! or a lemon. Thank you.

    2. The smell of lemon and orange
      blooms are intoxicating!

    3. savannah,
      Wow, cannot wait for a blossom!

  2. I love carbs but i'm trying to reduce them, I'll never cut them out!
    Hopefully your lemon will bloom, we have a Meyer which technically belongs to my son. It fruited very well this year and it's probably it's second or third year

    1. kylie,
      I have cut back lots on carbs. But, probably will not cut them out for good. I have so much hope when I hear about lemons blooming.

  3. Not changing my cooking or eating. I cook and eat what I want for the most part. I am healthy, almost 69 and been doing what I want all my life. No plans to change now! Have a good day!

    1. Cheryl,
      I am happy for your good health. I had no problems either, even with tests. Then, I was not so healthy. I ate fewer fast food items until I moved here.

  4. That's an interesting article, but I would like to see some scientific proof, such as carb/sugar/fiber measurements of these items both before & after they have been cooked and cooled. And how they raise blood sugar. Haven't seen any rigorous studies like that yet.

    I do treat myself to regular carbs once in a while; in fact I just had an open-face tomato sandwich on toasted artisan boule and it was glorious. Are you having any tomato sandwiches on Keto this summer, Linda? It's such a treat!

    That said, I still won't eat a lot of carbs. I feel so much better when I don't. Especially pasta and cereal. I sure do wish I had your good genes, Cheryl! While I do have longevity in my family on both sides, there is also high blood pressure and diabetes. Can't ignore that heritage.

    For the 2-3 times/year I make pasta salad, I use chickpea pasta and TONS of chopped veggies, with a little protein as well. Sometimes I just make myself a chickpea/veggie salad and call it good becaue it's just as tasty and less work. For potato salad, I will buy a small container of premade and augment it with tons of chopped veggies. I figure the veggies offset the carbs somewhat.

    My Meyer lemon, after sending out hundreds and hundreds of blooms over several months (it really went nuts!) is ripening a total of FOUR lemons. LOL!!! They are about 2 inches long and resemble limes right now; they turn only yellow as they finish. I do use citrus fertilizer; it could use another hit, actually.

    I wish you the best of luck with your carrots! Mine, despite being a dwarf variety, never took off in their huge pot. Neither did my baby radishes. But that's gardening; you win some and lose more! LOL!!

    1. Sue,
      I have read this same type information for carbs, only this time it extends the same benefits from just potatoes to rice and pasta, also. I have not increased my carbs intake as I am just being cautious.
      I had some BLTs earlier, but the market tomatoes were mealy. I did have a tomato sandwich, a T sandwich, I suppose. It was a childhood favorite.
      Now that I have heard about Meyer Lemons, i am more hopeful.
      There is nothing to lose with planting the carrots right now. It is so hot here in the South. They only need to grow four inches. How hard is that? lol.

  5. good luck with the carrots. When I grew them I grew the purple ones; always good for supper conversation.

  6. Well, I read the article but I am not certain that I understood it. It seemed to be lacking a lot of critical information.

    I have been prediabetic for close to 20 years. I do eat carbs but in moderation. I doubt if I would ever be able to give up pasta or garlic bread entirely.

    My best friend came down and spend a night and day with me. That night I served TicTok pasta. I don't know if you have ever seen it on line. It is a very simple dish consisting of cherry tomatoes, shallots, several cloves of garlic, olive oil and a block of feta cheese. Of course salt & pepper, I add red pepper flakes. Just before serving I add fresh basil. You place the above items in a baking pan and place it in a rather hot oven (400) until the tomatoes have burst. In the mean time you cook some short pasta, like penne. When the tomatoes have burst and the cheese is soft you stir it until it makes a creamy sauce and then fold in the short pasta. If the sauce is not creamy enough to suit you you can add some reserved pasta water or more olive oil. I add the fresh basil just before serving. It is so simple, tastes good and makes the best leftovers a leftover it is an even better carb according to that article!

    1. That sounds really good.
      I have read other articles similar and more through, but this one expanded to include pasta and rice.

  7. There are a couple of short videos made by a medical doctor refuting the resistant starch theory:

    He has probably hundreds of videos on reversing diabetes. I like them because they're mostly short and straight to the point. He's a little bit country, and a whole lot down to earth. I met him at a low carb conference a few years ago and he was just super nice.

  8. Alice,
    I obviously deleted your comment...slippery cursor. Can you comment again?


Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...