Sunday, October 1, 2023

Over the Top and A Bee in my Bowl

 As I was sitting and waiting for Tommy to come out of Belk's, I saw an over-the-top outfit on a guy. It really was quite impressive. He had on brown kilt, leopard print dress jacket, leopard print tie, leopard print leggings or something. Yet one leg was wrapped, I think. That leg covering was white and he had on white shoes that looked like Italian leather style. The other shoe on the foot with the leopard legging was a leopard print shoe. His tie was leopard print and the shirt was brown. He had a leopard print fedora. THEN, 40 feet from the Belk door, he pulled out a leopard print parasol/umbrella. I was impressed. Seriously, it was sharp if not unconventional. 

I was especially impressed that every iteration of leopard print was an identical print. He had not just put together this outfit from different prints that were almost alike. The prints and fabrics were identical. 

I really wanted a picture, but I was on the phone and could not get off to get the shot. When Tommy came back, I told him I wanted to wait until the guy came out so he could see and I could get a picture. He said, "Okay." I was shocked when he put the car back in park. He was going to indulge me, plus, he was interested. He has a kilt. 

When I was unboxing the rice bowls, I winced, sucking in my breath a bit and dropping a bowl back into the padded box. There was a honeybee in one of the bowls. I was looking more carefully and realized it was a pattern on the bowl. Cute! However, the other three bowls in the packing box had no bee. I was disappointed and checked to see if I missed the others. No, nothing except for on the one bowl. Since I had a box of three ad a box of four, I went on to the next box. Only one of the four bowls had a bee. Interesting. 

Since it is Saturday, there is football. UGH! But, he enjoys it. Okay, we had a good laugh, but that is another story. I will relate that another day.

Fruit on the Bottom yogurt has always been a favorite of mine, especially blueberry. Since I cooked the five pounds of frozen blueberries, I have enjoyed yogurt and blueberries often. I never had the bought blueberry yogurt often because it was too expensive. I buy a quart of Daisy Yogurt and mix them for a nutritious treat and cheaper than the bought combination. 

Do you eat your yogurt of choice with fruit to taste like the fruit on the bottom or mixed fruit yogurt? 

Have you ever seen a leopard print kilt outfit?

A bee in your bowl? Would you wince a bit?


  1. The bee bowls sound cute. The man in the tiger ensemble? Eh, not so much. I wonder what went through his head that morning as he got dressed.

    I eat zero sugar yogurt (Oikos Triple Zero), so I do not add fruit to it because that would negate the whole point of sugar-free yogurt. I do like to add a couple of tablespoons of grain-free granola (Trader Joe's makes a good one).

    But a bowl of yogurt swimming in blueberries sounds delicious! Full-fat vanilla yogurt. Mmmm!

    Last night I went on a bender and had a little box of frozen cheesy rice & broccoli and a slice of toast and half a cup of vanilla ice with Hershey's syrup. Lordy, I haven't eaten that many carbs at one sitting in years. I don't know what the problem was; I was starving and just couldn't get full. I should have eaten just protein, but the craving for carbs was so strong.

    I woke up at 4am with swollen, aching hands, a mouth as dry as the Sahara, and sciatica running down my right leg. That's how my body punishes me over carbs. That's what I get for my stupidity. The body keeps the score--and gets its revenge!

    So today it's nothing but protein, veggies/salad, and water/tea. Fun.

    Wishing you and Tommy and all your readers a nice Sunday! Watch out for bees in your bowls and tigers at the grocery! LOL!!!

    1. Sue,
      I do imagine that guy had that plan in place well before he got up that morning. I loved it.
      Strawberries in yogurt is much better than sugar! The blueberries are scrumptious over yogurt!
      You must be very good at leaving off carbs. But, it causes sciatica and swollen hands? I don;t understand.
      I would hate to give up fruit.
      The one bowl with a bee has me stymied. There has got to be a reason.

    2. The carbs/sugars cause muscle, joint, and nerve inflammation. It varies, but the effects on me are profound. That's why I have to be careful about low carbs and proper hydration.

    3. Sue,
      Thanks. That is amazing. I wonder if that is part of the cause of fibromyalgia.

  2. I eat yogurt with fruit in the bottom and plain yogurt to which I add fruit. I also like to take the protein shakes and add frozen strawberries whizzed up in the blender for a very good frozen treat. I can't use a straw right now thanks to a tooth extraction, but it is my favorite way to drink/eat them.

    1. Belinda,
      That sounds like a good treat. I hope the extraction hole heals well.

  3. I eat yogurt plain, I don't like fruit in stuff like yogurt or jello, LOL. it's a texture issue with me

  4. I would say the outfit sounded way over the top unless in a promotion or production of some sort. Different strokes!
    I am not a fan of fruit in yogurt at all - just flavored yogurt.

    1. Cheryl,
      Yes, over the top, like I said. But, it was still appealing.
      The flavored yogurt is good, but too much sugar. I just like yogurt.

  5. When I eat yogurt it is plain and I add fruit to it.


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