Monday, February 28, 2022

Decluttering the Storage Unit Starts and Sunday Cooking

 I rented a very small unit and convinced a guy to help me move stuff from the large storage unit into it. He just had to put it on a sort of flatbed cart in the storage facilities to push it from one unit to the other unit. Time was a biggie for him. Yet, he went to the wrong storage facility! So, that was my fault when I have told him before which storage place I use...all my fault. You can see how the whole ordeal started. 

The idea is to put things in a space where I can work at my pace to sort boxes and empty the ones completely or of things I do not want. If he put those in the small unit, I can sit in there and work at a table with Tommy's help or not. But, nooooo. He thought putting the things I wanted to keep over in the small unit was best so it did not have to be moved back to the large unit. 

That makes absolutely no sense. When people put things in the large unit for me, sometimes things were only stacked a foot high. Yet when the last of my belongings were put in, they had to be stacked 6 feet high in some places! So, things were and mostly still are stacked against the door with no place to sit or table to work. Nothing was boxed, not my idea, so stuff is stacked in huge bags. The boxed items were mostly in a very small storage unit. It is a mess that was out of my control. The city workers did as they were told. I had no say. 

The plan is to get rid of the small unit as soon as I have cleared out room to sit in the large room with Tommy and a table and work. I will keep boxes, scissors, packing tape and a Sharpie in the unit from now on. Yes, this will take a long time, but it has been here for over two years with no progress. Now, progress starts. 

There is a dumpster outdoors for trash. Other things can be sold or given away. But, I had to start somewhere. I am not dragging it to Tommy's house and then have to do something else with it. This will take months! But, the process is started. 

Friend is going to have a conniption fit when he has to move things back like a sewing machine in a box. I cannot make decisions when anyone is challenging every decision--"a machine, why do you want to keep a sewing machine?, what are you going to do with these heavy-duty extension cords?" This went on and on for a little more than an hour. 

He was in a hurry, but when I said the extension cords were for the generator, he went into detail as to how to connect a generator to the breaker box. I no longer have a generator and had told him. Tommy does not do electrical work, nor do I, yet we listened to his speech about exactly how to do this. I did interrupt a couple of times, to say we could not do that kind of work. My complaints did not deter him at all. 

He was in a big hurry, telling me to hurry up and decide what he was to carry to the other unit. Yet, he would not shut up to let me think. He kept pointing at things and naming them and saying he would carry that. Can you see how I wanted to kill him? Yet, in spite of his needing to go, he stood in the other unit where Tommy was and complained about how I was doing the move. Tommy said he did nothing but complain! Yet, he had time for that. I had Tommy stay in the other unit, sitting on his walker because I did not trust guy to throw things down or deliberately destroy something. 

That is my plan and I have started. I do not want to explain anything to anybody, anywhere. The only thing I have asked has been if I can hire someone to come for a few hours at a time. I cannot sit there for 12 hours like my friend suggested! He complains I need to get up earlier, get there earlier, work for 12 hours and just get it done. I would not last that long, neither would Tommy. And, then we would have to drive home in the dark and be exhausted. He knows my health problems, sees me walk and try to get up from the walker, yet he presses and accuses me of not getting medical care. 

I finally got him to shut up when I said he was stressing me out, causing heart palpitations and we had to leave and go home. If you hear I died in my storage unit, know it was his incessant carping. He did not say one pleasant word! 

That was our Saturday along with the stop at Publix and other store, eating in park that is finally open. Just writing this was stressful! 

I will pay more for someone who just moves things and does not challenge every decision! Have you ever had a project that is sabotaged by someone's mouthy refusal to listen? And, you get off-the-wall suggestions and continuous arguing and challenges? He set his own price--$10/hr.

Sunday evening, we cooked meat! Tommy used the utensil to cut and chop 1.5 lbs of ground beef, 93%/7 %. I put the chicken Italian sausages on the stovetop to cook for his eating pleasure. Then, I put a packages of chicken tenders and a package of Perdue chicken breast chunks in a cooking bag and put those in the oven. His Italian sausages will stay in the refrigerator. I will freeze some of the tenders and chunks for later. All our meals this week will include the newly cooked proteins. We still have leftover vegetables and several bags of various salads. All the proteins were given to me. Several of the salads were free, too. One dead salad had to go. 

He had some of the spaghetti sauce that was just too spicy for me. He wanted it on tacos. (it did taste like spicy taco seasoning) He thought we still had the soft tacos. I had the hard, shaped tacos. So, he put sauce on some ground beef, put a huge pile of salad and some cheese on top, then broken up tacos on that and was happy. He added other things, but I forgot what. 

On Monday, I will freeze two of the sausages, a portion of the chicken, and possibly some of the cooked ground beef. There is too much to eat before it starts to go bad. 

Then, he just went in and washed the skillet where I cooked the Italian sausages, the pot where I let the beef stick, and later went in and washed the cookie sheet where the cooking bag leaked and the juice had burned. He could have waited until later. I was not even thinking about his washing dishes. He waited for the cooking bag in order to take out all the garbage, especially meaty garbage. 

We are a good team!

Have you ever had a situation where a paid helper/friend harrassed every well thought out decision you made and affected your health and progress?  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Prices for Groceries and Gas

 I decided to buy more Hunt's Petite Diced Tomatoes. When I went to the display up front, there were no tomatoes like I wanted, just other iterations that were left on sale. So, I went to the aisle to determine if any were left there. No, none like I wanted. But, I found one with no sodium. I didn't know this was an option. 

So, I went up front and an employee I have known for about seven years from my shopping there helped me by going through the display for more of the "no sodium" variety. She found one can. Then, we went to the aisle and she found two more by moving a bunch of cans and looking behind them. Too bad. 

Since she remembered helping me the Thursday before, I ventured a question. I asked her if I could trade the ones that were "Petite Diced" for the "no sodium" variety. She agreed if I had a receipt. I did not, so she searched the records for the purchase. She came out and asked a manager if I could return them without a receipt. He agreed. Then, I asked if I could trade them if the sale were off. He agreed. 

When I arrived at home, I still had the cans in a store tote bag. I looked inside, and there was the receipt! So, I am gold. I can trade them with no hassle.

The regular Hunt's Petite Diced Tomatoes had 200 mg of sodium. Hunt's No Salt Added Diced has 15 mg. That is significant difference in sodium. I will still have the other dozen cans with 200 mg of sodium. But, I can use one of each in soup. By using one can of each, I will reduce the sodium from 400 mg to 215 mg. I am overjoyed with any reduction in sodium. By using two cans of NO Salt, I will reduce the sodium from 400 mg to 30 mg. 

I looked at the receipt I could not find but found in the bag. I paid $0.72/can compared to the $0.98/can at Big Box for a saving of $0.26 on each 26 cans. This sale is still on at Publix here and in Cullman. You need to check your Publix for the sale before you go. I bought 26 cans, so my savings over the lowest price was $6.76. 

I also went to another store. After paying $5+ for 18 eggs, I paid $3.59 for the same 18 eggs. I can eat these all or cook with them, so there will be no waste. 

On Friday, Tommy had to pick up a med and said he was going to see where gas was least expensive. He paid $3.12. Saturday morning gas was $3.19. When we went to Cullman on Saturday, gas was $3.14.. Before we left town, the same gas was $3.39. When we got back to Hueytown, most stations were higher than when we left town. It's horrifying. Murphy's, one of the places in Hueytown where we found the $3.12 price was still $3.12 when we came back on Saturday. 

What good deals on grocery or gas have you found lately? Do you try to avoid full-price groceries like I do?

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Trifecta and Bradford Pear

I wrote this in fits and starts at several sittings. 

Friday at noon, the weather is miserable. It is cold, damp, and there is no sun. Plus, I want to wear my summer nightgown in complete comfort. Yes, that is not happening. So, I have on a poncho to watch TV.. Last winter, I needed something more on to be comfortable. So, I took my cheap throw and cut a slit in it and popped it over my head. It is perfect! It keeps my neck and chest and back warm while sitting or walking around the house. It really does not cover my arms from the elbow down, but while sitting I can pull my arms and hands under it. The slit does not negatively affect its function as a throw to put over me. 

I am too busy to write more this Saturday morning.  

Okay, Saturday afternoon and I have been gone all day! My daffodils at my house are in different stages. The ones that have been there for decades are still in the same stage of blooming as they were last week. The ones by the road that I planted are in full bloom. The tulips in with them are about 4 inches high. The Yoshino Cherry in the yard and the redbud are not in bloom yet. I think my redbud was ripped down with the house. 

All along the interstate are flowering trees, white and delicate. They must be Bradford Pears. They don't have the classic shape, but they are thwarted by other young trees they compete with for space. The trees are quite a surprise, a pleasant surprise! The surrounding trees are still a boring brow, dead looking. 

Today, the weather was just a bit warmer than Friday, just as damp and some sprinkles. 

I found a better bargain for the Hunt's Petite Diced Tomatoes, but that is for another post because I am exhausted. 

Because Bradford Pears are an invasive species, as bad as a noxious weed, South Carolina and Ohio have banned the sale of it in nurseries. Do you have a Bradford Pear?

Thursday, February 24, 2022


 We went to Cullman today, leaving here at 9:30 AM and arriving here at just before 4 PM. We got a lot done. His knees hurt and my feet are swollen! 

~~ delivered Pepsi cans and tuna-type cans to friend to give to mutual friend so she can turn them into money for her septic bill. Also gave her water bottles to recycle. 

~~went to my lot where hundreds of daffodils are ready to bloom. These have been in the yard prior to 1977. The ones I planted in a sunnier place are in full bloom. Tulips I planted several years ago are up about three inches. 

~~Publix had the Hunt's Petite Diced Tomatoes I had bought at BIG BOX for $0.98/can even cheaper-bogo, $1.74 for two, I think. I cannot find the receipt. So, that would be $0.87/can. I had already decided to buy more 10 more, so this saves me a bit.

~~I found butter once again for $1.50 lb. and bought all six packages on the shelf. They had more in the back, but I just got the six pounds. I don't bake a lot. Bought reduced package of Rice a Roni stir fried rice. Tommy will like it. I might, but thought it would be something different. I have plenty of vegetables for it and will add some meat for a whole meal.

~~paid my property taxes at the courthouse. 

~~ate at BK

~~stopped at Verizon to find out how to get to voice mails. Once I knew to hold down "1" to get to voicemails, I set it all up myself.

~~went to PO

~~went to bank

Dinner on Thursday night--thinly sliced chops from a pork loin, zucchini leftover from last night, carrots baked with chicken last night, leftover turnip greens. I love leftovers! 

No, I did not win the PCH! Have the scammers called you? It was 75F nice. What is for dinner at your house? Is spring showing up yet?

I Won the Publisher's Clearing House Contest

 You know that is a lie! But, the guy called and I played along. I only have to get a Visa Card with $500 on it and call him back. After that, $2.8 million will be mine along with a new Mercedes. Of course, I am not getting any card with $500 on it, and I am not calling him back.

This Site has many people calling to complain of the same call from the same number. 

I suppose I will have to stay poor, but not $500 poorer. I hope no one falls for this, but I suppose someone will. 

Have you received this call?

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

SALT WARS Wednesday

 If you want something really delicious, try orange juice in your Coke. I love it. I think half and half is what I drink. I have not had it in ages because I don't need the caffeine or sugar. 

I have been wanting a Domino's pizza for weeks. We had one Tuesday night--large with double sausage on one side and double mushrooms on the other half. Tommy despises mushrooms, so he gives me the mushrooms that accidentally fall on his side. Wanting the full experience, I had a Coke and now my heart is beating too fast. I don't do this often. The pizza was sooo salty! 

Speaking of salt, I now have SALT WARS, by Michael F. Jacobson. I don't salt foods I cook but realize I probably get too much salt. Take the pizza we had tonight, for instance.  I put a smidgen of salt in my oatmeal and about 1/4 tsp or less in slaw. The book was new and I could not find it used, so I bought it. I don't need to be convinced that too much salt is a killer. But, I bought the book for the political contents, the forces that keep companies saturating our foods with salt, and for my health. 

When I was 36, I decided to quit using salt. I did. When I was standing in a line for blood pressure checks, I was telling someone about limiting sodium, how I ate (and still do eat) blackeyed peas without any salt or other flavors. After about 30 minutes it was my turn. My blood pressure was 95/55. The nurse said, "That is what your cutting down on sodium has done for you." 

I clearly remember when I was 12, I decided I would not eat the salt my family seasoned with and consumed. I was the only family member that did not put salt on watermelon, green apples, and sliced tomatoes. Gradually, the rest of my siblings followed my practices. I have always wondered why I decided to change my eating habits. I had no clue that sodium was a problem at twelve-years-old.

I am writing this on Tuesday night There are tornado warnings again tonight. After last Thursday, this makes me wary. However, the chance of losing the electricity seems lesser this week than last. At least, I hope so. We have lights! If it gets bad with wind like last week, I will keep my lift chair reclined with footrest up. At least, I can relax with feet up. Tommy refuses to take this precaution. However, I would let him use my chair for sleep. He knows that! Okay, charging my book light, preparing for the worst. `

I also received two more books. I bought a book about moths. I leave moths alone unless they are in the house. Last year, to my horror I learned that a pretty, white moth in the yard would soon become a pest and attack my garden. Now, I will know what to leave alone and what to kill.  The third book today was one I won from a blogger--Letters from an Iowa Housewife.  This is from Robyn's Simple Life. Thanks, Robyn! 

It is wonderful to have plenty of reading material. I still am working on the box of books a friend sent me. Right now, I am reading Salt Wars. The moth book is a browsing type book with lots of color photos. There is a lot of text, but I probably won't sit down to read it like I will the other two books. 

Wednesday morning

I slept well after several days and nights of fractured and poor sleep. I have not heard the news yet, but as I went to sleep we determined there was little chance of weather problems here, unlike the high chances last week. 

The grocery ads are out for the week, and there seems to be so few bargains I need. Bananas, bread, milk, and a bag of salad is all I need. Only the salad is on sale. I forgot that the bread I use is on sale, so we won't be making the trek to the bread store. 

For the last two days we have had to use the ac. Tuesday evening, the temperature in the house was 78! Spring is bursting through! 

The doctor has never told me to reduce my sodium intake. I just do it. Mostly! Except when I don't!  Are you guilty of over-indulging in sodium laden foods? How have you cut back? 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

 I decided not to make salmon croquettes on Monday night. A chunk of meatloaf in the freezer along with a bag of instant mashed potatoes and turnip greens was dinner. I went to sleep in my recliner and was staggering when I awoke. The meatloaf was easy and delicious--thaw a bit and microwave. 

It rained all day long. Tommy opened the door once but did not go out. I just stood on tiptoe and looked out the fanlight. It seemed damp inside all day. ugh

There is something wrong with the new cell phone. I called Dr A and Dr B showed as the person calling me back. However, it was Dr. A's office and nurse. I have never had this happen before. This is very inconvenient! So, I suppose I will have to take the phone back. 

Several days ago, I uncovered a blue ribbon I won in 2017 at the Cullman County Fair for some dehydrated produce in a canning jar. The ribbon might have been for canned tomatoes. I have no idea how it got here, but I am not complaining. It may be the only ribbon I have won in my lifetime that I still have. I have been winning ribbons and trophies since I was eight. And, they were not participation ribbons and trophies; I actually placed and won the ribbons. I have no idea how it got here.

Little by little, I do get things done, so it seems I am always behind. Monday, I found a box of dark brown sugar. Since I had a quart canning jar with about half a box, I emptied the whole new box into the partial box in the quart jar. I don't use enough brown sugar to keep it fresh in an opened box, so it must go into a canning jar. Even an unopened box with the heavy plastic liner will eventually gets hard as a brick. Glass works well to keep brown sugar soft.  

We finally got the turkey breast into the trash. It was already thawed when the electricity went off. I was too afraid of it to take a chance on eating it. 

 A FRIEND DIED! Diane was a wonderful person. This news was a shock. She was only a year younger than I am and died of a heart attack. 

Since I like Coke and Tommy loves coffee, I decided to try a can of Coke with coffee in it. The Coke is mixed with Coke at the plant. I did not mix them. Finally, I opened it and took a sip, my last sip. Tommy refused to even taste it. It was horrible. Have you ever tasted Coke with coffee?

I slept 30 minutes Tuesday night, Now, it is time for a nap.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday This and That

 The paperwhites I planted are growing every day. Forsythia are blooming all over. A pink magnolia is in full bloom. Daffodils are blooming. Spring is here and winter just won't let go!  Of course, the dandelions were only absent for about a month this winter. They have been in bloom here for weeks. ugh

Over the last three weeks when we have been in Cullman, Tommy compares gas prices. It seems they do not creep up or slowly go down in price, as is usual. There are jumps of 5 to 10 cents. Then, when we get back here, the same thing happens in one day. I don't think I have ever seen these kinds of changes in gas prices. 

My friend, L, down the street, said she heard barking, yelling, and growling as she was going to her car. She looked around and saw a dog and man rolling around in the street, getting all dirty. There was another man running away. She thought the dog was hers since it looked almost identical to hers. She was terrified and ran to see if her dog was in her yard. It was, but she thought the dog fighting a man could break down a little dog gate she has, so she put her dog inside.

Then, she tried to get in her car and the bad dog saw her. The man was yelling, telling her to hurry and get into the car. She was more terrified and could not get in before the dog came near. The man finally got the dog away from her and took it away. She said the man had a heavy chain wrapped around his arm several times.

She is of the opinion that the man beats the dog and that he raises bait dogs. The other man who ran away in fear, finally came back out in the street after the dog was on a chain. I feel very unsafe now. She also feels unsafe. A neighbor of hers who lives behind the guy said that several mean dogs are in the back yard. Every few days, guys in several cars come and take dogs away. Maybe we should carry bear spray to get into the car? 

THEN, when I told Tommy, he said a teen neighbor boy came by the house with his dog on a very large chain! I don't know what to think.

It's raining and the radar map is covered with rain, over the whole area, Mississippi to Georgia. I suppose we won't be going out today.  When I went to Verizon on Saturday, I had to leave because I became so tired. Sunday, I went back and finished getting the phone set up. Tomorrow, 3G goes away. 

There are phone calls to make, so I had better go and get those done. Plus, I have misplaced my Guaifenesin and my chest is getting more congested by the day. Plus, there is laundry to put and even though it is not even noon, I suppose I ought to think about dinner. There are no leftovers! Booo! Tommy threw out the rest of the cabbage after he ate most of it for dinner. I am not sure why he did that. He washed the pot it was in, so maybe he wanted to get the pot clean. But, I did not question him. 

Okay, I am thinking about having salmon croquettes for dinner tonight. Those call for mashed potatoes. I won't be peeling, slicing, or dicing. My hand would not survive without severe pain for days. 

What are you having for dinner on Monday night? Will it yield leftovers? Leftovers are the highlight of my life. How important are leftovers to you? Do you complain about leftovers, or do you rejoice like I do?

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Seven Hells and Tornado Weather

 First of all, I am tired of blogging. I suppose I am sick of typing every day! There is nothing else I am missing or not doing. I just dread the idea of doing this. I will probably not stop. 

Thursday, we had known for a week that bad weather was on the way. But, it often just blows a lot and the conditions, rain and wind, keep us off the road for anything. Thursday was different. Our location was at the edge of the polygon for tornado path. We also knew that 4 pm should be the start of our problems with the storm moving through quickly. 

About 6:15 pm the wind was terrific. The lights blinked once, then again and again. I knew it was the end, so I started my lift chair to get up. Once the footrest went down, I only used it for a second or two more and struggled to get up with it slanted but not lifting me too much. Tommy was in the kitchen with his lift completely up. 

Since it was dark, I rushed across the room to get his led lantern. I turned it on and rushed as well as I could to the bedroom to get my lantern. I did yell for him to stand still while I brought the light. It was pitch dark where he was standing. 

So, we both had lanterns. That fact was the highlight of the next few hours. We looked through the door light and just saw rain and trees thrown about. He left the door open and I saw the neighbor across the street and one down out with a light. Actually, I only saw a light. Tommy looked out by opening the storm door, too. He said a tree was down on this neighbor's mother's vehicle. So, we knew how we lost power.

Then, I started fretting about the lack of cooking facilities. Tommy has gas, but an electric stove. I started, well, continued my lobbying for a gas grill. Finally, he said, "I thought you said you could open a can of green beans and eat them cold?" Well, I was not in the Finally, I ate ciabatta bread with a bit of butter, then half a hot Diet Coke Caffeine Free, then a can of tuna. Tommy had peanut butter sandwich. We lived. 

We listened to Barry Manilow on my boombox cd player. Then, we listened to the radio, something on NPR. I read with my booklight--some sort of book about words. 

Both our chairs were stuck very slanted, Tommy's more than mine. We were both hurting. At midnight this became a problem and we were hurting by then. Tommy tried to put his feet on his walker. That hurt, then he tried putting a plastic bag full of stored bags on the walker. That still hurt. I offered to put the ottoman in front of him. He rejected that idea. 

He tried sitting in the one chair I bought that does not lift. He did not like that. He even said he thought I would not let him sit in it. Oh, so not true! Finally, I offered to let him use my chair that was not so slanted. His feet were still hanging. Finally, I fixed the ottoman so he could use that. It worked. He said he slept about two hours all night and fitfully for most of the night. 

I had suggested he try to sleep in the bed with me. He cannot get on and off the bed and the two of us going to the bathroom all night would have been a nightmare. 

After we settled ourselves with the lanterns, saw the downed tree, and decided this was an all nighter, I to out more light. We have a set of three candles that use batteries. I took the tallest of the three and put it on the back of the commode. We did use the lantern to get to the bathroom, but this was just a bit of security. It seemed less treacherous to have some sort of light to illuminate the way. 

I have the round touch lights and plenty of batteries. I had batteries in one and put batteries in another and gave one to Tommy. We both had these and the lanterns right by our elbows. Tommy really liked these. He told me he used his to go to the bathroom. I could not understand. He said he held it over the commode so he could hit the commode. ??? He said he could not hold the lantern to see. Well, I am glad he did not drop it in! They are cheap, but still. 

When we left the house, we discovered that his metal shed was on its side. It was rotten and needed to be hauled off years ago, but he cannot move it, even in pieces. The only thing that kept it from completely blowing away was that there is a light wired in from the wall. So, an electrical wired kept it in the yard. The garbage had blown over and some garbage blew out. Many of my plants or pots of dirt had scooted across the porch with help from the wind. The two pots at the turn on the ramp had been blown onto the ramp so we could not walk. There is still trash from other people's yards in our yard. 

The temperature was about 70F before the storm. As the night wore on the temperature dropped to the 30s. We were so cold in the morning and left to get something hot for breakfast. Of course, he needed coffee. Hardee's lost power, so we had to find something else. I hate McD and BK sausage. I don't eat any eggs except those I cook. 

Sonic hamburger was $4.99, so I refused to eat. Coffee was expensive, too. We went to Krystal and ate two burgers and he had cheap coffee. 

I decided the car was too warm to go home and announced my intentions of not going into the house until the electricity was on! I had other things I needed to do. In the meantime, we swung back by the house often. 

As we drove into the neighborhood, our friend, L, was out bundled up with the hood up on her car. I had a thing to jump off the car that did not work the first time. I wanted to return it months ago, but Tommy insisted we keep it for an emergency. We only knew it did not work! So, we stopped and told her we would get ours from my car. 

Ours did not work. She had a broken jumper and finally got that one to work. We were all freezing and none of us had a warm coat, just light jackets. But this is the South! 

Auto Zone would not cooperate and come to the car and get the charger. It is too heavy for me to carry. So, corporate can take care of it for me. YES, they normally are very accommodating. But, this is Hueytown. 

We stopped by the place we bought the chairs to ask about the power packs. The woman who was helping up was not in. Today, Saturday, we will go talk with her. She was telling us about the best thing to get. Hopefully, we can order that from Amazon today. We never want to be in the position we were in today.

I went into Publix to get our lunch--two chicken breasts and pasta salad to share. It was what I wanted. We had hot coke and pepsi from home. We ate slowly and enjoyed the piping hot chicken. At some point during the day, I had a banana. I forgot to get applesauce for the car. Oh, I did get Wheat Things Lightly Salted for a snack and for home.

On February 22, 5G kicks in and neither of my phones will work. My intentions were to get one on Friday, so no electricity was a good excuse. AT&T in Hueytown has never been helpful. I promptly went to Verizon and got the new phone and for the first time since 1953, I no longer use Bell South/AT&T. 

Finally, around 5 pm, we came home. I saw Tommy at the thermostat once when we came in for a bathroom break. When we came in it was sooo warm. He had set the thermostat on 72F. He turned it back and we settled in to sit in chairs that were now working.  

I asked Tommy what we would have done if the electricity was off another night. He said we would go to a motel.  When I came in the morning, he was still asleep in my chair, so I sat in the non-lift chair. He had on a hoodie with the hood up and sleeping. When he went to "bed," he said a sheet was all he needed. Later, after we had heat, he said every time he got up to go to bathroom, he got another blanket or his jacket with hood.  In the bed I was toasty warm and only was chilly when I went to the bathroom. With carpet my feet were not chilly, and in the bathroom, I deliberately stepped on the rugs! I think the seating was the only thing along with how cold it was sitting in the chair with his feet and legs exposed underneath the blanket was the only reason he would have gone to a motel.

Every person on this street and many from the neighborhood were gone. People who had two cars, left in two cars! I know some have relatives. The new people moved in across from us on Thursday. That was a cruel welcome to their new home.

Every time I mention something new to Tommy, he throws a holy fit and is mean to me. But, as time goes on, he softens to the idea. That is how we have a freezer, dishwasher, and the lift chairs, among other lesser items. 

So, once again, I mentioned a whole house generator. He says nothing. That is a good sign. I have even been surreptitiously shopping online and talking to two friends.

When we stopped to help our friend with her battery, she came to the car saying, "Seven Hells! That is how mad I am." AT&T had disabled her phone, also, to try to force her to switch to 5G. I had been ranting about this to her, also. When I went to AT&T, she came in. When I went to Verizon, she was in there changing her service! 

The thing that was the most worrisome for me was losing what I had in the refrigerator and freezer. We got home two hours after the electricity came back on. The first thing I did was go to freezer and refrigerator. Everything in both was frozen solid. Only bread had ice crystals. So, I am not sure if the frozen items thawed all the way or just got a little soft on the outside, or what happened. I do know that I will throw out the chicken breast that was thawed completely and ready for the oven. 

We are drinking the milk until it tastes funny. I will use some of it when it goes bad for chocolate milk and make some buttermilk. But, I doubt I can save five half-gallons! The cheese stays. Not sure about the brie. I cannot find anything that looks like it got so warm in the freezer that it sagged and refroze, like the blueberries. I did throw out canned chicken that needed to go anyway. Tommy had been eating it on salads.

We can survive a minor outage. We can live with cold food. But, we are old and need some warmth. I think I see a whole house generator in our future, one with dual fuel usage. My friend told me where he got his for less than $800. When I called him on his home phone for generator details, he answered in Buffalo, NY. He had gone to his father's funeral. He was 104-years-old! 

Okay, we have to go see what kind of contraption that works these chairs without power to the house. Did you have consequences from the storm?

Friday, February 18, 2022

Lunch with Friends

Wednesday, we went to Cullman. Lunch was the first order of the day.  It was too windy to eat outdoors, so we picked up lunches at the church for our friends that go to the lake with us for lunch. They invited us to eat at their house since they knew how careful we are. Their grown grandchildren won't come into their house for fear they will give covid to two nonagenarians. 

It was a very congenial visit. Soup and salad was the lunch. Tommy ate both the soups and I ate both the salads. There were peas in the soup. We had two more of these meals for our Wednesday dinner. Scrambled eggs will be my protein. Tommy's soup has a lot of meat and smelled delicious, but had too much heat for me.  I don't need more fiber today. 

We went to PO, my lot, and two grocery stores--bananas at one and for $0.69/can green beans at the other along with a 2 lb. bag of cornmeal for $0.99. 

I went into AT&T to try to get a new phone for 5G use. No, no flip phones there that are 5G. However, I did pay my bill so my phone would be turned on. Since I have auto pay, I am not sure why my service was turned off. I did not want to debate with them, just turn on my phone! Done. Now, to find the free 5G flip phone AT&T keeps offering me. 

The daffodils that were poking their green shoots at New Year's visits are now fully bloomed. I forgot pick them to bring them home.  My allergies bothered me Wednesday, so I could not have had them in the car. Daffodils are one thing that triggers my allergies. 

When I had my battery replaced in a store in town, I remembered they carried canning items. their lids and rings were expected in six weeks. Well, they were in stock when I checked this week. I bought two boxes of lids and rings. I have had no trouble finding canning jars, but the lids and rings were nowhere to be found. Now, I have enough with what came on the jars. 

Dinner on Friday night--pork loin chop, Tommy had cabbage and blackeyed peas, I had coleslaw with my pork. 

Have you had trouble with AT&T? What carrier do you use? What is your experience with carriers?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Most Hilarious Political Ad on TV--Governor Memaw

 Governor Kay Ivey's political ad against Joe Biden is the funniest ad I have ever seen. Now, I am a Biden fan and hate to add to her insult to him. But, watch this VIDEO to see what I mean. The ad appears to end with words on the screen, but wait for it, the best part ever. Southerners understand.

Kay Ivey's detractors call her "Governor Memaw". I find that hilarious, too, since everyone loves their memaw. And, she has presented herself that way, so the ad follows her mode of speaking. 

This is for entertainment purposes only. I don't intend to start a discussion, so don't try to start a fire. 

I am trying hard not to offend Democrats or Republicans. I do not want to start a fire! I like Kay Ivey.

If you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything.

Funny? Have you seen funny ads this political season?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Small Economy


When I made soup, I wanted Hunts Petite Diced Tomatoes in it instead of just tomato sauce. I found it at the Big Box for $0.98 a can. The soup was great. But, I had a nagging feeling. Did I have enough tomato sauce or diced tomatoes? Would the price rise significantly in the near future? Ah, the agony of deciding!

I checked on Amazon and found the product a bit more expensive. I waffled about what to do. After all, a couple of dollars more is not bad. Finally, today, I had Tommy take the gift cards I had from returning items and buy 12 cans of petite diced tomatoes. There was no electric cart available for me to shop. Oh, I took the label off the one can I had so he could more easily shop. 

Now, at least I have enough for six pots of soup at the present price. The price will NOT go down. The price at Publix is nearer $2. I read that Hunt's prices would rise. 

Of course, your fresh-canned tomatoes would be superior! 

My hand is improving every day. I do practically nothing. Monday, I even asked the doctor to open my water bottle. 

Tuesday was 68F. The sky was clear of clouds with a slight, warm breeze. Thursday there is a possibility of tornadoes. There will be high winds and rain, at the least. I am not looking forward to Thursday. We will stay home, stay in all day! 

Dinner: Wahlburger patty, choice of cooked cabbage, slaw, carrots, turnip greens. Tommy had slaw and a lot of shredded carrots with his hamburger. I had slaw and carrots and cooked cabbage with my plain patty. 


I was in Publix where Hunt's products are bogo. The diced, petite tomatoes I bought are bogo and save $1.47. So, the 12 cans are a bargain. 

Green beans at a store in Cullman have been $0.69 for a can. So, I bought four more cans. 

We just came home and I am tired! I will tell you about the day tomorrow. How is your day going? We have had two weeks, at least of dry, pretty, very warm days. Now, it will storm tomorrow. 

I am ready to plant things! How about you?

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Missing Milk, Doctor Visit, Olympic Lessons, Rainbow Bridge

 On Sunday night Tommy could not find a2milk, but the guy said it would be in the store. He told Tommy it would be there by about 9 am. He called a little after 9 Monday and there was no milk delivered because the milk truck had no a2milk. I called on the way back from the doctor and the milk truck would come back on Wednesday. She suggested calling stores nearby.

Tommy knew where the store on Lakeshore Parkway was located, so we headed there. Publix has wonderful stores, but this one was more than exceptional. I did not know a grocery store could have such clean and shiny floors. The whole place shone! They only had five half-gallons of whole milk in a2milk brand. So, I bought it all. 

We stopped by a Big Box and Tommy returned a sweatshirt for me. There was no electric cart available, so I sat in the car. I always forget to use the gift cards I get, so I quite a collection from this store.

The dermatologist visit was disheartening and enlightening. But, a lot was accomplished. It seems I have a lot of "conditions" with my skin. So, I got lots of meds, prescription and otc. If only these things on my skin did not itch or hurt! I was exhausted at the end of my long visit. It appears I will be seeing him once a month from now on. ugh

As we left the house about 10 am, it was slightly chilly. When I left the doctor's office after noon, it was warm outdoors. The slight breeze was warm, unlike the cold breeze on Saturday. I think temps were in mid 60s on Monday. 

Monday, we were nearby, so we went to the Rainbow Bridge in downtown Birmingham, AL. It was dedicated to an infantry division. Interesting. However, the most interesting thing was a man on a board with only one wheel.  We stopped him to talk. He said the thing was called a "wheelie" so I looked it up and cannot find it. The board was about 18" long. The wheel was as wide as a car tire, maybe wider, very flat, and only about 8" in diameter. So--short, fat wheel. He was very good, riding it about, changing directions, balancing on it while he talked with us. Tommy said it was powered or controlled through his smart phone. 

Dinner tonight: Wahlburger, green bean casserole and choice of freshly cooked turnip greens, slaw, or cooked cabbage. I decided to cook cabbage and had too much for the pot, so I made the rest into slaw with shredded carrots. Both were delicious. I have another cabbage, so I may do the same thing in a day or two--cook cabbage and make slaw. Maybe I will freeze some of the cabbage. 

Tommy enjoyed his Valentine treat--green bean casserole. And, there is a serving for him tomorrow.

I will froze two of the burgers. When I cook the turkey breast, we will have turnip greens, coleslaw, and cabbage plus the turkey breast to eat for the rest of the week. 

Monday was uneventful other than the traumatic dermatologist visit and the far-flung search for milk and the man on the Wheelie. I have not done much and my hand is getting better. I took a nap because I could not keep my eyes open. What is with that? I barely remember putting my head down on these nap occasions. 

Watching the Olympics has led to questions like "how on earth did people decide a rock on ice and a broom thingy was a good idea of fun?" Then, I have to look it up, find out when this strange-to-me activity started. I have seen this for years and now my curiosity has led me to research it. 

Okay, Tuesday is half over. 

Are you watching any of the Olympics? What is your favorite event? Mine is the ice skating, particularly the dancing. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

The Clock


                                         The oval is 23" x 16", not including the top and ring.

I finally could handle the clock without hurting my hands more, copied numbers from the back, and found the clock I purchased. I will sell things I bought to sell but have not even tried to sell in order to afford this clock. I put batteries in and it has kept time for four days. I have wanted this clock since I saw it over a year ago. Ebay, here I come.

Even though it only weighs 6.6 pounds, this is almost too much for me to hold. I certainly cannot hang it on the wall. Maybe my friend from Cullman will come soon and hang it. 

Sunday night, I realized I had little milk for Monday. Since I had a doctor's appointment in the morning, I needed to drink some milk with my scrambled eggs and not have to worry about getting milk. I was so shocked I had not noticed. 

We rushed off to Publix seconds before dark. I told Tommy to get the milk since I had just jumped in the car and did nothing to be presentable. There was no a2milk at all in the store. This is the first time ever not to find milk my milk! He said he brought me something to make me happy since I could not have milk--two boxes of candy. I was shocked! He is not into getting me anything on Valentine's Day. 

I had made the green bean casserole especially for him since I did not make it for him at Christmas. He was very happy. So, between candy and green bean casserole, we were happy. Yes, this day is going to be low-key.

How about your Valentine's Day? Low-key? Or, over the top? Or, just right?

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Food We Ate

Even though the temp was in 60s on Saturday, the chill breeze made me cold. It was so strange. It seemed that in the middle of the day under a cloudless sky and so warm, I should not be chilled. The breeze should have been more tropical and not like a north wind. I even wore a scarf with a sweater! 

I wanted to look for yard sales and find scraps of two-bys for a project.  I found three yard sales and we looked all around. I stopped at one and think I wasted $1. The house that is being repaired that I have watched for ages finally had someone there. The guy implied I would steal. Nope, not going back there. I would rather buy wood!

The drive was pleasant. There were no crazies on the road, so that was good. Back at home, I watered paperwhites and he later watered the pansies. I got nothing else done, but there is tomorrow. 

I washed the seals for the glass dishes and bowls and he dried. There must have been 30 seals! We are so exciting with the things we do. 

On Friday, I made meatloaf. We had meatloaf and a huge salad with some of the free cheese from The Pig. Today, I cooked a huge bag of chopped spinach. For dinner on Saturday, we had meatloaf and spinach. I fried one small potato in a smidgen of oil The fries were horrible. If I had used an iron skillet, it would have been better. One portion of meatloaf is frozen for another day. That is three meals from two pounds of ground round. We had meatloaf seconds the first day, so it should have been four days of meals. 

I was working in the big freezer, removing a turkey breast and needed to put one item on the counter. Hours later, I discovered I had left meat out. So, that will be dinner on Sunday or Monday. Now, I have a turkey breast thawing in the refrigerator. At $0.99/lb last fall/winter, it is bargain meat. 

When I was looking in the freezer for turkey, I found two pounds of pecan pieces. They weren't lost, I just kept forgetting to get them from the rack on the door. I really want a pecan pie. I will leave off the crust, so it will be a bit less carb-filled. I never made a pecan pie this fall. I kept promising Tommy. 

By favoring my right hand, it is somewhat better. There is still a dull pain in the back of my hand. But, I have used it a bit today. I only folded part of the laundry from yesterday. 

Sunday now

So far, at four o'clock I have done nothing. NOTHING! I managed to sleep 8 good hours, woke, and two hours later took a two-hour nap. What's wrong with me?

Tommy has zero desire to watch Superbowl. Nothing about it interests him. This weekend, I have seen really good movies--A League of Their Own, The Notebook, The Sandlot, and Police Squad with Leslie Nielson. There is not much decluttering to be done with only my left hand. 

Tonight, I will cook Wahlburgers in some onion soup mix, yum. The green bean casserole that I never made for Tommy at Christmas will happen tonight. He wants the fresh turnip greens I cooked last night with this meal. 

This Sunday post is really late. 

Have you seen those movies? Did you like them? The Notebook was off-putting, mostly.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Free Masks and Free Tests

 Going into a big box, I saw a woman standing near a huge cardboard box. I asked if she had a mask for me. She gave me one, said they were new. I asked for one for Tommy. Tommy came along a few minutes later and got one for both of us. Good deal. 

Except I will never use it. The mask is very narrow and unfolds to be wider but not enough to cover my nose and chin. It will barely fit over my lips. It has two rubber straps that are a continuous loop and fit around the head. First of all, the rubber straps would cause me to have a violent reaction and sores on my face and wherever it touched my skin. Then, on each side are two staples that would touch my skin. Since I am allergic to metals, those places the staples touched would cause red sores. I have contact dermatitis and must be careful.

This was poor planning and design. I will give away the four we have not opened. 

As I was talking to a manager in Publix, I saw a "Free Mask" sign. I asked about the free masks, and she said it was three to a person. I took my three and asked for three for Tommy. These are a better design and fit. But, there is still the loop of elastic that goes around the head. Neither Tommy nor I like the two loops of elastic around our head. I can fix that by sewing the elastic by hand to form two loops for the ears and still have the mask tight on the face. I may replace the quarter-inch elastic with the eighth-inch elastic. 

Several weeks ago, a blogger posted a site for free tests. Those were in the mail Thursday. If we need them, we have them. Pandemic supplies take up room on shelves! I am not hoarding stuff, but there are things we seem to need--gloves, sanitizer, masks, tests. And, I have multiples of everything, still not a hoard. Then, there is a cache in the car.

Today is a pretty Saturday and there are things I want to do and need to do outside the house around town. I need to drive my car! We absolutely stay in if it is raining, so getting out in pretty weather is a must. I want a porch so there is something here to do. Standing on the front porch is not much fun. 

How about you? Do you have pretty weather and things to do? How is your weekend so far?

Friday, February 11, 2022

Thursday, Clock, Pain

 It was a beautiful day, no clouds and blue sky. Just a sweater was too much for the warm day. Plus, I had had all of five hours sleep, so I was not so exhausted. 

The trip to Cullman was unremarkable except for the several dead deer and a dead coyote on the interstate. I had a list in my head of places to go. Of course, we went to my lot, bought bananas and cherries at Publix where I went to the bathroom. There was nothing interesting on the Cullman Publix ad like there was the week I found the pork tenderloins bogo. The other store had nothing on sale that was of interest to me. 

Now, I have to make enough money to pay for a very pretty wall clock I bought. The price was too high, but I found it marked down just a bit. It was the last and a floor model. So, I asked for discount on "shopworn" item. They discounted it for a flaw and laughed and sold it to me for even less. I cannot justify spending this money. But, I can sell something to make it an earned item. 

We had a burger and took it to Sportsman's Lake, the lake in the city limits, hoping it was open. Well, the first section was, the commercial section. We managed to park with a view of the lake. 

Usually, there is one mother duck taking care of 15 or 20 goslings. Thursday, the babies seemed on their own. I wonder why they were out alone. Where were their mothers? This was the first time since the first of November or end of November that the park area has been open as they were putting up lights and decorations for a Christmas display.

When I was at the store and bought the clock, I made it clear I could not hold it at all. The women held it on my lap for me. I was so careful not to break it or injure my hands. They understood or at least catered to my needs. They took it to the Rogue and put it in the back. 

Well, when I got home, all that ended. Tommy carried it in and put it where I needed it in front of me. Of course, I was anxious to look it over and took it out of the two bags where it was packed. It was sort of heavy, too heavy for me to pick up. Tommy says it only weighs five to seven pounds! 

The next time I moved my hand after putting it back right in front of me, my hand hurt so that I shrieked. Just moving a finger caused extreme pain. Since I could not use the chair control, I had to reach over to the right with my left hand. 

After I rubbed some Diclofenac on my hand, the shriek inducing pain left just a bad throb and pain. After dinner, I took care with my hand. Today, Friday, I am still medicating it and being careful about what I do with it.

Thursday night, I managed to cut in thin slices four stalks of celery that I quickly cooked. Also made about 1/2 cup rice in microwave. Cooked celery and brown rice added to the leftover soup made enough soup for two cups apiece.

Luckily, having the lift chair kept me from pressing with my hands to lift myself. Last night, I dared not to even fold clothes. I need a nap. 

I have no idea how to deal with my hand injuries. I suppose just using pain reliever is the only way to stop the pain. If this is age-related arthritis, the only remedy is to not get older. So, the pain remains. I won't take pills, just use cream. 

What do you do for age-related arthritis?

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Poop Train

 Wednesday, I got little decluttering done! It is happening but slowly. 

In 2018, trains of poop from New York and New Jersey were brought to Alabama for disposal here. I heard that Alabama had been sent more poop than any other state. I think all states should handle their own poop. It is only 30 miles from here. But, this is a very poor area of the state, not the poorest, but they don't deserve poop so someone else can make money. We don't need POOP TRAINS sent to Alabama.

I thawed two 1-lb. packages of hamburger meat and will make meatloaf for dinner tonight and will have some to freeze. We had something substantial late, so we can eat a bit later tonight, I suppose. 

Four coupons for $1 off 2 Cheerios and other cereals expires on Jan. 11, so today Tommy bought 8 boxes of Cheerios that were bogo at Publix. The bookcase beside his chair looks like the cereal aisle in the grocery. I am working on getting the stash into the kitchen. Progress is so slow around here. 

It's late now, so I need to mix meatloaf. 

Do you want poop trains coming to your state? 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


 Finally, Monday night, Tommy removed the table from the car. It had been riding there for almost two weeks while I cleared space in the living room. I won't keep it here, but for now it works right n the middle of the floor.

I am drowning in paper. The few magazines I have are being passed on for someone else to read. Tommy is going to sort a huge bag of envelopes. 

When I get my side of the room sorted, the room will be cleaned, hopefully this weekend, depending on whom I can employ. I think $15/hr should be enough. The problem I am having is that women first want to know how many sq ft in my house before they can come clean ONE room. Then, one woman said she would bring her sister so they could "knock it out," So, I never contacted her again.

This is not a job I want done as cheaply and quickly as possible. I want it done thoroughly. And, I find that haste does not make for efficiency. 

Now, I need to figure out how to cook lentils. 

Last night, I decided to cut my hair at 3 am. I got the sides cut, layered, so they did not look so draggy. I cut the bottom on the sides. Then, I carefully picked up the rest which was the back. As I sawed cut the back in one huge whack, I knew something was going very wrong. Well, I cut the back off 9". I think there is less than 3 " at the nape of my neck. And, from there it tapers to the front. This would be cute if it was what I wanted. It looks stacked. Not really, though, and I don't have the nerve to try to finish the look. Someone needs to stop me!

I had three scrambled eggs, one sausage patty, and 8 ounces of milk for breakfast at 8:30. It is noon, and I need to eat. NOW....

It has not rained in four or more days and the forecast is for another dry seven days, at least. I am so happy since sun is predicted for the whole seven days. We have a very few things to do outdoors, but at least it will be 60F or better. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Tommy "Cooks" Soup

 He related this next to me on Sunday night. 

When I gave him cans from food banks years ago, he would mix them for soup. He took one of the beef stew cans and opened peas, corn, green beans, potatoes and carrots. He said he put about half a can of each into the whole can of beef stew in a plastic bowl. He stirred it up and heated it a bowl at a time. I felt so sorry for this pitiful excuse for good soup/stew. He told me long ago he did this, but I was just now reminded. 

I had absolutely no reaction to the Pfizer booster. My arm itched and I removed the Band-Aid that night. Once, when I grabbed my shoulder to scratch it two days later, my shoulder really hurt. But, nothing after that. I have never had an injection put into my joint like this woman, the pharmacist, did. I am not a nurse, but is that normal? Putting a vaccine injection into a joint? I have had cortisone injections in my knee joint and into my shoulder once. 

Now, I hear there may be a fourth vaccine. Bring it on! 

The soup I made on Sunday night was delicious. However, I did not have celery which is on sale at Publix. Sunday, I will slice and cook celery and add it to the soup. 

Is the shoulder joint a place where you have gotten a vaccine?

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Highly Discouraged--Small Rant, Kitchen Shortcut Bible

 I need clothing, warm clothing. Big Box was where I was going. Last month I found a sweatshirt and a jacket of same fabric and bought one of each. I wear the sweatshirt over my nightgown because the covers slide and I get cold. The jacket is sort of like a housecoat for me because I don't have one. I had two that were lost.

This house has a breeze! It is not too cold, but there is a constant breeze. It could be because there is a quarter inch gap around the front door. AND, the storm door does not meet the door for the last 18 inches. Right now, I can see daylight around the front door!

I could wash clothes often, but it is a trip outside, down the ramp and up a steep ramp to the carport to the utility/laundry room. I hate being nasty from cooking or it happens! So, Tommy has to do the laundry. He gets anxious about washing every other day. I don't blame him. 

There is no room for my sewing machine yet. I know it does not take much room, but even a tiny bit is not free. So, I buy clothing! Cheap clothing! 

How can a person bring home 9 pieces of clothing and only one piece fit? I have no idea but I cannot get into the dressing room and back and forth! 

Now, it all has to be returned on Sunday and I must do more shopping. No, I cannot stand up long enough to shop in a thrift store. I am very demoralized right now. 

In Cullman I had the friend who was druggy to help me shop. She never tried to encourage me to get or "just try" anything I did not like. Oh, she cleaned for me, how I met her. I need her. 

I could spend the money on weatherizing the doors on this house and would not need so many things to wear to stay warm in this breezy house. But, Tommy wants no improvements to happen, just keep paying high utility bills.

Really, I don't even like buying clothing. AND, I cannot afford this expense. Even cheap clothing is expensive. 

Right now, even though my feet are well off the floor, there is a strong breeze about two feet from my feet and legs to the floor.

On the upside, Saturday was a beautiful day even if it was cold and had biting wind.  The ride was pleasant and people were not driving crazily. That is always a plus. Sunshine makes any day great! 

Okay, I was so discouraged by the events of Saturday and this rant, I did not publish this. Really, the weather, the sky, it was all so pleasing on Saturday! 

But, it is Sunday, so I will visit this bummer shopping trip on you. I needed to complain beyond Tommy. 

Sunday has been a terrific day. I only slept 5 hours but my body said to get up. I did. In 1.5 hours, my body said to go to bed. I did. So, at 2:30 I began the Since then, 2 hours ago, we have emptied dishwasher, filled the dishwasher, watched seals/lids for glass containers, put away lots of things out of place. While Tommy was washing pots and pan and lids and crock pot, I was busy.

There are two large square table, one on each side of my recliner. They are basically where they were when I arrived. The one on the right side was in front of the sofa/love seat. It has since been sort of pulled back beside the recliner. 

Underneath was a cardboard box full of stuff. STUFF! I have been hanging over the edge of the recliner and pulling things out, one piece at a time. I found treasure. This is where the clothespins were placed. Much of the stuff belongs to Tommy. Obviously, I stashed stuff on top. I found my round mirror, the kind that has the little metal legs that fold flat, can be hung, or opened up to sit on a surface. 

The best thing is a book, never even opened, it appears. I wonder where I got this--free books, gift, was it here? I was pleasantly surprised to see it was published by Little, Brown and Company. Teh Little, Brown Handbook is a standby for English language type students who want to learn or perfect spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage. 

I think I got this at the free book place. I have been perusing the contents, recipes and pictures. 

Now, if I only had a bundt pan. 

Sunday is a beautiful, warm day. I have been inside, either sleeping or catching up on things we should have done. It feels good to have gotten such a lot of decluttering done at once and have dishes done. But, here at 4:45, there is plenty of sunshine left to enjoy going out to water the paperwhites. Maybe we can take a short ride. We need nothing at the store. 

After we come home, we make soup. "We" because he will scrape the carrots. He can chop them, too, because my hands still hurt from cutting carrots from last week. At least half this soup goes into the freezer. A turkey or breast still has not been put into the refrigerator to thaw! 

How has your Sunday gone? Snow? Good food? Company? Happy with the little things? Plans? 

I really wish the weather where you are can be so beautiful like it has been this weekend and for the next five days. 

Friday, February 4, 2022

I Can Still See

 An early appointment with a retinal specialist yielded good news about my eye. The scar on the retina is the same. The macula is still pulling on the retina, but no more than it has, scar is no worse. So, no chance of losing sight in that eye anytime soon. And, so far, no need for eye surgery. I can breathe more easily. It is one of the few doctor's appointments I have had lately that was good news. 

About 11 pm Thursday night, I finally planted the paperwhite bulbs in a planter/pot. There were only five bulbs, so I thought a small pot would do. Well, each bulb had a baby or two attached. I pulled those off and added to the pot. I hope that was okay. The pot was not large enough, but they are planted.

We had another little chore, did that and arrived home in time to watch Jeopardy. 

It was 4 pm when I finished the sentence above. Then, I was very sleepy. I managed to turn on my side in the recliner and sleep. An hour later I awoke. It was a long hard waking, the kind where you yawn and groan, trying to wake yourself. 

This day has been so cold. The high was going to be 45F or something near that. That is not especially cold, so I could not determine why I was so cold outdoors, why the car was frigid, why my bottle of water left in the car was still deliciously cold. Well, the high was about 6 am or so. By the time I went out around 10 am, the temps were falling and in the 30s. The wind added to our misery.

We never turn the heat up, but today Tommy put the thermostat on 70. The house seems cold even then. It must be the dampness. We have warm clothes, winter blankets and nothing seems to help me. My nose is running! 

Gotta go! 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Boosted! Cooking, too and Tornado Warning

 It is hard to believe it is Thursday again! After little sleep on Tuesday night, I took a three-hour nap on Wednesday. I needed it and actually felt refreshed, a feeling I rarely have! I did nothing but piddle at decluttering!

Dinner on Tuesday was a hamburger without bun. I had melted cheese on mine. Tommy did not and had collards and a half a potato baked in oven. I had a half potato, too, I think. 

Dinner on Wednesday was a bell pepper half with a good amount of meat loaf, topped with the rinsed-out dregs of a jar of spaghetti with mushrooms. It was delicious. I had the rest of the slaw and the last tiny sweet potato. Tommy had collards and potatoes. I had mashed the potatoes tonight with dehydrated onions and butter and cooked in the skillet. 

That means the only leftovers in the refrigerator are about 1/4 cup collards, 1/4 cup potatoes. So, it looks like I have to cook Thursday.

Plans that did not happen:

The paperwhite bulbs were not planted in a pot. 

The pork tenderloin was not cooked. 

I did not make soup! 

SO SHOOT ME! I promise I will do all three things on Thursday. 

My feet are almost back to normal size. While my feet are not higher than my heart, it appears that having them raised most of the time helps. Plus, a diuretic works very well, too well. 

Tommy went into Publix because I was not dressed fit to be seen. All I wanted was two bananas. I always add, "and anything else you see that we want or need." Well, he came out with two boxes of Honeynut Cheerios and 2 bags of Ruffles. Oh, NO! He said he got one for each of us. He knows I love Ruffles and says he hates them. I have coupons for the Cheerios so I will take the receipt and the coupon in the get a $1 back. 

By the way, I had him get me only two bananas in case I did not like what he chose. Sometimes, if they are subpar for my likes, I only get two, also. 

Thursday, I got my Pfizer booster. Yay! 

The pork tenderloin is in the crock pot. 

In a bit I will plant the paperwhite bulbs. 

After Jeopardy, we will make soup. It is a rainy and damp day. The temperature is not too cold, 66F. but the lack of the sun and a tiny breeze makes it chilly. Just now, the lightning blinded me and the immediate and shockingly loud thunder had me shaking like I have not shaken in ages. My laptop fell off my lap, but I managed to catch it before it hit the floor. Since it is now 70 degrees, I hope tornadoes don't follow tonight.

While I sat waiting for my booster, Tommy found the milk for both of us and a few more things. We bought another bag of very expensive Halos, $5.99 for a dozen. They have not been on sale all year, anywhere. 

I donated and brought home 6 more beanie babies. These will make cute gifts. These are all in pristine condition and have tags and don't smell like smoke. 

There are no more leftovers in the refrigerator except for a smidgen of potatoes and collards. So, cooking tonight will give us more meals and leftovers. The refrigerator looks so empty. I suppose I need to put a turkey or turkey breast in there to thaw.

Okay, a tornado hit south of us. And, shelters in this town are open. Dearie me! Nothing much was happening here until the tornado was reported today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Beanie Babies, Rice Runts, Grocery Ads, Cats

 I went to a store today, mistakenly thinking it was where I bought butter for $1.50/lb. So, I was wrong. 

But, in the meantime, I had not discovered my mistake. On a table were a lot of items and a sign about a scholarship fund. I donated. A pile of Beanie Babies caught my eye. One, a skunk named Stinky, really caught my eye. Well, some of my money stayed there and the BB came home with me. I checked the internet and found lots of listings for Stinky right HERE. And HERE.

Of course, anyone can advertise anything for any price. If they are still listed, they have not sold at any price. I wonder. Prices run from $4.99 to $19, 999. Mine has the Ty tag but not the little plastic tag protector. No, I did not buy Stinky to make my fortune. If I could sell this, I could share it with the scholarship fund. 

I bought these occasionally when they were given away at McDonald's in the 90s. I never set my sights on any one BB. I gave one to my grandson later, a bull, I think.  There are around ten Beanie Babies in storage. So, you can see I was not very interested, just mildly. 

At one craft show, a guy had made animals out of socks, calling them Rice Runts. Did you ever see those? They were rudimentary, painted on faces, just cute. 

The grocery ads came out today and are not so great, at least not for me and what I need and want. And, butter for $1.50/lb. was in Cullman. I have been watching for cherries to go on sale. That may not happen. Halos were $5.99, too high, but we buy a bag and eat one each day. 

Every night, before I go to bed I think the coming day through, make a list of things I need to do. Otherwise, I awake to nothing to do in my mind. This morning is one of those days. I wonder where the list disappeared. 

At my home there were cats in the neighborhood. They liked to hunt in my yard. It was nothing to see cats all day long, if not in my yard, then in other yards. When I first moved here, I kept asking Tommy where were the cats. I have wondered for two years. Well, I found out. My friend said there was a lady who killed cats. Actually, she said there were two but one moved. Sooo, now I know. What kind of person does that? 

Did you ever buy Beanie Babies? How are grocery ads this week at your stores? 

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Our Chairs, Pain, Grapico, Paperwhites


I finally found the lift recliners online that Tommy bought. Notice, they don't have the big, bumpy pillow behind the head. The back is flat. The color is supposed to be Truffle. Tommy says they look brown. I think they look green. I think I copied the brown one here, not Truffle. 

The gray chair above looks identical to the one I bought the same day he bought the recliners, but mine is gray fabric. Notice how wide the arms are. I could put a dinner plate safely on the arms. My chair is massive. The seat was high enough that I could rise much more easily than I could from the love seat. The seat is very firm. The back is supportive. But, it is an ugly chair, big and clunky. I didn't want anything delicate looking, but this chair does not speak to me. It is not my style! If I saw it in your house, I would have no negative opinion. 

If I had known that the recliners would be ready for delivery only four days later, I would have never ordered this chair. It was delivered that day. Since I waited for three months for the recliners Tommy paid for at Laz y boy, I assumed there would be a long wait for the ones we got four days later. It was on sale and cheap, so now we can have 

Several days ago, I had a pain below my breastbone. It continued for about three days and pain moved further down with churning feelings. Finally, I spent Sunday wearing a path to the bathroom. Monday, Tommy thought we were going to Cullman. No, not at this rate. And, I decided not to go today, Tuesday, because I was not sure the ordeal was over. Apparently, I am okay, but it did not want to be on the road and desperately need to find a bathroom. I will stick close to home for today. 

Even taking 100,000 iu of Vit D for months, my Vit D level, was not rising. So, the doctor told me he thought I should take 5,000 iu every day. Walgreen's employees where I go would not get it from otc, so I went elsewhere. CVS is always very accommodating with otc. But, I went to big box and found the brand suggested--Nature Made. 

I could only find 1000 in chewable. I thought they were gummies. No, tablets. They taste like Sweet Tarts to me. Tommy can smell them across the room and thinks they smell like Grapico. I love these chewables. Unfortunately, I ordered what I wanted, the 5,000 IU from Amazon and will soon have to switch to swallowing instead of the tasty chewables that are like candy! 

Yesterday, I put a pot of dirt near the door. TODAY is the day we plant paperwhites!

So, how do you like my new chairs? I don't even care if you don't like them. Do you have any tasty chewables that actually taste like candy? 

Halloween Decorations

 Saturday night, we started decorating for Halloween. I found the ghosts to hang from the dogwood tree. They were wadded and wrinkled, so th...