I awoke on Tuesday morning feeling awful with a slight temperature. However, I was determined to get the shelves in place. I laid around after getting up at 10 am and going back to bed from 11 am until after 2 pm. ugh
Wednesday, I have an appointment to have teeth cleaned but I am not really sure if I can make it or hold my mouth open! So, I suppose I will cancel once again. Allergies are killing me.
Before Tommy's show came on at 3 pm Tuesday, I told him that at 4 pm we were going to remove food off of and around his chairs and move them outside to street. Then, we would put the shelves in place and do nothing else. He was all for that.
I told Tommy that the next shelves I buy will be plastic ones! He strongly agreed.
While he was moving the first two chairs out to the road, I removed the other two from behind the table. I used my torn rotator cuffs and injured back more than I should. The last chair I hoisted and sort of threw it across piles of food on the floor...lol. It landed on food. Tommy was shocked I could do that. Of course, I had to lie down for an hour. And, I still hurt1
Then, I assembled dinner--used small casserole where I had stored leftover squash and onions, chopped two fresh tomatoes and put that on top, put in chopped chicken cooked over the weekend, put cheese on top and put in the oven. It was delicious, one dish and low in carbs and fat.
About 10:15, I took a picture of the chairs on the curb. It was so cold out--57F. Summer weather will return for a bit.
Wednesday morning, I heard something outside that seemed like the chairs were being taken. I came into the living room and saw two of the chairs were gone. I was baffled. He pointed out that someone was coming back for the other two. In five minutes I heard the vehicle again. So, all four are gone. YAY! I hated for them to go to a thrift store when someone could use them.
Now, I am watching the debate and yelling at the TV!
I called yesterday and a application for absentee ballot is being sent to both of us. We both enjoy the voting in person process, but physical limitations and covid19 have convinced us both to vote by mail/absentee ballot.
In the last week, we went to a food bank where I got 3 lbs. bs chicken breast and a package chicken legs and thighs. At the one where I can choose and do so over the phone, I could get a specific number of items. Finally, I said could I have what was left for me in green beans. So, I got five cans of green beans. I also got 2 3-pound bags of chicken breasts, the kind frozen with thin layer of ice and separate and not frozen in a lump. I received two 5lb-bags of potatoes, 2 5-lb bags of apples, 2 5-lb bags of pears, 2 1-lb bags of baby carrots, a box of bars I like, can of corn, can of peas, a dozen expensive eggs, and we cannot remember what else.
Not feeling well has its consequences. Sunday night, the eggs I put in the refrigerator shifted and slid out on the floor, spilling the whole dozen. I threw away four before I realized I could have saved two of those. One of those burst all over the floor. I saved 8 eggs. However, 4 had a dent. So, I washed 4 eggs and put them back in the refrigerator. I took the four dented ones and broke them and scrambled them about 1 am. Yuck, I was tired. So, I actually saved 8 out of the 12 eggs.
The one that broke on the floor still had the yolk intact. I retreated to wait and clean it up. Well, the yolk broke finally. I had to clean it up about 2 am. That was so hard. From now on when I have to put eggs on top of bags of apple in the refrigerator, I am using a rubber band to keep it closed. At least, if the carton slides out, the eggs will be contained.
What we did not like or was too much of the food given us, we loaded it up and took it to poor area of town and gave it all away to one person on Tuesday. She seemed appreciative. We were appreciative that we did not have to waste it.
I had to cancel my Wednesday dentist appointment for about the fifth time. My gums are sore from lack of teeth cleaning! About two months ago, I was willing to buy a new toothbrush since I could not get in to the tooth cleaning and receive a new one. However, GUM brand is hard to find. I was willing to order from the internet, but there were too many kinds to choose the one he wants me to use, that he gives me. I called and asked could I buy a toothbrush from the office. I was told to come by and get a new one anytime I needed one. The woman brought it to the car. So, a small economy.
So, more food is gone and we only have to organize what is here. Some of each thing will stay in the kitchen. The rest will be stored in the bedroom.
At noon today, I was just too ill to even smear pb on bread. We went to Arby's and had a Reuben sandwich. Anne in the Kitchen mentioned a coupon and he had it. I asked for the sauerkraut "on the side" since I only eat a few strings on the sandwich. Less than a tablespoon was used. I brought the little container home and put it in a freezer bag for Tommy to eat with a hot dog some day. So, another small economy. I guess sauerkraut freezes well. ???
I asked him if he enjoyed the sandwich. He said that is was good and something different. He craves something different more than I do.
Then, we loaded up four 5-lb. bags of potatoes, another bag with onions and apples and found a very nice man to take them. He put them in the car with his father and said he was "going right home to cook some potatoes."
Next hurdle? Figuring what to cook for dinner and actually cooking it.
Do you or your person in your house crave something different, or are you the one wanting something different to eat.