It's still Saturday, and I am exhausted. We left the house about 1 pm and arrived home at 5 pm. We needed to return things and decided to do it now instead of putting it off. I really wanted to go earlier, but that did not happen. Gunsmoke was on.
Tommy did the returns while I But, customer service computers or something was down for 20 minutes. An hour or more later, Tommy was going home, nothing else would do. I convinced him to go to another store for the returns. We did and he was out in a few minutes. Neither of the dresses fit and they were too hot. The stainless steel was 18/0 instead of 18/10, so that went back.
I bought a set of reusable snack and storage bags. Hopefully, these work for me. And, I bought a bag of panties. The returns more than offset the purchases.
Sue asked why I am going "no tp." (1) Toilet paper leaves residue, unseen stuff, that makes my lady bits itch! So, there you have it. (2) Canada's old growth forests are being leveled so we can wipe our butts. Using a wad of leaves would exacerbate first problem. Using washable possibilities would still not erase our impact on the earth's resources. However, no tree would have to be cut for my use in the bathroom. And, I do reuse the washables. They add no more loads of washes to my life and are not an additional burden to the environment.
What will I do? I use wash cloths. Tommy has many yellowed tshirts that do not fit him and that were given to him by a cousin. He is not attached to them and they are too small. I may wash them and cut them up. If I had my serger set up, I would serge the washcloths in half.
The washcloths work for liquid. As for solids I need to wipe, I rarely have much to wipe. If there are occasions where there is a lot of residue, I can throw away pieces of t-shirt. Or, I can use tp. I have many packages of disposable wipes, some flushable. NO, we will not flush them. But, we have options for all occasions.
At one point, there was no tp in my house. When my son came to visit, I asked Tommy to bring a roll. He did and took it back home with him when my son and his family left. He said I could keep the roll, but I didn't want it. This time, I will keep tp in the house and probably on the roll.
Too icky for you? Well, I washed gross diapers for three children. It does not faze me at all. I hung the washcloths in the sun and felt they were well-washed and good for reuse. After cloth diapers, washcloths are a breeze!
Tommy won't give up tp. He would need a whole t-shirt every day. So, he won't go there. TMI. I know.
I am still well, although the returns problems have made me very tired, exhausted, in fact. That's ok because I am not feeling ill in the least.
Have you given up tp? What do you use instead? No, I will never use a bidet! Anything under the level of the seat is liable to get peed on or splashed, so not sanitary water. So, bidets are disgusting to me. But, you may use I have enough problems with UTIs, but you can use them. Do not try to convince me.